
Chapter 1.1 I was to get revenge but ...

After his crushing defeat, Gray was not angry but dissapointed, because he thinks that he was not defeated by skills but scheme 'i am unrivalled, scheming to defeat me but i will get my crown back '-gray.

He played game but not like before, he doesn't trust his teammates anymore and think them as a trash,unskilled,weak and he trashtalked them always, despite of argument they win because of him.A week later his name resound again in public, for being the most arrogant and most skill player in game .They crown his Arrogant Emperor, but he was not undefeated as always,because of his arrogance player start to insult him and for other who has points to spare, they just surrender to make fun of him.Then his dream of being kings of games was a mile from him.He tried to have a rematch from Radd (his

rival and now crown as king of games)but Radd just said-' atleast become no.2 in ranking and find teammates, then find me again ' with the grinned in his face .Then he tried to achieve rank no.2 but because of the of his pride and arrogance,he can't low his pride for not trashtalking other player, that in his eyes are all trash.


The fuck with this players they so low and i got them carry, but they trashtalk me ba ck and dare to surrender .I TRY to finish it fast but they always tower hug damn that wastrels.Arggggggggg!!!! Being unrivaled is a lonely but that damn Radd dare to scheme against me.I will defeat that bitch and announce to world that unskilled bastard is not worth of my time and skills, only myself is capable to defeat me. But Arggggggg!!!! im so angry but i can't think of a countermeasure to have matches with that bastard.Hayz!!! Better to get some sleep to subside this frustration and my boiling anger, wish this is a dream goddamit.

While our mc is sleeping, he didn't see that there is pure black void that comes out from his ceeling.The vacuum pulling him into it , (but our mc is sleeping like a pig,shit!! wake up you bastard -authors comment)

but the force was not enough to pull him and, for some reason the dark void was the one who pull into him and dissappear like nothing is happen.Him body is shaking like a vibrator then, poof he is split into 5 and ('our fucking mc is asleep as ever and not waking up'-author)they sleep like nothing is happen.


ahhhhhhh yeahhhh stretchhhhhhhh

What a nice sleep, wait!! what the? where is my clothes? and who are this 4,did i just homo with them? out of frustration the fuck!!! how? wait, what is that tread connecting to them? it seems like connected to me too.Let see their face who the hell them are, whaaaa its me, then ( looking in the mirror) well my face is really handsome as always it doesn't change, so its is not body transfer. Hmmm the 3rd 4th 5th guys is also look like me very handsome,wait handsome? their eyes is normal looking so its different from me, eyes wait wait wait my eyes ,the hell my eyes my pretty gorgeous and most beautiful things in the world is gone. Flashback>>>>>

The day Gray is born the world lost is color and sky lost is star, his very beautiful eyes outshine themall.In the rundown apartment there is 4 person, man and wife and the midwife that carrying and newborn child .The midwife exclaim-'mam your child is alive and very beautiful ,congrats i was so envy',father said -_- ! u said he is, but very beautiful? midwife -'well just look at him then you know what i mean'

father -'whoaaaa he indeed beautiful ,well child this is your father come here '

mother-'honey my child give him to me i want to see my son , there you are what a beautiful child his eyes standout the most i almost saw the starry sky and the galaxy in it.

His eyes is like normal ones but its pupil is pure black and if you like attentively look you will see a galaxy and starry skies, you will entrall that you almost enter the state of euphoria.That was make him beautiful.The child grow normal but his environment is not, his playmate don't play with him just looking with him, their parent was also weird,they want him to sleepover to their house although he was just a child (pephodiles bitches)and his teachers always give him remedial class although he was smart. Every school year they change address and school, not for his parent workplace but because there is a case where his homeroom teacher almost kidnap him, so after that they change place and put him shades .Then a tragedy happen when he bumps into a very mature,sexy and a very beautiful woman, his shades drop off and when that woman see his eyes, she said '-you will marry me ' his parents run into and put his shades back and pull him away from the lunatic woman, his mom said '-his just a child

and you are full of pubic hair and dare to marry my child'

Woman-'money, fortune wealth you will have them all if you marry him to me, make your call, how much?

m/f -' where not selling our child 'pedo', let get out of here.