
Chapter 19 , Where is Moomal...?

Huzaifa looked at her in amazement. "Ruby for God's sake! And how long will you keep doubting me?" He said irritatingly, "No, this marriage doesn't matter to me, but the day I would find a good man to marry her with, I will divorced her. " Huzaifa told Ruby what he had already thought about many times to reassure and comfort her.

But why the mere thought of her marrying someone else , leaving him , feels so painful and unacceptable...?

But what else can he do...? He can't always tie her up with him. . . When he himself is interested in someone else, when he himself is going to marry someone else.

"I just love you Ruby, and no one else. Please don't underestimate my love by doubting me like this over and over again."

Ruby seemed a little satisfied with Huzaifa's words, this is what she had wanted to hear for so many days, because his such deep feelings for Moomal were like a thorn in Ruby's throat.

She was afraid that one day Huzaifa will suddenly tell her that he wants to accept his and Moomal's marriage. But today , He had dispelled her fear. And with that her fury also vanished into thin air.

"Forgive me ... I shouldn't have doubt you, but you know, until we get married, my mind will continue to mislead me." She touched Huzaifa's hand.

shaking his head He smiled lightly, but that smile could not reach his eyes.

Ruby was about to say something more when the two of them got a call from the director to shoot the next scene.

Later that night when he was lounging on bed, he again thought of calling her , but still her number was switched off.

And with that, his heart started pounding and in his frustration he wanted to smash his mobile on the wall .

What's wrong with her..! How can she be this busy that she couldn't even message him once...?

He was fuming in anger when his cell phone started ringing. As soon as he saw the word Amma(Mother) on the screen, he immediately answered the call.

"Hello Amma, how are you?" Huzaifa said controlling his anger.

After greeting him back, Sughra Beghum inquired about his well-being and talked to him for a while, but Huzaifa was getting impatient to ask her about Moomal. After a while he finally got his chance

"Amma ! Where is Moomal...? Give her the phone , I have to talk to her." His voice was clearly expressing his impatience.

His Mother laughed at his request. "Wow... You haven't even talk to your mother for more than five minutes and already want to talk to your wife...?! do you love her that much? I am feeling very jealous actually..." She teased him.

"Mom... I'll talk to you tomorrow, but please give mobile to Moomal now."

"All right, she's in her room, I'm going there." After saying this, she fell silent and Huzaifa could hear the sound of her foot steps on the phone, and then the sound of opening the door.

"Aunty... "

"Take this... talk to Your husband, he said he wants to talk to you."

After that he could hear the sound of the door opening and closing again.

"Hello," As soon as he heard her voice after whole three days , His anger began to touch the skies again.

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"Where have you been ?! What have you been doing for two days?!, You didn't even bother to send a message...? Because of you These last days i have been in a bad mood ! But you were so busy that couldn't even contact me..?"

"Why are you silent now?!.. ".

Moomal pressed her lips between her teeth and listened to his outburst with patience.

He will never change... Instead of trying to ask if she's alright, or exactly what was the reason for her not contacting him , He directly bombarded her with his anger.

"Will you say something, or you don't even have time to talk to me now." Huzaifa was still speaking in the same angry tone.

"Right... I don't have free time, so i am hanging up." She was already saddened by his lie, and now when she heard his angry voice ,she finally spoke in a frustrated, but low voice.

And this time silence spread to the other side.

She knew in that moment that Huzaifa would be rubbing his forehead to control his anger. And the thought put a smile on her sad face.

"Where's your mobile...?" This time He asked in a soft tone.

"It's not working for two days. I was waiting for you to tell me what model to buy this time." Moomal told the truth. She couldn't lie to him anyway.

Unless her precious feelings are involved.

"What's the matter... has something happened ...?" This time Huzaifa asked worriedly .

"I didn't contact you because of your shooting, I thought i shouldn't disturb you when you are busy." Instead of answering his question, Moomal answered his earlier question.

"I don't think so... Tell me the truth, what's the matter, otherwise I will give up all my work to immediately come home and ask you this question face to face , when you can't lie to me." He Threatened her.

she knew Him well. It was not impossible for him to really leave his work to just hear the truth from her , so she decided to tell him.

"Why didn't you tell me that you are shooting a romantic song with Ruby..?"

Ever since she came home from shopping that day, she has been constantly surrounded by these questions. She couldn't understand why had Huzaifa hidden this from her..? It may sound trivial, but for her it's not. Because from her childhood till today, Huzaifa has never hide anything from her. Even when he saw Ruby for the first time and what he felt for her, he didn't forget to share it with Moomal.

So why now...?

"I forgot ..." Hazifa said in a straightforward tone. But Moomal didn't say anything , Because she knew he was lying.

And her silence was telling him that she has not accepted his reason. .

"You think i am lying...? . Well then tell me why Would i hide this unimportant matter from you...? It's not like this is my first project with Ruby..! we've both worked on a lot of projects before, so I thought It is not necessary to tell you about this , that's all... "

Maybe because of our marriage, maybe you felt sorry for me, that's why. .

"Forget about it , you tell me how your shooting is going ...? And i Did some shopping for you." . Her hand was on her neck as if trying to hold her breath.

"Shooting is going well. I'll be home in a week , Then I'll see what you have buy for me. If you've got a gray shirt again, change it before I come back, you know I will not wear that color. " Huzaifa spoke in a stubborn voice.

How strange it was that hearing his voice she has a smile on her face but at same time his ignorance was the cause of the tears flowing from her eyes.

She don't know how long she listened to him speak.

She had fallen in love with Hazifa for a long time, where she could neither bear him nor be angry with him for long. Where she could neither see him as someone else's, nor express her feelings to him.

It was as if she were drowning in darkness, where the light was far from her, depriving her of every hope of freedom. She was feeling helpless.

Huzaifa began to tell her about the beauty of North Pakistan and his tour , until the battery of her mobile phone ran out.

He talked about everything , But he never mentioned Ruby.

Not even once....

When The first time she noticed this, she couldn't understand his reason , or understand him.


It was almost dusk, but the setting sun was still shining in the sky. The light cool breeze from the beach was calming for the mind.

She was sitting on one of the chairs in the lawn, apparently watching the two birds in front of her, drinking water from a pot of water for the birds.

But her mind was in her own world.

Dressed in a white and pink suit, her loose hair looked like silk around her small face and shoulders.At that moment, it really felt like a sight to behold.