
I got reincarnated in the world of One Punch Man

Warning: The story is exceedingly dark and contains explicit mature and gore scenes. Don't be surprised if the name of the main character in this fanfiction is the same as that of the main character in my other fanfiction. Because they are the same person, but I made it appear that there is another multiverse in which my main character reincarnated into various Anime worlds Q: Rather than having to separate them, why didn't the Author combine them into a single Fanfiction story? A: It would be extremely inconvenient and confusing. Do you really want to? For example, reading fanfiction where the main character travels to another Anime world every few tens of chapters. Q: Rather than using the same main character, why doesn't the Author create a variety of unique main characters for each fanfiction she creates? A: I genuinely think it will be troublesome and exhausting. After all, I want my main character to have the same outlook and nature. I have a Patreon where I post many NSFW illustrations of various fanfiction characters I've created, and you can also get access to 20+ early chapters ahead of time; your support is greatly appreciated. patre0n.com/Instamoist

InstaMoist · アニメ·コミックス
176 Chs

Where is the monster? What happened to Lily?

- My Pov -

After parting with Mosquito Girl, I started to follow Saitama's footsteps, and it was easy for me to track his position with the help of the system, and even though my body was still a bit shivering from the previous incident, I still decided to move on. After all, I needed to find out what Saitama wanted to do later.

When I say "incident," of course, I am referring to the time when Saitama found out about my connection with Mosquito Girl. At first, I was a little scared that he would instantly rush to kill Mosquito Girl, who is essentially a monster.

But the fact that he is ignoring both of us indicates that he is preoccupied with something more important, and I think I already know what it is.

When I noticed Saitama's current position stopped in a little forest in the Zeniru mansion area, I didn't find it surprising at all.

"The Paradiser, huh."

"This mean, according to the original plot, Saitama will encounter Sonic, and at this point, the only thing that's been changed is the attack that was launched by the House of Evolution."

In all honesty, I don't care about the rivalry that Saitama and Sonic will have, and even if I'm a little curious about Sonic's ninja birthplace, I can look into that some other time. Therefore, I think it's best for me to leave Saitama alone for the time being.

After making that decision, I then flew away to check the situation elsewhere, where Genos and the Armored Gorilla fought fiercely, and judging by their battle, I already knew that Genos would win.

"I'm so curious about the person who changed Genos's body into a cyborg, and if I'm not mistaken, that person is Dr Kuseno, and If possible, I want to meet him someday."

When Genos is beaten and returns home broken, Dr Kuseno will fix and strengthen it as if preparing Genos for the next plot. This leads me to believe that Dr Kuseno is a form of one of Genos plot armor.

'So I'm curious, what will happen to Genos if Dr Kuseno suddenly disappears or even dies? Will he be able to survive the plot that he will face next, or will he become independent and repair and strengthen his own cyborg body.'

"Whatever it is, I don't really care either," after saying that, I took one final look at the fight between Genos and Armored Gorilla, and then I went to a different place.


"Even though I know I stand out in this battle suit, I'm sure these people won't pay too much attention to me, right?" I said hesitantly, but after taking a deep breath, I started to care less about that.

Along the way, I came across several individuals assisting injured people while dressed in black suits. These individuals appeared to be on high alert for potential attacks by monsters at any moment.

"There's no mistake, they are indeed members of the Blizzard group."

As soon as I was aware of that, I hurriedly checked the system that allowed me to locate Lily's current location, and sure enough, the system showed that Lily was in this Z city, not too far away from where I was.

Because I was slightly worried, I hurried to that location, and when I got there, I was taken aback by the sight of Fubuki battling one of the creatures from the House of Evolution.

While everything is going on, Lily and the one guy, who I'm pretty sure is a hero, are standing off to the side, watching everything unfold with wide-eyed wonder on their faces as Fubuki is gaining the upper hand in this battle.

As I landed on the roof of a building not too far away from them, I commented with a smile beginning to form on my face, "I'm pretty sure this Beast King is the second strongest monster in the House of Evolution."

No wonder the Hero Association is feeling a bit overwhelmed because, in my opinion, the House of Evolution can deal with Class B heroes easily with Armoured Gorilla and Beast King alone.

"Poor Fubuki looks like her pride will be hurt a lot after this," I said with a bit of mockery when I saw Beast King survive in the storm vortex created by Fubuki.

However, I slightly raised my eyebrows when I realized that Beast King intended to deal a heavy blow to Fubuki. So when Fubuki's body was smashed into the rubble with great force due to the Beast King's punch, I immediately used my teleportation ability and appeared right in front of Fubuki to catch her body.


Fubuki, who seemed to be in anguish, could only close her eyes while her body shook, and she didn't seem to have noticed me yet, and we were both in this position for quite a while.

Even when I removed my helmet, Fubuki still didn't want to open her eyes until she finally started to feel something strange.

"Kaiser! Why are you here!" Fubuki yelled out in shock as she opened her eyes and stared at me, and before I could even answer, she realized that she was currently in my arms and hastily tried to break away from me.

"You want the monster to notice us?" I spoke it in a quiet voice while covering Fubuki's mouth, and all of a sudden, she seemed to start remembering something and calm down a little bit.

"hmmm... mmmh..."

Seeing that Fubuki wanted to say something, I began to pull my hand away, and Fubuki instantly said in a concerned tone of voice:

"Where is the monster? What happened to Lily?"

"Look, Lily is over there," I replied while pointing at Lily, who was now standing stiffly in the middle of the road with the Beast King beside her.

It seemed that Lily and Beast King did not notice my existence, nor did they detect Fubuki's condition, which was still alive. Despite this, Fubuki, who was still in my arms, immediately struggled as if she wanted to return back to battle against the Beast King.

But I was holding Fubuki, and without her realizing it, a huge smile appeared on my face. I then murmured something in her ear, and immediately Fubuki's face started to pale, and she seemed shocked.