
I Hate You, Mr. Regan

Aletha is suddenly betrothed to Regan, the CEO of Sky Group where she works by her mother in the middle of her engagement plan with Dion, the man who has been her lover for 5 years. No matter how hard Aletha and Dion try to stay together, Sarah still makes the marriage because only Regan can save her husband from the case that entangles her. In addition, Regan is also demanded by his parents to get married and have children, which is impossible for him to do with his actress girlfriend, Sheren Jasmine.

RitaHawa · 都市
151 Chs

The Beginning of Matchmaking

Pushing the door of Regan's room, her boss, Aletha was very nervous. While walking to his room he seemed to be praying silently so that nothing bad happened to her, because Regan was known as an icy leader, even though his face was very handsome like Arjuna but everyone was afraid of him because who came to his room even always sad ending.

"Sit down!" Regan's words were authoritative but very arrogant and cold.

Aletha ventured to sit down with her heart racing to jump out.

"Do you know why I called you here?" He asked with a face that was so flat and expressionless, making his handsome face look very scary in Aletha's eyes.

Aletha shook her head slowly with a smile that looked very forced, she was just trying to be friendly and pleasant in front of a handsome wolf like Regan.

"Meet me at Luck's cafe this afternoon."

"B... But what do you need, sir? Will Mr. Regan take me to meet an important client?"

Regan quickly shook his head and said expressionlessly, "Just come."

Aletha immediately nodded obediently and she didn't dare to ask any more questions.

"You can go now!"

Aletha smiled brightly when Regan just let her go, she immediately got up and quickly left Regan's room.

In front of the Sky Group CEO's room, Adele stood with a relieved smile upon seeing Aletha come out.

"Tha, you didn't get fired? Or did you get promoted?"

Aletha just shook her head with a flat smile. She put her arm around Adele and led her back to her desk.

Adele refused Aletha's invitation and she stopped in her tracks, "Come on Tha, tell me! Don't make me curious. You know? I've been waiting here for a long time, afraid that you will be executed by Mr. Regan like Sandra yesterday."

Aletha chuckled.

"I also don't know Del, Mr. Regan just said that I was told to come to Luck's cafe this afternoon."

"Ha? Seriously? Well, it seems they've been right all along."

"Ha? What did they say?"

Adele immediately brought her mouth close to Natasha's ear and whispered, "Mr Regan seems to like you."

Aletha's eyes widened instantly because she was really surprised, she quickly denied Adele's thoughts, "That's impossible, after all Dion is better than anyone, never mind we better get back to work."

Aletha left as fast as she could after she said that. Adele snorted in annoyance and jogged after Aletha who had left her.


"Here's a dress for you Tha, Mommy just bought it this afternoon."

Aletha who had just finished taking a shower looked at Sarah in surprise.

"For what mom?"

"Aren't you going to meet Regan?"

"How do you know?"

Sarah casually smiled and replied, "Mommy and Aunt Yura planned it."

Aletha was really surprised and she already knew what they meant. Yes, especially if it's not an arranged marriage, considering that Sarah and Yura's friendship is like sisters.

"So Mr. Regan is Aunt Yura's son?"

"Yes, you're right Aletha honey, what else can be a happy thing in a friendship if it doesn't end up being a family?"

Aletha immediately scowled in annoyance, she plopped down on the chair feeling confused.

"Then, what about Dion? We're even planning to get engaged, Mom."

"You can give him understanding, please don't disappoint Mommy and Daddy this time okay!"

Sarah left after giving Aletha a warm kiss on the top of her head, but it made Aletha want to cry.

"Oh my God, this isn't fair," Aletha whispered between sobs.

At that moment, her cell phone rang, a message from Regan that made her want to cry so hard.

[Ten more minutes, don't be late!]

Aletha exhaled roughly, she wiped her tears in annoyance then got up from her seat, grabbed the new clothes her mother had bought and immediately changed the kimono towel with the short dress.

"To Cafe Luck, hurry up sir!" Aletha orders online taxi drivers.

The driver nodded in agreement because Aletha promised to pay more.

Luckily, Aletha's house was quite close to the cafe, so even though there was a short traffic jam, Aletha was actually able to arrive on time even before Regan arrived.

"If only you weren't my boss at work, I would definitely refuse this meeting," Aletha thought annoyed.

When Regan came, Aletha was briefly stunned by Regan's casual appearance which made his aura of good looks increase, unfortunately that good looks had to be covered by his cold attitude which was so dominant.

Aletha averted her gaze before Regan knew it.

"It's good you weren't late." Regan praised her slightly before he sat down with grace and dignity.

Aletha forced a smile even though in her heart she muttered annoyed, "There's no way I dare to come late, I still love my life."

The waitress came shortly after and handed them some menus, although Aletha didn't even have time to eat anything after coming home from work, she didn't dare to voice her opinion to choose the food and drink she wanted.

Moreover, Regan didn't offer it at all, he was so domineering in everything, so all food and drink was Regan's choice.

The atmosphere turned very awkward as soon as the waiter left. Regan was busy calling Grayson, his assistant. It seems that wherever he is he will not be able to escape from work. Aletha was very bored with such an atmosphere, she was very sorry about this meeting. She then chose to contact Dion via text message.

"Ehem." Regan suddenly cleared his throat and glared at Aletha.

"I'm sorry, Sir." Aletha hastily apologized and put her phone back in her bag.

"I didn't come here on a date, I need to have an important talk with you." His words were cold and arrogant.

Aletha pursed her lips and she nodded.

"Mommy set me up with you, and I just want you not to reject the decision."

"I also know Sir, my Mommy said that earlier, but what about my boyfriend? We'll even..."

"That's none of my business," Regan interrupted quickly. His calm and deep voice actually made Aletha shudder in horror.

She blamed herself for not being careful with someone like Regan. She wanted to cry now.

"You just need to cooperate with me."


"How was your first meeting?" asked Yudha at a family dinner.

"We agreed to be friends first."

"No problem, thank you for being a good girl."

Aletha just smiled bitterly, in contrast to Sarah who was so happy and put a lot of hope in her daughter's relationship with her best friend's son.

"Mommy hope this is a good start for you and Regan's relationship." Sarah said then.

"Ya Tha, don't disappoint us. After all we did all this for your happiness too, Regan is a good and successful person, you must be happy with him."

Natasha couldn't say anything other than putting a bitter smile on her pretty face, she muttered to herself in annoyance, "Well where did his come from?"