

It still vivid in my mind when i woke up that i'm in the body of a 14 years old kid name kyle. In my previous life i am the most powerful necromancer and alchemist in history, i accomplished many things and died contented. But i didn´t expect to woke up in another body in another world. Then i found a box in the dump site with a key card...Welcome to trading system as a starting gift you will get a small realm and can bring one person for the time being, And that´s the start of my OP adventures. Join me to build a powerful and wealthy realm and travel to every realm to trade and gather powerful people and treasures.

Dark_raven13 · ファンタジー
69 Chs

Sacrificial altar

He saw some people inside the cells... so he went to every cells and

set them free.

The people who got imprisons inside are all really

skinny, some of them nearly looks like his skeletons already.. it looks

like they really had a hard time inside the cell. 

"Sir, i would like to thank you on behalf of the people here..

because of you we can gain our freedom again." said the oldest of


"Everyone we are all free now!!!"

Happily said of the people he rescued...

"Don't thank me... my boss is the one who you all need to be thank

for! he is the one who command me to be here."

"Please tell to your boss our heartfelt thanks."

"I will... anyway how long and why are you all been imprisons here?"

"We didn't know exactly sir,.. when we felt that there is no hope

already.. we stopped counting.

And for why we are here...some of us have a debts that we can't pay

because of the high interest, and some are offended the beast gang."

These people are really pityfull..no wonder sir really want to eradicate

this beast gang.. they are really rotten to the core.

"By the way.. who is brother Roman here?"

No one says anything...they just all look at each other..

"Is brother Roman not here?"

"Sir, from the looks of it.. the person that you are looking for is not

here with us."

"That can't be! my boss said that the beast gang captured him!"

What i'm gonna tell to sir!.. feeling problematic he still calm himself 

and summon three skeletons..


The people started to panic when they saw the three skeletons that

just appeared out of nowhere.

"Don't be scared.. these are all my robot skeleton soldiers! Its a new

high tech robots now a days! they will bring you all to the surface


He don't have a choice than to lie, so that the people stop to panic.

"Uncle, are those really robots?"

Ask by the youngest in the group.

He only just noticed that there is a kid in the group.

"Yah.. something like that."

"Wow...you are really mighty and rich uncle! how much are those

robots worth?"

"Its like you can even buy it if you will know the price!"

Said by one of the people in the group.

"Bleeehh!!!" the kid replied to him.

Enzo didn't know whether to laugh or cry... this kid called him uncle...

He is still young to be an uncle.

"Ahm...uncle... i don't know if this will help you.. but when those bad

people brought me here.. there is also a man i saw aside from me.

But they brought him to a different place."

"Do you know where they brought him?"

"Before we reach this place, there is a hidden door they went in."

"That's a valuable information! thank you!"

He found a new glimpse of hope again. 

"Ok, everyone follow my skeleton robots! it will lead you all to the

surface safely! and from now on..be careful and not to interact to

some vicious people like the beast gang."

"Thank you very much sir!.."

Then the people started to walk and followed the three skeletons.

He also started to walk and went back to the corridor.. 

"That kid told me that there is a hidden door somewhere here..

but where the hell that door is!"

Feeling hopeless.. He tried to touch the wall incase there is some

secret mechanics that will reveal that hidden door.

A while later...he almost give up when he felt that there is something

different in the wall.. the texture is different.. like its made from wood.

"Hahaha... i found you at last!"

Then he pushed it and saw a stair case going down.

He followed where the stair case will lead him.. and a while later he 

reached the bottom and noticed that the place is a big cave


He walked and a little while later he reached the end of the cave.

At the end of the cave there is a big open space that a big altar with

magic circle inscription on it located.

He saw something laying on the big stone table in the middle of the

magic circle inscription.

Out of curiosity he walked near by it and saw a devastating scene.

He didn't want to get nearer anymore coz he didn't know if the magic

circle will be activated once he step on it.

So he decided to tell it to Kyle using telepathy.

Since they all became Kyle's subordinate,.. all of them can used

telepathy to talk to each other.

Meanwhile on Kyle's part

"Oh,.. i thought you are not scared of me?! why you act like a wet

chicken now!"

"I'm warning you! our leader will not let you go if you kill me!"

While he is scaring Black tiger he heard Enzo's telepathy message.

"Sir, i found a hidden altar here that looks like a sacrificial altar, and

there is something on the altar table that..... much better if you see

this sir."

"Ok,.. i will come there soon.. send me your location and i will be

there soon!"

"Ok sir."

"I don't have time anymore to play with you! so i will end our play

time now!" he said to Black tiger.

"Please don't kill me! i will give you everything! money, treasures

anything you like!" Black tiger anxiously said.

Kyle used his gluttony to devour Black tiger.

"Ahhhh nooooooo....."

Then he devoured Black tiger and read his memories.

While Enzo is staring what's on the altar table he got startled when

someone talked beside him.

"Uncle what's on the stone table?"

"What are you doing here?!?

He was so shocked when he saw the kid from earlier. He didn't even

felt the presence of this kid.. 

"I decided to come back coz i felt that if i stick with you, i will not get


"Leave now! i'm not here to play! where are my skeletons!"

He didn't know why he can't sense his skeletons.

"They are over there.."

Then he look at to his skeletons and noticed that his connections to

them disappeared.