

It still vivid in my mind when i woke up that i'm in the body of a 14 years old kid name kyle. In my previous life i am the most powerful necromancer and alchemist in history, i accomplished many things and died contented. But i didn´t expect to woke up in another body in another world. Then i found a box in the dump site with a key card...Welcome to trading system as a starting gift you will get a small realm and can bring one person for the time being, And that´s the start of my OP adventures. Join me to build a powerful and wealthy realm and travel to every realm to trade and gather powerful people and treasures.

Dark_raven13 · ファンタジー
69 Chs

Promise is a promise!

"Now i know what i really forgot!"

"You can come back there and get your summons then return here,.

Just think the basement then the portal will appear there."

"Anyway, do you even know how to recall your summons?"

"....I don't know sir"

"Every necro have there own summon space...check your status

window and look if how much you can store in your summon space."

Then Enzo checked his status window..

Name: Enzo Kendrick


Job: Necromancy

Power Level: 49/100

Stats: Strength: 30/100

 Stamina: 23/102

 Wisdom: 56/101

 Agility: 25/100

Ability: Undead whisperer 

Summon space:0/5

"Sir i can store up to five summons.." Enzo said while disappointed.

"Don't be sad if you only can store five summons, coz every time you

level up, your summon space will also level up!"

He suddenly remembered his past life undead summons...

I miss my summons! in my past life i have infinite summon space

with lots of different kinds of undead summons.. but because i'm not

a necro now...i don't have my own summon space.. fortunately i have

the system and can buy abilities like the Shadow world! he murmured

to himself.

"Now try it! exit the realm then recall your summons then come back


Enzo followed his instructions then a while later Enzo came back with

a happy face.

"All of you just need to level up your power level and become

stronger! if you all really want to help me.. become stronger!"

"I almost forgot... this is what i promise to give you Arthur."

Then he took out a box and gave it to Arthur.

"Sir.. you don't need to give me something.. you gave lot's to me and

my family already!"

"Promise is a promise!! if i promise something i will try my best to

fulfil that promise."

Arthur opened the box and saw a a blue liquid potion inside.

"That potion is called enlightenment potion.. unlike awakening pill

that can awaken your ability that enlightenment potion can make

normal people without ability to become ability user."

"Sir...thi...this is very precious potion! i don't think i'm worth it to

accept this." Arthur said while shaking...

"You are my first worker and you've done lots for me already so small

reward like this is worth it!"

"Thank you sir! i will work much harder from now on.." Arthur said

while controlling his tears.

"I will also reward you all if all of you will work harder from now on!"


Mysterious secretive place somewhere overseas

"Finis Mundi HQ"

"Archbishop there is an important information came from our spy

from country P!"

"What is it?"

"Our spy sent this message along with this auction list of goods."

The archbishop read the message and saw the list of goods in the

auction brochure.

There is an auction happened earlier that auctioning magical potions

and elixirs! the auctioneer is the Kendrick family of country P. I hired

professional mercenaries to infiltrate the venue and stole the goods but

no one came back! "

"This kind of potions and elixir are not from this world. There is a

possibility that this Kendrick family are not from this world or

someone otherworldly being backing them up!

Send envy of the 7 sins to go to country P to infiltrate the

Kendrick family and get those potions and elixirs they have, then

dispose them cleanly after that!"

"Lord Ustra's legions of monsters will arrive on earth two years from

now or much earlier depends on how much human sacrifices we can

offer to weaken the portal gate seal. So as a blessed member of Finis

Mundi, we need to work hard and eliminate the people who will be a

threat to make that happen!"

"As you command archbishop"

Back to Celestial realm

" Zian and Brad i have a first mission for the both of you! Remember

the number 05 participant in the auction? Find and kidnap him

and his assistant tomorrow... make it discreetly then bring them to the

villa's basement. But make sure that they are both knock out when

you bring them in the villa."

"Yes Mr. Trader! consider it done!" both of them said at the same time.

They both nervous and exited at the same time coz this is their first

mission, so there is no room for failure.

"Good! Arthur and the others bring your families here that you want

to protect.. your family are now exposed because of the

auction, So there is a big possibility that bad people will come to

harm your family!"

"Thank you sir..." Everyone said.

"Enzo you will come with me.. We will go somewhere later! and for

you Kyro can you take care Noir again? i will find someone soon to

help us to take care Noir"

"Brother don't worry, i really love to take care my nephew so do what

you need to do and leave Noir to me!"

"Thanks... don't worry after this i will give some time to bond with you

and Noir. Sniper please look out for them.."

"I will master!"

Kyle startled when Sniper talked suddenly..

"You can talk? since when?"

"When i leveled up while training in the tower."

He look at Sniper's status window...

Name: Sniper[Fenrir] 

Title: Celestial family beast guardian

Power level:72

Stats: Strength:62

 Stamina: 61

 Wisdom: 75

 Agility: 76

 Abilities: Wind slash, Teleportation, Lightning arrow

"Holly molly! Sniper is much stronger than me now! what have they

done inside the tower?"

Then he look at to Kyro... If Sniper is this strong already how much

more Kyro? He has a gut feeling that he need to prepare himself first

before he check Kyro's status window.

"I will do it later when i come back." He murmured to himself.

"Ok...You all can start now what you all need to do!"

Then Arthur and the others exited the realm...

"System i want to upgrade my teleportation to the maximum level."

"Affirmative! 45 million trading crystals deducted!"

Then a pop up window appeared..

Name: Blink

Note: Can teleport anywhere without distance limit.

PS: You can teleport to a place that you never been before.

A while later Kyle and Enzo also exited the realm and they teleported

in the slum area in capital.