
Anomaly: The Vampire Prince

Elie Bethany Dracul, a college student, faced an untimely demise when accused of a crime he didn't commit. His first reincarnation thrust him into a medieval world filled with war and magic, but it ended tragically in another battle. His second reincarnation brought him to a vast new world, where he was adopted by a vampire god and gained an overprotective mother and sister as he navigates this extraordinary existence, a long-awaited system emerges, promising exciting adventures and challenges in a world of magic, power, and family bonds. Prepare for an epic journey with Elie as he explores his newfound destiny. Enjoy the ride!

S1NN · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Outside the castle, the night sky unfurled like a canvas of celestial opulence, an exquisite tapestry of deep, velvety violet interwoven with shimmering strands of sapphire and amethyst.

Just like their mother's eyes, and theirs too. Feeling the questioning gaze from Elie, as if knowing why he was looking at her, she said, "When I arrived here, I killed the old royal family and took over. That is a story for another time. After becoming the ruler, I changed everything to my liking."

Elie just stared at his mother and then looked at his sister to see if it was real. Elize nodded for confirmation.

He sighed again and started looking at the sky.

Countless stars, numbering in the billions, dazzled overhead, each a radiant gem in the heavens. The heavens were graced not with one but hundreds of moons, casting an ethereal glow that bathed the world in a haunting, pale luminescence.

Even though there was no sun, the radiant light from the moons painted the world in soft, otherworldly brightness, as if the very night itself was alive with an enchanting, eternal glow.

Elie felt as if he was being embraced by the darkness itself. The obsidian canopy stretched overhead, wrapping him in a comforting shroud of night.

After a few more minutes of feeling the night, Elie said, "Mother, let's start my tour."


An hour ago, in the dining room.

"Mom, I want to see what's outside the castle first. Make the castle invisible in my view first so that I can enjoy the outside atmosphere. I don't want to get spoiled," he said, even though he felt it was too childish.

Elizabeth and Elize both giggled at her son/brother's weird request.


Back in the present.

"Mom, make the castle visible now," Elie said.

In an instant, the castle became visible. The immediate reaction from Elie was funny; his mouth was literally in a perfect "O" shape. The sight in front of him was simply too unreal.

The castle stood as a mesmerizing masterpiece of dark Gothic architecture. Its exterior was a stunning amethyst hue, an awe-inspiring sight under the moonlight.

The obsidian spires, each adorned with intricately carved eagles, rose into the night sky, creating a striking contrast against the castle's amethyst walls. This color gave the castle a regal and mysterious aura.

Stretching over 5 kilometers in length and width, the castle's sprawling grounds were a meticulously manicured expanse of shadowy gardens and twisting hedgerows.

The air was filled with the intoxicating scent of rare, amethyst-colored roses, their petals shimmering with an almost otherworldly, deep purple hue.

Elie was lost for words. Everything was simply too beautiful. Elie then started walking towards the castle.

The interior of the vampire royalty castle was equally as impressive as its exterior.

Upon entering, one was greeted by vast, dimly lit corridors adorned with intricate, amethyst-tinged tapestries that depicted scenes of dark enchantment. The walls were made of the same amethyst-colored stone as the outside, lending an otherworldly, regal ambiance.

The main hall, a cavernous chamber, was illuminated by the soft, ethereal glow of chandeliers crafted from shimmering amethyst crystals.

Massive Gothic archways led to opulent chambers, each with high-vaulted ceilings and windows adorned with deep crimson curtains.

Throughout the castle, lavish yet macabre decor reigned, with ornate furniture draped in velvet and cushions that whispered comfort.

As Elie ventured deeper into the castle's depths, he reached the heart of the castle, the throne room, a foreboding yet majestic space where the vampire monarch held court. An amethyst-hued throne stood at the center, flanked by an eagle statue. The room was steeped in a sense of timeless authority and power.

After thirty minutes of venturing inside the castle, he was now feeling bored. As if knowing what her brother was feeling, Elize said, "Should we stop with the tour and start introducing everyone?"

"Yes, let's do that," Elie said.

They then started walking to the throne room. After arriving, Elizabeth flicked her finger. Within seconds, many women in maid's uniforms began appearing.

A few seconds later, fifty maids were kneeling in front of Elie, Elize, and Elizabeth.

"Introduce yourselves to your prince," Elizabeth commanded with a regal tone that brooked no defiance.

"Butler of the Dracule Royal Family, Georgia Thornebloode, bow to the queen, princess, and prince."

"Assistant Butler of the Dracule Royal Family, Jessica Balthazar, bow to the queen, princess, and prince."

"They oversee the household and manage other staff. They might also serve as personal assistants to us," Elize explained.

"Head Maid of the Dracule Royal Family, Miya Mortimer, bow to the queen, princess, and prince."

"Assistant Head Maid of the Dracule Royal Family, Rowena Belmonte, bow to the queen, princess, and prince."

"A head maid is a senior position within a household's domestic staff responsible for supervising maids and domestic workers, maintaining cleanliness, managing inventory, and preparing for special events."

"Head Chef of the Dracule Royal Family, Christina Ravencroft, bow to the queen, princess, and prince."

"They prepare meals for us. They were also the ones who cooked the dragon meat."

"Chauffeur of the Dracule Royal Family, Maria Ashenford, bow to the queen, princess, and prince."

"They are the ones that drive if we want to go somewhere."


After almost an hour of introductions, it was finally finished. After the chauffeur's introduction, the rest were regular maids. One of them was Layla; her mother was Miya Mortimer, the head maid.

Elie was impressed, especially by how they greeted them. He could see the deep admiration in their eyes and the proud voices when they introduced themselves.

"You all can leave now," Elizabeth ordered.

When the three were the only ones left in the throne room, Elizabeth said, "We will start teaching and training you tomorrow, my baby. You should rest now." Elize, on the side, was nodding.

Before he left the throne room, he snapped his fingers. Layla immediately arrived in front of him and bowed.

"What can I do for you, your Highness?" she said professionally.

"Guide me to my room," he said.

At the front of the door, Elie spoke, "You can leave after you change my clothes, Layla."

"Yes, your Highness," she said respectfully with her head bowed.

Since Elie left the throne room, he had been thinking about something. Something that would help him grow more.

When he arrived next to his bed, Layla did her task and then left.

He stretched first, then Elie lay on his bed while his head was on the headboard.

"System," he mumbled.

DING* [Name: Elie Bethany Dracule]

[Age: 18]

[Talent: Anomaly]



[Race: Vampire/???]

[Cultivation: N/A]

[TITLE: Vampire Prince, Son of the Strongest Being, ????]

[Lvl: 1]

[HP: 300/300]

[Mana: 500/500]

[STAMINA: 200/200]


[VIGOR: 15]+

[MIND: 15]+











After checking through his status window, he spoke, "Hey, System, can I possibly seal my body and soul constitution?"

DING* [The host can seal anything.]

He had been thinking about this earlier; his life now had no challenge. After thinking deeply, he decided to seal his constitutions and only use his attribute points if needed.

Yes, he wasn't going to use his attribute points. Earlier, he asked the system if he could raise his attributes without relying on the points. He wanted to expand his attributes, training and cultivation, but he would do it alone.



His eye went up to the top of his body constitution, the talent, "Anomaly?" he asked, confused.

DING* [Anomaly: An exceptional, reality-breaking talent considered a taboo in many realms. This ability defies all conventional limitations, allowing the host to adapt and evolve at an unprecedented rate. The talent transcends the boundaries of any known race or ability, breaking the very fabric of reality to grant unparalleled power and versatility. It enables the host to rewrite the rules of existence, making them a unique entity feared and revered across the cosmos.]

After reading the description, his heart palpitated due to shock upon learning what it was.

He asked, "System, do you have a shop function that lets you buy things?"

DING* [Host needs to pay five attribute points for activating.]

"Download it," he replied instantaneously. It's only five points. Who cares? He was going to get stronger by himself.

DING* [DOWNLOADING - .... (12 hours left)]

[20 points to finish now.]

'Isn't this like a nighttime robbery?' he thought. "Okay, do it."


[New Function Added: MALL]

[MALL: The user can buy clothing and electronics, books, beauty and cosmetics, and more. The mall also has groceries.]

"Purchase a phone from planet Earth, Milky Way galaxy," he said.

DING* [It will cost ten attribute points.]

"Sure," he said, wanting to buy a phone now.

DING* [It's in your inventory now, along with the rewards you obtained earlier.]

Elie ignored the rewards he got because he was going to check tomorrow anyway, so he went straight for the phone.

Elie looked at his phone ignorantly; he died in 2015 when he was on Earth, where the PulsePro X1 was the latest phone. Now he had the latest one, PulsePro X50.

He immediately went on the internet. "What episode is One Piece on now?" he wondered aloud. He was in the Dressrosa arc when he died.

"What, it's still not finished? I thought I got the upper hand. I don't have to wait for the weekly episode. Interesting, he unlocked Gear 4th and 5th."