
I hate You and love You, Alpha

I was an ordinary girl waiting for that magic that life gives you (of course if you are a lycanthrope) I was looking forward to the day of my transformation, so I could get away from this stupid town and my hateful family, it was what I longed for the most but things Sometimes they don't turn out the way you want, right? That fateful day I knew how cruel a man blinded by love can be, it's a pity that love was not for me, only death awaited me with his rejection

Mikeyla_Roberts · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter 4

"I don't know how the entanglement began. Our bodies were sweating from the excess physical effort. She moaned in my ear, and I bit her skin at my whim. The colors left by my marks were exquisite.

My mind went blank. This man was consuming me. I don't know how we ended up in this situation, nor where we are— an abandoned cabin in the forest, where we surrendered to pleasure, and reason died. His deep and powerful thrusts made me scream; it was my first time, and I felt our wolves connecting. The scent of pheromones mixed with the smell of sex was overwhelming.

"Ana, you're driving me crazy."

"Andrew, please don't stop, don't stop."

The morning greeted us with a terrible sight. Voices were heard from all sides, and Anastasia was still asleep. Anastasia? What the hell did I do? I looked at the remnants of our messy night and regretted it. My memories were blank; this happened during my rut, and... No, it can't be. I looked at her sleeping body, and my marks all over her skin were evident. I sat down to think about what to do when I heard a faint moan of pain.

"You woke up. Is she conscious now?"

"This was a mistake, Anastasia, you know it. I'm with your cousin."

"I know it was a mistake, and you must remedy it, Mr. Andrew. This bond that unites us is stronger than anything. You must give up on her, or we will all suffer."

I laughed ironically. "You think I'm going to leave your cousin?"

"You have to do it, and she's not my cousin, she's, my sister. She will suffer a lot if you don't end your relationship."

As much as I wish it wasn't true, I can't. She's pregnant and stop saying you're her sister; your aunt told me you're her cousin. And I don't want to leave my girlfriend while she's pregnant."

"Pregnant? She can't be pregnant; she's a beta."

"It's unlikely, but the doctor confirmed it. Besides, the only thing that binds us is lust. I'm going to reject you."

"I could die; we must find another solution."

"It's not my problem. You got yourself into this mess by seducing me with your scent. Stop playing innocent and get dressed; we're going to the council."

"You can't do this to me, it's unfair! Let me go!"

"Now you're innocent? How many others have you rolled around within bed, and now you're trying to act dignified. Hurry up; I don't have your time."

"I looked around desperately to find a way to escape, but there was no way out. I resigned myself to my fate, but I wouldn't let them kill me. My life is valuable, at least to me. But no one prepared me for the cruelty of this man in front of me".

"Council members, as the Alpha Supreme of the pack, I should be able to decide without consulting all of you. However, I am obliged not to interfere in this matter since it concerns me".

"How can we assist you, Alpha?"

"It's simple, I am going to reject my mate and banish my Luna. I don't want her with me. I already have a family, and my girlfriend is expecting my firstborn".

"Your girlfriend, is she an Omega?"

"No, she's a beta. There's no problem; everything has been verified, and she is pregnant. For that reason, and the most important one, the woman present here means nothing to me, and I won't let myself be tied down by absurd notions like destinies or red threads".

"Are you sure about what you're saying, Alpha?"

"Very sure, so sure that I don't care if this woman dies".

"His words wounded my heart, and my wolf howled in pain. I didn't even have time to introduce we, and they already wanted to take her away from me. Please, I'll go far away, but don't reject me, Mr. Andrew, I don't want to die".

"Too late for that. I, Andrew Wen, reject our destiny and repudiate our union, Anastasia. I saw pain and hatred in her eyes, and a dull ache in my chest made me stagger. My head was pounding, and everything became blurry. The last thing I saw was Ana with a knife; it was my end".

"I felt the pain in my body; no one could stop that man. My bones were hardening, and I could sense it—I would never be able to shift or meet my wolf, who was suffering. It was already done; I couldn't stop it. I took a knife and made a clean cut on my neck, right on the omega gland. If he wanted to exile me, I'd make it easier for him. If I disappear, everything will be resolved."

"What have you done, girl? Take her to the hospital; Terry will attend to her. Take the alpha to his room; he'll be fine, but I doubt the young woman will survive."

"This was madness, Mr. Lefebvre."

"Not only that, but the alpha also buried her alive. If she dies, he will never be able to die himself. Bring the alpha's mate here; I need to examine her."

"Yes, Mr. Lefebvre."

"Are you sure about this? If the alpha finds out..."

"No one in this room can tell him, or will you? I remind you that you're just an employee. I won't let this pack fall because of the stupid infatuation of an Alpha who can't control his emotions."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lefebvre. I didn't think before speaking."

"Don't worry, that girl didn't deserve what they did to her. Her mother and sister never cared for her. Maybe now she's at peace and can move on. Meanwhile, I'll make those harpies' lives miserable."

"Here she is, sir. She was reluctant to come; I had to bring her by force."

"Don't worry, everyone, leave us. I need to have a talk with this young lady. Take her mother out of here, and you, bring what I asked for."

"I don't know what's going on, Mr. Lefebvre. I haven't done anything, and they brought me here like this. I'll tell Andrew about this; I'm his fiancée, and they shouldn't treat me this way."

"You're a beta, right, Naomi?"

"Of course, everyone knows that I've never hidden it."

"I know, Miss Naomi. Being a beta and Andrew an alpha, you know very well that conceiving a child is 'impossible.' I don't know what story you and your mother came up with, but I'm not that naive."

"I don't understand what you're insinuating. If you wish, you can call my doctor; he can confirm my condition. It's almost a miracle, but it happened. You should be happy for us."

"Unfortunately for you, Miss Naomi, it seems that you're not very good in your studies or anatomy is not your forte. The only way you could be pregnant with Andrew's child would be if you were a pure-blooded beta, which means the child of two alphas or two omegas, and you're not. Don't worry about your doctor; he shouldn't take long."

"I'm not worried; he will tell you the truth. I'm going to have a child with your Alpha."

"We'll see. If you're really pregnant, it could be from anyone, not necessarily Andrew, who is a dominant alpha, did you not know that? From the look on your face, it seems that's the reason for playing with something so sacred. Come in!"

"Here's what you asked for, Mr. Lefebvre."

"Look, here's your doctor. Now we'll know the truth."