

It still vivid in my mind when i woke up that i'm in the body of a 14 years old kid name kyle. In my previous life i am the most powerful necromancer and alchemist in history, i accomplished many things and died contented. But i didn´t expect to woke up in another body in another world. Then i found a box in the dump site with a key card...Welcome to trading system as a starting gift you will get a small realm and can bring one person for the time being, And that´s the start of my OP adventures. Join me to build a powerful and wealthy realm and travel to every realm to trade and gather powerful people and treasures.

Dark_raven13 · ファンタジー
69 Chs

Envy of the 7 sins

Meanwhile in Beast gang HQ territory .

After 3 days, Envy of the 7 sins arrived at the Beast gang HQ. He was shocked when he saw that no one inside the HQ building.. he tried to contact Black tiger many times but no one answer.

Black tiger knows that he gonna arrived today, so he was shocked when he saw that no one's around.

"What the hell happened here? where are Black tiger and the members?" Envy was skeptical because Black tiger will not go anywhere coz he knows that he gonna arrive today.

"This is really suspicious! something happened for sure!" so he checked every building and rooms, he also went to Black tiger's room and saw that its clean and no signs of fighting. 

He rushed to the vault and opened it.. he was enraged when he saw it was empty.

"Ahhh!! where are the relics and artifacts!!!" He can't control his anger so he smashed the things he saw in the room.

He went to the other side of the building where the prison cells are located and saw that no prisoners inside.

Now he is really sure that something happened to the Beast gang.

"Sh*t! the base got infiltrated! i need to report this immediately to the HQ!" He furiously said.. But before he can report it, he heard someone speak.

"I don't think it's the best idea!"

He got startled and turned around.

"A kid? why there is a kid here?" he muttered.

"Oi kid! are you one of the prisoners here? what happened here? where are the people here?"

Envy asked while looking at the kid in front of him, for his estimation, the kid is around 10 to 11 years old only.

"I don't think it's still necessary to know if you gonna die already." the kid said to him emotionless.

"What did you said?!" Envy was taken aback, he didn't expect the kid to said that to him.

" Hahahaha... Boy, you have guts!" the laugh is echoing in the prison basement.

"I think you didn't know that i can kill you instantly! tell me now if what really happened here, so i can give you a painless death and i can add your soul to my collections."

The boy still didn't say anything and just looking at him emotionless, so Envy patience running out.

"I will ask you for the last time! if you will not give me an answer i will kill you!" then he took out his ghost knife that imprisoning the soul of the people he killed.

All the members of the 7 sins have their own otherworldly weapons that came from the devildom realm.

They sacrificed 700 thousand people for the 7 otherworldly weapons that the 7 members of the 7 sins have.

"Oi, boy! what's your answer?!" when he didn't get any answer, he decided to kill the boy.

He don't care if its a kid or a baby.. as long that there is a soul, he will kill it and collect the soul.

"Don't blame me for being heartless! you are just unlucky to meet me!"

Then he ready his ghost knife and rushed towards the boy to kill him in one move.


When he stabbed his knife aiming the boy's body, the kid suddenly vanished in front of him and he only stabbed the after image of the boy.

"What the heck!" Envy said when he stabbed the after image.


The boy appeared behind him and kicked him, he flew and got smashed on the wall.

He coughed and the blood came out of his mouth.

He is badly injured because of one kick, he felt that his bone ribs broken into pieces.

"You... what are you?" Envy felt fear for his life.

He realized that this boy is not normal.

Because no normal kid can do this and hurt him badly with one kick, as a member of the 7 sins they are trained beyond normal comprehension. 

Even though he is the weakest of the group, his talent and ability are beyond normal.. specially Archbishop told him that when the dimensional gates open, he can awaken a very special ability.

But now he was reduced to this state, so he think that maybe he is not really a kid and just using some magical artifacts to hide his real image.

"You don't have a right to know." then the boy extended his hand and made Envy floated into the air.

Envy can't believe that this boy is very powerful.. he can't even fight back.

"Tell me where i can find the main head quarters of Finis Mundi!"

Envy got startled with the question. "How did you know about Finis Mundi?!"

"Aaahh.." Envy suddenly felt an extreme pain.

"You just need to answer my question." the boy said while glaring at him.

"Hahaha.. (Cough) even if you kill me, i will not tell you what you want to know!! but i will give you a warning, you can't stop us! i'm the weakest in the group so even you kill me now, it will not affect my comrades."

"So aside from you there are more huh!" Then he felt Envy's spiritual energy slowly vanishing.

"Tssk.. tssk.. he is dying what a weakling! i just kicked him and he is dying already."

He took the ghost knife and pulled Envy near him.

"You gonna die already anyway, so much better if i can get your soul."

He stabbed Envy using the ghost knife.. the knife released a black smoke that looks like a ghost with lots of soul inside of its belly and pulled Envy's soul.

Before the ghost smoke eat Envy's soul he stopped it and took the soul.

"This soul has a soul imprint on it.. This soul imprint can be use as a contract so that the person with this, can't betray the person who put the soul imprint. It can also be used as a locator, so keeping this soul is not good."

He has no choice than to destroy the soul, he don't have the power yet to break the soul imprint.

He used his power energy and smashed the soul.. the soul shattered and vanished.

After that he put the ghost knife into his space ring.

He saw a shadow coming towards him and noticed it was Sniper with Noir on his back.

"Where the both of you went?" Kyro asked to the both of them.

Then he saw a food stained on their body, so he realized that they went to the kitchen.

Kyro hopelessly sigh, and walked towards them.

"You both glutton! (sigh) lets leave now."

Then the trio vanished in the dark basement.