
The destruction of the flashing gold race

Tang Zhen wanted to get rid of these puppets once and for all. Other than removing all the brain pearls that acted as their internal power source, he could also download an application for emergency use.

[ electromagnetic pulse bomb, destruction radius of one kilometer. Download cost: 10000 gold coins. ]

Tang Zhen had studied the structure of the puppets of the flashing gold race. After his analysis, the technology of the flashing gold race had many similarities with the technology of the original world, and the electromagnetic pulse bomb might be effective.

It was just that this application would only take effect after the puppets had started running. Now that all the puppets were shut down, Tang Zhen couldn't use it even if he downloaded it!

There was another way, which was to kill the queen of the flashing gold race and the others!

Without the glittergold race's control, these puppets would not be able to be activated. This was the most thorough solution.