
I have a dual world seal. (Translated)

I am just sharing this novel. PLzz Vote some Power stones> It Motivates me to Publish This Novel . This novel follows Lu Zheng, a modern man who acquires a jade seal connecting him to an ancient world. He navigates both worlds, leveraging modern conveniences in the ancient era. His goal is to live comfortably and inconspicuously in both worlds, enjoying the tranquility of the ancient world.

Before_Error · 書籍·文学
13 Chs

Chapter 12 Go to the White Cloud Temple again

"Scared me to death!"

Back in the present, Lu Zheng patted his chest and took a few deep breaths.

"Dusk falls, and ghosts come out?"

After taking off the wig and ancient clothes and changing into modern clothes, Lu Zheng dressed neatly and prepared to go out for a walk.

Calm the nerves!

"Zhao Si, are you free to hang out? What, you're watching a movie with your wife and it's about to start?"

"Old Tong? Working overtime? Forget it then..."

"Xiao Lei, you must be free, right? Home for summer vacation?"

After hanging up the phone, none of his three roommates were available. This is really frustrating...

As for other classmates, he didn't feel close enough to invite them out for a casual chat.

Without friends to hang out with, there was always another way to relieve stress.

This method of stress relief was refreshing and invigorating, leaving the whole body feeling great. After a session, it felt like a grand battle had been fought, leaving one pleasantly exhausted and ready to sleep.


Lu Zheng found a high-end, reputable massage parlor and hired a professional masseur to give him a full-body massage from head to toe.

After going home and freshening up, he fell asleep as soon as he hit the bed, sleeping soundly through the night without any dreams.

The next morning, Lu Zheng woke up feeling refreshed and energized, ready to take on the day.

He could even use the light of Qi fortune to enhance his physical fitness again.

"What! Massages can also improve physical adaptability?"

Life always has surprises. Lu Zheng had never thought before about actively reducing the adaptation cooldown period.

"But there's no rush to enhance physical fitness. I still need to visit White Cloud Temple again!"

Encountering a ghost last night, even though he wasn't sure if it was a ghost, he still needed to go to White Cloud Temple again today.

He had to find a way to protect himself, just in case that thing was watching him.

It was already daylight, so those evil spirits shouldn't be able to come out during the day, right? The thing from yesterday also appeared at dusk.

So, Lu Zheng put on his stab-proof vest, grabbed his electric baton, and carefully crossed over.

"Hmm, nothing has changed..."

Lu Zheng looked around and then lifted the pillow, picking up the yellow talisman that was exactly where he had placed it yesterday.

"That thing didn't come last night," Lu Zheng muttered to himself as he opened the door, "Uncle Li!"

"Young master!"

Uncle Li appeared with dark circles under his eyes, indicating he hadn't slept well either.

"Let's go, to White Cloud Temple!"

"Huh, again?" Uncle Li was startled. After encountering a strange creature on their way back from White Cloud Temple yesterday, he thought they should stay home and hide, but now they were going again?

"How can we deal with that ghost without going to White Cloud Temple?" Lu Zheng asked.

"Didn't we already avoid it?"

"How do you know we've avoided it? What if it shows up at our door someday? Aren't you scared?" Lu Zheng countered.

At the thought of a ghost showing up at the door, Uncle Li's face turned pale, and his lips quivered, "I... I... I am scared."

"Then let's go quickly. It's broad daylight, ghosts don't appear during the day, right?"

"Probably... not?"

Uncle Li had no idea about the characteristics of ghosts. Common sense didn't include the weaknesses of ghosts; usually, when people encountered a ghost, they were done for.

So, taking some steamed buns made by Aunt Liu and some preserved meat from home, Uncle Li and Lu Zheng headed to the carriage service again.

Zhang Laoshi's carriage had already been rented out early, so the two of them rented a different carriage and hurriedly left the city again.

"Two trips to White Cloud Temple in two days?"

The shopkeeper of the carriage service looked in the direction the donkey cart had left with sympathy on his face, "They must have encountered something..."


White Cloud Temple.

Daoist Master Mingzhang looked at the talisman in his hand with a solemn expression.

"A talisman for safety, protecting peace. If the corpse ghost didn't show malice towards you, the talisman wouldn't react."

Daoist Master Mingzhang explained, "But when the corpse ghost called out to you, it meant it harbored ill intentions, its aura revealed, which is why the talisman warned you."

"I see."

Lu Zheng nodded in understanding, then immediately said, "Please, Master, save me!"

"Save you from what?" Daoist Master Mingzhang was puzzled, "Didn't you already avoid it?"

"It won't come for me again?"

"Generally not. Since you didn't succumb to its temptation, it will naturally seek others." Daoist Master Mingzhang replied.

Generally not...

Lu Zheng blinked, "Master, won't you act to subdue the demon?"

Daoist Master Mingzhang shook his head with a smile, "The corpse ghost's whereabouts are already obscure. Where would I find it?

Moreover, the way of the heavens has its constants. Since a corpse ghost appeared, there is a reason for it. Acting rashly could entangle great karma, which is not the way of cultivation."

In plain terms, it meant not meddling unless it directly affected oneself. Casual assistance was fine, but specifically taking action wasn't necessary; personal cultivation was most important.

"Alright, thank you for the explanation, Master. But, what exactly is a corpse ghost?" Lu Zheng asked.

"A corpse ghost is formed when a person's body decays after death but the soul does not disperse, then it is corrupted by the netherworld's aura, turning into a malicious ghost that harms others to seek rebirth."

"Harming others to seek rebirth?"

Daoist Master Mingzhang explained, "A corpse ghost, born from netherworld aura, has a hideous appearance and usually resides in tombs or sinister places. This particular corpse ghost clearly has the skill to disguise itself with a human appearance, seeking a substitute."

"The skill to disguise itself? Seeking a substitute?"

"A corpse ghost refines its body by consuming hearts and drawing blood to form a new skin. Once the skin and body merge, it loses its ghostly aura and can live as a human for another hundred years."


Isn't this like an advanced version of a skinwalker?

"What happens after a hundred years?"

"Naturally, it dies a peaceful death," Daoist Master Mingzhang said matter-of-factly.

"It won't cultivate into a ghost immortal?"

"Becoming a ghost immortal is not so easy. One must be a pure soul, refining essence, spirit, and vitality, and finally gathering the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to form a human body. Ahem."

"In summary, young master need not be afraid. The Great Jing Dynasty has ruled for hundreds of years, even corpse ghosts dare not harm people arbitrarily." Daoist Master Mingzhang said.

"The government takes care of it? Or is it the City God?" Lu Zheng continued probing.

"The City God oversees the underworld, established by the government as a deity of incense and offerings, but corpse ghosts are not under their jurisdiction." Daoist Master Mingzhang replied.

Good heavens, Lu Zheng was amazed. The City God was established by the government?

This world is deeper than it seems...

Feeling he had said too much, Daoist Master Mingzhang ended the topic, "Young master is not a cultivator, there's no need to understand these things. Just go home and focus on your studies and career. With the talisman, you can be assured of safety."

"But what if the corpse ghost targets me again?" Lu Zheng asked.

"Then come to the temple, and I will act," Daoist Master Mingzhang said.

"But what if there's no time? Does the corpse ghost have any weaknesses, and can ordinary people defend against it?"

"A corpse ghost is fundamentally still a corpse. Ordinary weapons can kill it, but it is extremely fast and strong due to the netherworld aura, making it difficult for ordinary people to withstand." Daoist Master Mingzhang said, "If you are worried, you can hire guards and equip them with weapons, which should ensure safety."

It could be done that way?

"If you manage to kill the corpse ghost, it is a meritorious deed." Daoist Master Mingzhang added, "If the corpse ghost dies, the netherworld aura will disperse. If humans unintentionally inhale it, they may fall seriously ill or lose years off their life. Remember this."

"I understand, thank you, Master." Lu Zheng let out a sigh of relief and asked his final question, "May I ask, Master, does the corpse ghost carry any luck?"