
I Got An SSS-Grade Unique Skill 'Extreme Luck' As My Starter Skill!

On December 31, 2090 … at 11:59 pm A large meteor comes hurtling into earth. But, contrast to what was expected, it was destroyed even before it lands. At the same time… Over 1 million of humans obtained the 'log-in system', where they can access the game called " World of Luck", and have a chance to travel and explore a fantasy-like world! Soon, 4 years had passed, Adam, the protagonist of the story, was walking along the road and was soon dumbfounded by what appears before him… 'Ding' [ You received an invitation to enter the 'World of Luck' ] [ Do you want to accept it or not? ] [ Yes/No ] ' ehh?! ' ------- Warning! MC is a 15 years old boy, so he's pretty dumb at first and will soon grow as novel progresses. AN: English is not my native language ,also, I initially wrote this book so I can work on my grammar and vocabulary. So, dont expect my grammar to be that flawless, hope you bear with it tho. Thanks! The story can be fast paced or slow paced at times. The protagonist is super duper OP, but will still experience hardships at times, specially when faced with others unique skill. Ps. The book cover does not belong to me, if the creator wants it gone. just message me… Btw, if you were to write a criticism/negative reviews or rate it two stars or three or one, just make sure that it make sense or at least make it constructive. I f***ing hate it when you rate it like that but with just only one sentence or it doesnt make sense at all. Btw, Im open for corrections. You can join our discord at: https://discord.gg/FHtaKWpH24 Support me on my Patreon: patreon.com/khier_author

Khier · ファンタジー
60 Chs


[ Trial will now commence ]

As soon as the message appeared, loud shrieks could be heard inside the forest. It was loud and gave an eerie impression.


As Adam heard that, he got goosebumps all over, as this was his first time hearing such a disgusting shriek, that even the most disgusting sound of a fart on Earth cant be compared to!

After a minute of gathering his urge and will, he started preparing his 'plan' for his next course of action. And soon, a shocking realization struck him!

'I don't have any weapon!' Adam thought dissatisfiedly.

Since people on Earth learned that a new batch of Chosen would be selected every year, they began to prepare a weapon or even tools that they could use as a beginner weapon.

Some hold a katana, while some hold even a shovel, it's so that once they are transported into World of Luck, they can have the weapon be transported with them.

There were even some who brought a gun inside, and some even tried holding a tank when being transported, but unfortunately, the tank did not transport with them.

It was then deduced that only weapons that can be held with two arms could be brought inside World of Luck!

But of course, the weapon like guns, katana, and shovels, were degraded once they entered this world, as the skin of the monster was incomparable to animals on Earth, and there's an application of magic here!

But still, having a weapon can bring an enhanced battling skill on trial since the monster that appears here are the lowest among the lowest on World of Luck's food chain.

So having a starter weapon can bring a higher rating, resulting in a better unique skill!

As Adam saw his hands that were barehanded literally! with not even gloves nor fabric equipped, he was dissatisfied greatly.

So, he started thinking of a plan on how to kill a monster barehanded, but of course, he can't think of any!

He doesn't even practice martial arts, nor do some exercise when he was on Earth, so how could he possibly fight with a monster using his hands barely?

Soon, since he doesn't have any idea of how to fight monsters, he just let luck decide his fate.

As he was contemplating on his thought, the first monster appeared before him, and as if rejecting his impression on the World of Luck's monsters, a cute-looking rabbit appeared!

'ehhh? rabbit?'

Earlier, he started imagining the possible appearance of the monster, this was to prepare himself early on so that he won't be shocked when the monster appeared. But alas! The vicious-looking monster in his imagination turns out to be a cute-looking rabbit!

The rabbit was the only same size as a rabbit on Earth, with the only difference of having a 7 inches one horn protruding from its forehead.

As he looked at the entirety of the rabbit, a certain part caught his attention! It was the rabbit's leg!

He was not a freak or what, it was just that he was so hungry right now, and looking at the fatty and juicy rabbit's leg made him crave for it.

As if getting annoyed on Adams's face with drools all over, the rabbit jumped towards him with full force and had its horn aimed at Adam.

Adam was caught unprepared causing him to evade the attack at the last second. An injury from his shoulder can now be seen, with blood flowing from it continuously.

The rabbit lands on the ground and looks at Adam again with eyes full of killing intent.

Adam now recollected his thought, starts to calm himself, and think of a proper plan.

As he was observing his surrounding, a tree caught his attention! and an idea formed in his mind.

Soon, Adam and the rabbit walks in a circular motion, watching each opponent's move. Now that Adam reached his desired position, he stopped instantly then provoked the monster.

"Hey rabbit, you got some good-looking legs there, can I have a taste of it?", Adam said then laughed loudly like a madman. Though the rabbit can't understand his words, it got provoked after seeing Adam laughed composedly.

The rabbit, now enraged, pounced on Adam. Learning his lesson from earlier, he manages to quickly evade the attack.

While still suspended in the air, it thought of pouncing again on Adam after it lands but alas, unbeknownst to it, a tree was situated behind Adam!

The rabbit's horn struck the tree, causing it to get stuck on it!

Adam got excited at the scene of having the rabbit stuck on the tree. This was his plan and of course, he was not sure that it would work and just rely purely on luck, and fortunately, it worked!

Now he had a chance to kill the monster that's deprived of its chance of fighting back.

He first started hitting the rabbit with a wood that he picked up, but alas, the wood just broke upon touching the monster's skin!

'It was as hard as wood!'

While contemplating on how to kill the rabbit, he was left unprepared for another rabbit's attack that came from behind him! and he just knew it when a medium-size hole was now formed on his body, with blood dripping from it.

The last scene he saw was the rabbit that was stuck on the tree remove its horn from the tree easily, just knocking the tree off! and beside the rabbit was another rabbit with its horn bloodied!

He was tricked!

It was not the rabbit that goes along with his plan, but rather, it was he who goes with the rabbit's scheme.

The rabbit just pretends to be stuck on the tree in the first place, then had the other rabbit struck him when he loses his vigilance!

Soon, he saw the rabbit seemingly laughing at him like an idiot, before his view changed to another place.

The scene before him changed again, there's a big roulette that was as big as a five-story building, with different colors on it.

There's a red, orange, yellow, green, and blue color on display, with each having a different area occupied.

Soon, Adam has shoved off his fascination when a message from the system rang…

[ The trial has now ended..]

[ Computing the Chosen's performance... ]

[ An E-grade rating is given based on Chosen's performance ]

[ Roulette will now change according to your rating…]

As soon as the message disappeared, the color's sizes on the roulette start to change!

The colors signify the uniqueness of skill. With red being the lowest or E-grade, orange being a D-grade, yellow as C-grade, then followed by green, and next with Blue as the highest grade.

The rating acquired by a chosen will change the sizes the colors can occupy on the roulette. And at E-grade rating, the roulette was now being highly occupied by color red which was about 80% of the roulette, with 10% of orange, about 6% of yellow, 3% of green, and lastly, 1% of blue.

In other words, Adam had only 1% of obtaining a blue or highest grade unique skill!

As Adam was lost on his dissatisfaction, a message rang again…

[ Roulette will now revolve, the area where the arrow rests in will be the Chosen's attained unique skill! ]

After that, the roulette starts to spin. The arrow was only a size of a needle and seems like an ant when placed on a huge-sized roulette.

A minute later, as Adam was still dissatisfied, the roulette stopped spinning and the needle was pointed somewhere on the roulette's area.

'Is it orange? or red?', Adam mumbles as he saw the needle pointing on a seemingly unoccupied space between orange and red. But this area can't be seen at first glance as it was even ten times thinner than a humans' hair!

As if to answer Adam's question, the message rang…

[ Congratulations on drawing a light-grade skill! ]

[ SSS-Grade unique skill 'Extreme Luck' obtained ]


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