

Andrew seriously considered her suggestion. It wasn't a horrible idea. In fact, it would have been their likely course of action if they hadn't solved the mystery of the shield's failure. Without a safer option, they would have needed to destroy the creature to leave. But now—why take the risk?

"I think we should stick with our plan to simply leave using the shields," he said firmly. "Your plan is too risky. There are too many points of potential failure."

"Such as?" she couldn't help but ask.

Andrew exhaled. "For one, we can't be certain your plan would kill the creature. What if it's all for nothing, or worse, further agitates it? Second, what if we get hurt? Once set in motion, the fire will be uncontrollable—who's to say it will die down quickly? Third," he glanced at Ethan, "I doubt Ethan can manage to get us out of the pond again. It was already a struggle the first time, and now he's tired and hurt..."

Rose bit her lips. Thinking back to when her brother had first gained his ability, she remembered how the objects he could move with telekinesis had been small, and he could only maintain his power briefly. She had forgotten to consider this. If it had been difficult the first time, it would be impossible now—his spirit force must be nearly exhausted.

At Andrew's words and the sight before her, even the little devil on her shoulder wilted away. All responses died in her throat, and she could only hang her head low and accept Andrew's decision with a nod. He wasn't wrong—the rational part of her knew that. She just felt sorry about leaving all the realm's treasures behind again. But she couldn't risk others' safety for her greed.

"I understand," she said quietly.

Andrew was pleasantly surprised by Rose's quick acceptance. He had expected more drama, as usual. She seemed to have really changed for the better, now able to see the bigger picture instead of just her narrow view. It was a welcome change in her behavior, considering what lay ahead of them.

"Then let's get moving," he said, handing her and Luke each a rope. "Gather twigs, but make sure they're the right kind with the correct substance inside. I'll show you how to fashion the shields. We'll make three in total—that should be enough to protect us from the creature."

Rose and Luke nodded, spreading out to gather twigs while staying behind the shield for cover. They worked quickly but methodically, testing each branch by breaking it to check for the correct substance inside. Within minutes, they had collected enough suitable materials for Andrew to demonstrate how to bind the twigs into a shield.

With the shields complete, Andrew helped Ethan to his feet while Rose and Luke positioned themselves to provide cover. The makeshift barriers weren't pretty, but they would serve their purpose. Now came the tricky part—coordinating their movements to reach the portal safely.

Andrew took point, holding one shield while Rose and Luke flanked Ethan with the other two. They would move in a tight formation, keeping Ethan protected in the center. "Remember," Andrew instructed quietly, "stay close and move slowly. We can't afford any gaps in our defense."

"Be careful," Ethan whispered to Rose, his face pale and sweaty. He had to lean on Luke, who supported him with an arm around his shoulder. Feeling like a burden, Ethan tried to quicken his pace while fighting to block out the pain.

Rose nodded silently. Despite his injuries, he was still trying to protect her. She gripped her shield tighter, determined not to let him get hurt again. If worst came to worst, she would grab him and dash through the portal. Even if she had to forsake Andrew and Luke, her brother mattered most. She couldn't let him die again—under any circumstances.

This way they left their hide-out and slowly but steadily made their way towards the portal.

The swamp's eerie silence was broken only by their careful footsteps and Ethan's occasional sharp intake of breath. Rose kept glancing at her brother, worried about his worsening condition. Every step seemed to drain more color from his face, making their slow progress feel like an eternity.

Andrew noticed her distraction and spoke in a low voice, "We're almost there. Keep focused." Rose nodded grimly, knowing they couldn't afford to rush despite Ethan's deteriorating state. The marshland's treacherous surface demanded their full attention with each careful step.

They had already gotten halfway to the portal, when Rose suddenly stopped in her tracks. Everyone halted as well, looking at her in confusion.

"Let's switch positions," she said, "just in case. Andrew you should support Ethan, while I carry two shields. Luke should have one hand free in case he needs to attack."

Andrew considered her words for a moment, then nodded. "Alright." It wasn't wrong to be better safe then sorry.

They carefully rearranged their positions, with Andrew taking over Ethan's support while Rose handled two shields. The switch was executed smoothly, without a gap in their defense. Once settled in their new formation, they resumed their slow progress towards the portal, each step measured and deliberate.

The silence stretched on as they moved forward, broken only by the squelch of their boots in the marsh and Ethan's labored breathing. Soon . The portal's shimmer grew more distinct with each careful step, offering a beacon of hope in the otherworldly landscape.

All of them tensed the closer they came to the portal. With them all dashing through the terrain upon entering the realm, no one knew for sure where exactly the creatures core was. Their eyes darted left and right, nervous, that they might overlook it and past by it, only to be shot in the back. 

Rose cursed inwardly, that they didn't take some of the other twigs along. They could have thrown them forward and check where the black smoke tendrils originated from. But now it was too late to go back. Ethan looked worse by the second. It was paramount that they got him back to take care of his wound as quickly as possible.

As they covered the final meters to the portal, they crept forward inch by inch. The shields grew unbearably heavy in her arms, her muscles shaking from exhaustion.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they reached the portal site. Ethan was barely conscious, and Andrew struggled to half-pull, half-carry him along. Shielding them from behind, Rose motioned for Andrew to go through the portal first. He gave a simple nod and stepped through. 

Luke, who had been on edge, ready to fire at any moment, was to step through next. 

"Luke! Shoot!" Rose's panicked shout cut through the air as she propelled one of the shields forward. The instant she wasn't covered by it, black tendrils shot out from the ground mere meters from their side. 

Rose had counted on this. With her ability activated to maximum, her surroundings slowed to a crawl. Evading the incoming attacks, she watched Luke conjure a ball of fire in his hands and aim it at the creature's origin. The moment he released it and the marshland caught flame, Rose dashed to his side and gave him a powerful push, sending him through the portal.

In less than a few seconds, the entire realm was ablaze.