
I Got Transmigrated and Thrown Through Time

I died and woke up as Sanada Seiji with some superpowers beside the Time-Travel. As the clichéd Isekai tropes dictated, I will become powerful, build harem, and enjoy a slow, fulfilling life! ***** [Author's Note!] This fan-fictional work is a short story I write while I am in a slump concerning my main work. Until I recover my motivation, I will write this to entertain my loyal reader. This work is a fanfiction of [The Results When I Time Leaped to My Second-Year High School and Confessed to the Teacher I Liked at the Time] or [Kou2TL]. That story is about Sanada Seiji, a late 20s corporate slave who leaped back and forth in time. He would use his mysterious ability to get the best ending with his love interest that was a beautiful and popular teacher in his sophomore days. That story had 170 chapters (as a web novel) or 5 volumes light novels in total and was quite fun to read if a bit annoying because of the Male Lead's indecisiveness. There is also the manga version. I recommend this series if you like a Slice-of-Life, Romance-Comedy type light novel. To read the English version of the web novel: [https://gakuseitranslation.com] If you can read Japanese or can stomach the produced by the Machine Translation, you can visit this link: [https://ncode.syosetu.com/n4976ea] For the manga, just search it with your preferred search engine on the internet! If you have never heard that story and want to check it out, but you dislike spoiler, I warn you that this story is full of a spoiler for that series. Well, then. Please enjoy this fanfiction work. Yours truly, I Am Not Siscon ***** [Obligatory Disclaimer!] [The Results When I Time Leaped to my Second Year High School and Confessed to the Teacher I Liked that Time] belongs to Kennoji and Softbank Creative, and GA Bunko. The cover art of this fan-fiction belongs to Yasuyuki, which I edited. I only own half of the Male Lead and the changes from canon. ***** If you like this work of fanfiction, please consider supporting me in my Pa treon. There are also advanced chapters in there. [https://www.pa treon.com/515con] ***** Release Schedule: ±10,000 words per week (Number of chapters is inconsistent). My monthly target is ±45,000 words.

I_Am_Not_Siscon · アニメ·コミックス
33 Chs


The day after my date with Haruka, in World History class, the students, I included, are filling out questions for a quiz. Meanwhile, Haruka walks around the classroom to check up on how the students are doing.

Looking at this, she really does seem like a teacher. Well, she is a teacher, though.

I am ignoring Haruka. I have a reason for doing this.

You see, whenever our gazes meet, Haruka will have a bashful and awkward expression. Even if I have [Devil's Luck], I do not dare to tempt Fate. I know that Fate is a bitch. Therefore, I am doing my best to keep our relationship a secret.

If Haruka shows such a maiden-in-love expression whenever our eyes meet, someone will become suspicious. However, Haruka does not seem to think this through. I suppose I must have expected this. She is an airhead, after all.

"Sanada. What is the answer to the fifth question?"

"Hapsburg Family."

Fujimoto asked me, and I answered.


"Sanada-kun, please do not talk in the middle of a test."

Unfortunately, Haruka cut off Fujimoto's words. She gave us a stern warning with a matching expression.

The look that she sent at me screams, "We are currently teacher and student right now."

I ruefully smile. Why was I the only one that got reprimanded? What about Fujimoto? He also spoke up! In fact, he caused it! Such an injustice!

I want to complain, but I keep my mouth shut. Even though I feel aggravated, I cannot complain to Haruka, who is doing her job seriously.

I think I understand why Haruka often said that I am cute when I try my best. Haruka is also adorable when she is seriously doing her job…

Slowly and steadily, Haruka approaches me. It is hard to keep my concentration on my test. I want to look at her and hug her soft and warm body possessively. However, my awareness of the danger holds me back from doing so.

As Haruka is about to pass by me, she crouches down and picks something up.

"Sanada-kun, your eraser."

I blink my eyes, bemused. "Thank you, Sensei," I involuntarily said.

I am sure that my eraser did not fall.

When I check out my eraser… yup, it is still there.

Ah. Now, I understand. Something like this did happen in the story.

I check out the eraser and find that it is a brand new one. Furthermore, there is a folded paper slipped there.

Even though I know what to expect, I am curious about what is written there.

According to my memory, the original Seiji did not know the answer. But, I have no problem with this quiz because my [Enhanced Intellect] burned the information in my memory.

I carefully get the paper and read the message.

[That was correct. Seiji-kun is super smart~.]

I slightly shake my head, amused by the childish message.

[Please don't do something like this again! We will get into trouble if someone finds out!]

I wrote that.

Then, I call Haruka.

"Sensei. This is not mine."

Haruka, who stands in front of the podium, blinks her eyes before approaching my desk. She stops to look at my test before showing an amazed and proud expression.

"Wow, you have finished your test!"

That was not an act of a teacher! Nope. That was an action of a gloating girlfriend!

You can see such an expression on the face of someone who is boasting their lover's achievement, alright!

I want to palm my face, but I must endure. I cannot show a suspicious act. I must not do unnecessary actions that can tip off anyone of our relationship.

"Thank you," I curtly replied.

Haruka notices the note and then discreetly opens it. The next moment, her face pales. She has the expression of a child that got caught doing something wrong.

(Can't she be more obvious?!)

Haruka sends a pleading, apologetic gaze at me.

(Forget it! I must resist face-palming! Must resist! You can do it, me!)

After resisting the urge to face-palm, I give Haruka a stern gaze and signal her to return back to her job with my eyes.

Thankfully, Haruka understands my gesture and follows my quiet instruction. She seems sulking, though.

(Is she a child?)

Well, she is like a child most of the time, though.

After that, the test continues until the bell rings.


"Seiji-kun, I am so sorry. Please don't be angry with me! I promise I will not repeat it again!"

Haruka apologized as she sat in Seiza on the floor. I am sitting on a chair in front of her.

I severely scolded her because of her carelessness in the World History class a while ago.

Now is the lunch break. Coincidentally, today is another day that Haruka can use the World History Prep room for our clandestine meeting.

Anyway, I silently stare at her. Haruka shrinks further under my severe gaze.

After a few moments, I release a resigned sigh. I cannot stay angry at Haruka. My feeling for her is so deep that I cannot be mad at her for a long time.

"You are forgiven this time. Keep in mind that we must keep our image as a teacher and a student in the school. Well, except for the lunch break in this place. Got it?"

Haruka furiously nods her head at my reminder. Whether it sticks or not is unknown, though.

In truth, I do not want to make Haruka upset. I want to make her happy. However, I remind myself that I must keep a tight leash on her because of her personality.

Haruka is an emotional creature that can easily get carried away. If I am not strict, I may get swept by her momentum, and it will be bad for both of us.

On the other hand, I feel that it was funny. According to my memory about the original story, Haruka was the one who was angry at the original Seiji. However, the opposite happened here.

Well, my existence has changed many things in this life. I am sure that Canon has gone FUBAR at this point.

Death to Canon, yay!

Still, it makes me feel curious about what is going to happen when I time-travel to the future. What kind of life am I going to find with my plans and determination to get them through?

After that, Haruka sits on her usual chair.

Then, we enjoy our lunch as if what happened was only an illusion.

I hope that Haruka hasn't forgotten about what happened.

Yup. I can only hope for the best and prepare for the worst…


A few days passed after the "Secret Message" incident and the following scolding I gave to Haruka.

My daily routine, more or less, is set.

I wake up early, do my workout, go to school with Sana, and have classes until the lunch break. On certain days, I have lunch together with Haruka in the World History Prep room. When we cannot use that room, I ate with Fujimoto, or sometimes, Sana.

After school ends, I return home with Sana. In the evening, I will help Sana with her study and homework before playing some games with her. After that, I will exchange mails with Haruka until late at night before I go to sleep.

Today, after the fourth class ends, I quickly head for our rendezvous spot. Just like usual, I enter the World History Prep room while being wary of my surroundings. After I entered the room, Haruka usually would have said, "thank you for your hard work."

However, today is different. Haruka is staring at me with her alluring bed eyes.

When I see her thirsty eyes and flushed face, I want to push her down, bend her body on the desk, and plow her from behind until she screams my name in ecstasy. However, I restrain my lustful desire and hide it behind a calm mask.

"Is something wrong?" I raised my brow and asked.

"Earlier, I fished this off of Sakai-sensei's desk," said Haruka as she showed a paper to me.

Sakai is my homeroom teacher. I was confused when Haruka mentioned Sakai out of the blue. Then, I see the paper and understand what she meant.

"That is…"

It was my Career Survey.

Haruka has stolen it from Sakai's desk. Or so, it seems…

"This is Seiji-kun's career survey. I have read it."

Haruka's eyes were full of passion when she said to me. It seems like I am not the only one who is resisting our primal instinct. Haruka is also enduring her desire to jump on me. At least, I think so after seeing her fidgeting and troubled appearance.

I suppose it was understandable. From Haruka's perspective, what I wrote there would make her over the moon and turn her on.

Speaking of my Career Survey, I filled it with,

[I will go to a good university, graduate early, marry a girl I love, and have children with her while making her the happiest woman in the world!]

Admittedly, I am super serious despite how it sounded.

"I see… So, you have read it…"

I feigned my embarrassment as I approach her.

After I got closer, I quickly move my hands and pinch her cheeks. Then, I stretch them out.

"Then, can you tell me why did you steal it from Sakai-sensei's desk? Hm?" I asked with a cheerful tone, contrasting my sadistic look.

"Abababa… Heihi-hun. Relesh mhe! Sthap! Ih hurths! Sthaph, puhhese! Sohhy! Puhhese, sthaph!" (Read: Awawawa… Seiji-kun. Release me! Stop! It hurts! Stop, please! Sorry! Please, stop!)

Haruka helplessly flails her arms as I stretch out her squishy cheeks. Meanwhile, I watch her with a flat look.

http://bit.ly/IGT4ToC for advanced chapters!

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