
I Got Reincarnated In Other World With Nothing

AnimePortal · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

The Adventure

Einz is now in the jungle he don't know where he's gonna go the only village he knows is that village.He started to travel again to find a new village to live but the sky is getting darker so he stopped and made a temporary house using his earth magic,after he made the house something pop out to his mind Einz ask himself: What if i just make my own village?It cost so much mana and time but i think i can do it i just need to find a good place to make it Im so genius!! Im just gonna think about it tomorrow im already tired. He slept.

.... He woke up too early because the ground is moving he checks outside and he sees so many bulls and cows running he fly and check why the bulls are running he goes to the place where the bulls came from. He found a small village where the farmers live . There is Necromancer attacking them with so many zombies and skeletons

Einz go there and fight the necromancer.Einz tries to use fireball just to test necromancer power,the necromancer just stopped it easily and laughed thinking Einz is weak,The necromancer orders his skeletons and zombies to attack Einz,Einz uses earth magic to stopped zombies from attacking him but the skeleton shot him with a bow he deflected the other arrows but the others still hit him,he uses healing magic but the skeletons attack him so he don't have choice to defend it,he uses big fire ball magics to skeleton but the other skeletons has a magic and just stopped it the skeletons attack him again not giving him time to regenerate. He smiled and said hah this necromancer is strong but nothing compared to me then he uses earth magic to float the big boulder to throw it to the necromancer the necromancer focuses on the boulder giving Einz chance fo to attack Einz uses lighting magic and made a spear,he throws it to the necromancer the necromancer got hit and fell off to the ground Einz thought its already dead but the skeletons and zombies are still there trying to attack him he thought the zombies and skeletons are not connected to that necromancer so he just beat that skeletons and zombies easily but when he's about to wipe out all of them the necromancer stand up and summon undead dragon ,he was shock, think about how necromancer still alive after what he did can he revive himself?? He tried to look around and notice something in the top of the mountain there's someone standing there watching them,he tried to run to go there but the undead dragon stopped him he attacks it and destroyed it but it just go back to its form he stopped.uses his strongest magic thunderstorm to kill all of the undeads mage skeleton tries to use magic to stop it but the shield just got destroyed easily.

[ Health ] 180/1000 (+50)

[ Physical Power ] 38

[ Magic Power ] 192 ( +9 )

[ Mana ] 60/1370 ( +70 )

When he looks to the mountain but the man is already left he sees the necromancer holding the book and still has its items he took it all.

The farmers thanked him for saving their village we can't offer you anything our animals is already gone. Einz cast a spell and the animals came back,they thanked Einz again and ask his name.My name?? Einz.Einz helps the farmers to fix their village.

To be Continued