


First time here please bear with my grammar, i am not proficient, and i am doing this for fun.

'Whattt the fuck!!! shit this teammate is so bullshit'- main character.


'Yeyeye goddamit u just got pentakill, and ur head get so big that u dont consider us teammate, a wastrel, too arrogant indeed'-teammate 2.

'Well dont expect for no.1 ranker know as arrogant emperor, i know this from the beginning his skill is no.1 and his mouth is no.1 too, for trashtalking indeed '- tm 3.

'Hayzz guys let just FF lets make GreatArrogantEmperor feel pains for losing points hahaha'- tm4.

'i like that idea haha'- tm1 tm2 tm3 .'lets do that '.

'Nooooooo! You You You weaklings dont do that i will cooperate now okay, i concede okay'-main character.


Your team initiate to surrender





'The fuck with that teammate, surrender even though were on winning side fuck fuck fuck,hayzz how i am going to achieve king of games if i cant have a good teammate, this is so hard shit how i am going to defeat that fucking bastard if i dont get good teammate, atleast have my one percent of my skill'-mc

There is a legend in the gaming world ,he was called god of pro,master gamer,Genius gamer and etc.He is no.1 for almost mmorpg games, joystick games.He can annihilate guild,clan even empire in that any games and no one can 1 vs 1 on him in any pvp or joystick games.But the legend stop after LoL and Dota becomes popular, he becames no.2, his rival the always no 2 in the ranking board defeat him in gameplay in 5vs5 tournament and his legend was broken and the fame he flourished

will become his rival glory.


Hey guys, i am Gray well my color of my hair is gray,so my parents name me after my hair color ,weird naming sense but i like my name atleash not ash for godsake the mc know for being child forever huh!!.Sigh!! I am unrivalled no one can defeat me in any games, i am undefeatable but that fucking 5v5 game theme, First of all so called rival was non existence to me even he is no.2 in ranking of any games that i played. But that fucking 5vs5 games on first that game is easy for ,Pentakill everygame to me atleast 10penta kill for every match but that fucking game company always nerfed my main heroes, so i change to every heroes available from the game and the game finally so much balance because of me so i have to find proper teammates. At first i think it was so easy to find good teammates but for goddamnsake they are all idiot,retard,stupid,

slowmind, slowhand and etc. Well my skill was so high that my teammate can't catch up to me. And then that fucking idiot, they so called my fucking rival appear and invite me for a tournament battle ,I wanted to refuse but he called me scaredy cat so i was provoke, in my years of playing games there is no one that provoke me that not get trashed by me so, I accept.I invite the other ranked players and they easily accept my invitation because i am no.1 in rankings, and the tragedy starts.The tournament is easy for us, easily get to the finals and met my rival, we easily 3-0 them in 7 game series but after that

we got break for some reason from organizer.And the game 4 start at first we were doing great, cs, objectives, tower push, gank and we plan an ambush I enter set them and end the game .My timing and setting was so great that i got them all in my aoe cc skills, the enemies get critical hps but for some i don't know reasons my teammate is knowhere to found they just as coming and i get killed and for reasons they enter individuallly and get wipeout from low levelhps? the fuck well we lose. I conforted them and said 'well it 3-1 so its okay to lose just get better in the next game', they nod and the game 5 start but they getting worse and i trashed talked them in voicechat and they trashtalk me back as if it is my fault for entering alone and not waiting them. We lose again and again and we have fight for finals 3-3 .I am not idiot to not think that they selling me out so i just kick them out and i play 1vs5 in 5vs5 they agreed so easily with grinning and smug face that was so annoying, and game start they stick together like an idiot to power push my tower but i am smart and skilled so i baited them with me alone and penta them how i penta them??well secret. And the game continue they started to have brain and split push me but i am not easy to defeat, i killed the ancient boss and got my creeps buffed and, well they try to kill me and get boss buff but i penta them again . After that i power push the mid lane to end the game but for some reason my teammates came back and insulting me for being selfish and they said i just want to have the glory and fame all by myself ,and they ask the referee to disqulified me for kicking his teammates for no valid reason. I rebut them they selled me out but putting the blame on me. The game continue but i got distrated so i cant finish the game , i paused the game but they resume it when i talking back to my traitor tm

so the game was not finish and killed me while i am afk.And i lose the battle and they don't published the game 7 content and win the game. They don't stop after than, they defame me for being arrogant ,selfish with my teammates as a support. That was my 1st and crushing defeat although i have trash teammates in ranked game i got carried them, but this is my first defeat and crush me to core. My fans try to battle the rumors but they was block and their comment automatically remove, but i am not lost ,my crown i will get it back....king of games.