So adam accoding to your karma- hold on who is adam, you are obvio- naah naah noope i am ron oh shit! you stupid goddesses! AN EPIC BATTLE OF A.I VS MAGIC hey why don't you save the world.
Aqua (lounging with a glass of milk) "Iris, give me the lowdown. How's our little construction saga unfolding?"
"Boss, the mission you bestowed upon me has reached its twilight. It's been a month-long saga, but our mini-metropolis is nearly ready to shine. We've got taps that actually give water, bulbs that think it's always Diwali, and other modern marvels."
"And the grand migration? How many souls have we relocated?"
"A solid 80% are basking in the glory of new abodes, while the remaining 20% are on the brink of domestic bliss. The old dwellings? Reduced to dust and memories
Aqua (nodding) "Hmm, alright… Charlotte, summon the tribe! It's pow-wow time for our hamlet's horizon. And, would you mind not using my shoulder as a pillow? It's not a Tempur-Pedic."
(Charlotte straightens up, her pout rivaling a sulking cat, and marches off to the village)