

A mysterious door stands open, inviting a boy who’s been brutally bullied all his life to take a courageous step forward into the unknown. On the other side, he finds a hoard of priceless artifacts and a world as filled with magic as it is with monsters. The most shocking revelation, however, is that he can bring whatever he wants back with him when he returns to Earth. It won’t be long before this double life changes him forever... This light novel does not belong to me I am just sharing this all right belongs to the original owner and translater Currently there's only 13 volume that has been published or translated. Most of the chapter has a word count of 6k-10k this is the original light novel

tutul_hasan · アニメ·コミックス
100 Chs

Vol-08 Ch 7 – Raid & EPILOGUE

Part 1

While Yuuya and the others were returning from the bottom of the hole, the third Dragonia force was closing in on Earth with their fleet in space.

In the control room of the flagship of the Third Force, a huge hologram was floating, showing the Earth.

(Commander! Traces of the missing troops confirmed! It seems they were visiting this planet after all!)

(I see…)

Upon hearing his subordinate's words, the commander ── Drade, nodded quietly.

He had come to the vicinity of Earth following the orders of Draco III, the ruler of the Dragonias.

(Any sign of that unit's ship?)

(Unfortunately, we were unable to observe any signals from their ship…)

(…As my Lord said, there is an existence on this planet that can stand up against us.)

Drade had a smile on his face as he muttered this.

The Dragonias had invaded many planets to achieve supremacy in the universe and were still wandering around the universe with a large fleet.

This was because the Dragonias did not have a home planet. Therefore, the giant spaceships were their home, and they were looking for a planet that could become their second home as they continued to invade other planets.

However, they were unable to find the ideal planet for them, and they continued to invade other planets and use them as colonies.

This time it would be the same again, Drade thought as he asked his subordinate.

(Yeah. I don't think it's likely, but you should check out the environment on Earth. In case it might be an ideal planet for us──)

(…T-this is!?)

(──What's wrong?)

Drade's eyebrows furrowed as his men suddenly raised their voices. Then one of his subordinates answered, his voice trembling.

(W-we have discovered… this planet… Earth, is the ideal planet for us!)


(Observations have shown that Earth is the planet with the ideal environment for us!)

(What do you mean? Explain it to me!)

(Y-yes! First of all, Earth's atmospheric composition, water quality, geology, temperature, etc., are all ideal for us! Furthermore, there are no foreign enemies in the surrounding galaxy, making it the perfect home for us! The only concern we have is the lifespan of the sun that sustains the Earth's activities…)

(We can handle that with our technology. But I never imagined that an ideal planet really existed…)

(Co-commander. And I have one more thing to report…)

(What is it?)

(Amel's electromagnetic waves have been detected at a certain point on Earth!)

(What? Do you mean to tell me that the Amelian is still on Earth?)


(…What do you mean? My direct unit, which was supposed to have come to this planet to seek out the Amelian annihilation weapon, had disappeared, and the Amelian, who was the target, is still on Earth… Normally, they would have fled by now. If anything, I was planning to follow the traces of that Amelian in anticipation of that. But if they're in some kind of trouble and can't get off the planet──)

When he said that much, Drade smiled ferociously.

(──It's the best. Nothing could be better!)

His men also caught on to Drade's smile and smiled like a predator.

(Our prey, the Amelians, are on Earth without their annihilation weapon, and the Earth is our ideal planet… We have no choice but to invade! We will kill the natives, including the Amelians, and take both the planet and the Amelian annihilation weapon! It will be ours!)


(First, we hunt the Amelians. Leave the people of Earth alone. We're not going to stop for those fools who don't even have the technology to cross the universe. Hey, do you know exactly where the Amelians are?)

(Yes, sir! The coordinates are fixed, sir!)

(Then isolate that point in subspace from Earth first. The Amelians won't go down without a fight. That's why I don't want the ideal planet to be destroyed in a battle between the Amelians and us. After we have the weapons to destroy the Amelians, we will slowly invade Earth. Do you understand?)


At the sound of his subordinate's voice, Drade nodded in satisfaction, raised his voice, and gave an order.

(Move! The target is Earth. Now, let's plant the flag of our Dragonia on Earth!

Drade, thinking only of conquest, had completely forgotten the advice he had received from Draco III before setting out.

If there is even the slightest possibility that an entity can compete with the Dragonias, do not let your guard down.

──This was how the third unit, led by Drade, approached the Earth.


"Um, is it going to be fixed?"

(Yeah. Everything's fine.)

We returned from Argena-san's place. After having lunch, Merl-san immediately started to refuel the spaceship with the obtained energy source. However, there was no place to work on the Earth, so we decided to bring the spaceship to the other world and work on the cleared land in the Great Devil's Nest.

As soon as Ouma-san returned home and ate lunch, he fell asleep. I wonder why he is so interested in Earth's culture but not in Merl-san's advanced technology? I don't really understand.

On the other hand, Night and the others seemed to be as curious about Merl-san's spaceship as I was and watched her work with great interest.

What impressed me was the special technology that housed the spaceship and the nanomachines.

Just by operating the terminal on Merl-san's arm, the spaceship instantly changed its size to the size of the palm of her hand, and when she operated it again, it returned to its original size. I really don't know what the logic behind this is.

Also, the nanomachines that were used while I was unconscious were quickly adjusting the ship. It's called a nanomachine, so it's invisible to the naked eye, and from the side, it looks like it's just going through the motions.

Unlike me, this was the second time Yuti had seen it, and she was amazed at the sight.

"Surprise. Merl, it's amazing. Is this technology from beyond the sky, from outer space?"

"I guess so. I wonder if this kind of technology is commonplace… Space is a big place, after all."

The Earth is working hard to send rockets and satellites into space, but we don't yet have the technology to travel freely in space.

On the other hand, Merl-san and the Dragonias could travel freely in space… If you think about it normally, there was such a big difference in technology, and the Earth would be easily invaded.

Then, Merl-san, who had just been able to load the energy crystals she had brought back into the ship, took a breath.

(Phew… I managed to finish it.)

"Thank you for your hard work!"

(…No, it's me who should thank you. I'd like to thank you for all your help. If it weren't for your help, I would never have been able to leave Earth.)

"We're glad we could be of some help. So, is that… spaceship going to work?"

(Yes. It's still in the trial run stage, but it looks like it's ready to go. So, now that my ship is fixed, I've been using the functions that I couldn't use while it was broken to measure which is closer to Amel, this planet, or Earth… It seems that Earth is closer, so I'd like to go back to Earth. Is that okay?)

"That's fine, of course… But if you launch a regular spaceship on Earth, there will be chaos, won't there?"

(That's not a problem. I can control the memories and records of all the people on Earth with this terminal.)

Oh, I forgot she could do that too… Space technology is really outrageous…

If I ask any more questions, I'm sure other scary stories will pop up, so I'll leave it at that.

So in order to fly the spaceship, we went back to the Earth house and went outside.



──What I saw, instead of the scenery of Earth, was an eerie empty space.

Part 2

(Wha!? This is…!)

Instead of the usual view of the city, we were in… a strange space with an indescribable color, as if various colors of paint had been mixed together.

As I was stunned by the unusual sight, a distortion appeared at a part of the space.

And then…


(The Dragonias…!)

From the distorted space, a large number of spaceships with dragon emblems appeared. The number of them was much larger than the last time they attacked.

In the center of the ship stood a large, dragon-shaped spaceship.

(──I've isolated your dwelling place in this subspace. Think of it as a place with no escape.)

As I stared up at the group of spaceships in dismay, I heard the voice coming from the largest of them.

(Hou? I never thought that the Amelian was really still here… It looks like my men have been defeated after all.)

(You are…)

As Merl-san stared at the group of spaceships, a hologram was projected from the largest ship.

There was a figure of a Dragonia alien with long hair pulled back in a single bun, with similar features as the ones that had attacked us before. I don't know if he's male, middle-aged, or if these features even show in their appearance like how it is for us on Earth, but his appearance alone gave him the dignity of a man in a period drama.

The middle-aged Dragonia opened his mouth in a somewhat irreverent manner.

(I'm Drade, the proud commander of the third unit of the Dragonia planet.)


Merl-san's eyes widened at the words of the Dragonia… Drade.

"U-um… Merl-san? I don't understand. Is it so great to be a commander?"

(…Yes. The ones who attacked the other day were… so-called low-ranking soldiers from the Dragonia's end. But even among the Dragonias, who are known for their martial prowess, a commander is a position that could only be held by those with a high level of ability.)

"I-I see…"

In addition, the fact that the commander has come directly to us means that the soldiers here this time are probably far more skilled and capable than the soldiers before.

"To that extent? But if Merl-san uses that armament you've been using, it will be…"

(With the energy crystals leftover from the repair of the spaceship, the battle mode can now be used safely. However… it won't last more than a few seconds against the division commander…)

How strong is the commander? And on top of that, I don't think I will be able to win… against a whole fleet of these enemy ships.

"W-why don't we just run away somehow…?"

(…It seems to be impossible to escape… This space is a subspace that they have developed… In other words, it is a place that is isolated from Earth. In order to get out of this space, we have to bring down their ship that deployed this subspace. Considering the scale, the ship that is deploying this space is probably the largest flagship with the commander on board. …The fact that we don't have to worry about damage to other inhabitants or manipulating information is helpful, but there's nothing else we can do under the circumstances…)

It seems like we really are stuck on all sides.

And why is my house even involved in this again…?

Fortunately, Night and the others are also here, groaning against the spaceship floating in the sky. …Night is a species that has the potential to become as powerful as Ouma-san, but at this stage, there is too much of a difference in size for that to be true.

As I was thinking about this, somewhat escaping reality, Yuti asked me.

"Confirmation. Yuuya, are you sure they are enemies?"

"Yeah. They are likely to be from the Dragonia aliens, Merl-san's enemies… This space is also the work of those people, and it seems that they isolated us from the Earth."

"Understood. That's why this space is so strange. But can you defeat them? Even with my arrows, I'm not sure I can damage that ship."

Even Yuti showed signs of weakness facing the spaceship fleet.

In any case, it was even more so because she had seen how Merl-san repaired the spaceship and other technical aspects. It seemed that even a slight damage would be repaired just like the guardian of that planet. As for the nanomachines, I thought they would be useful considering that I had seen Merl-san use them and that they had fixed my house, but they would be extremely troublesome if used by the enemy.

Then, Merl-san operated the terminal on her arm.

At that moment, something that looked like a translucent soap bubble appeared from Merle-san's spaceship. The membrane grew larger and larger until it completely enveloped my house.

"Merl-san, this is…"

(…I extended the defense mechanism of my ship to the entirety of Yuuya-san's house. Thanks to the energy of that planet, I was able to cover it somehow, but it won't last for long. But for a little while, we should be able to fight without worrying about the house.)

"I-I see…"

As I nodded at Merl-san's words, the holographic Drade snickered.

(Hmph. Impudent… How much longer can you hold out with that kind of trickery?)

(I won't give you the blueprint.)

(…Then you'll regret it in the afterlife.)

"Ah! Yuuya!"

The moment Drade's mood changed, Yuti shouted sharply.

Then I can see the energy concentrating one after another on the gun barrel part of the spaceship that was floating in the sky. This is… a sign that we are going to be attacked all at once, no matter how I look at it!

"Kuh! [Rising Dragon Piercing]!"

I immediately took out the [Absolute Spear], and unleashed the [Magic Armor] and Evil power, together with the Spear Saint technique. In the next moment, the technique became a dragon that was much more massive than the one used by the Spear Saint, and was released towards the spaceship fleet!


I was surprised to see that the attack was much bigger than I had expected… Is this the power of the [Holy and Evil Creation] that Argena-san was mentioning?

Even though I haven't used the [Holy King's Authority] yet, my attack with the [Rising Dragon Piercing] turned into a huge dragon, with the white light of the Holy and the black light of the Evil mixing together.


In the face of my technique, the hologram of Drade had a look of surprise on his face. My technique just swallowed up some of the spaceships.

"As expected. Yuuya is so strong. But I'm getting stronger too."

Yuti looked at me, but her bow was firmly pointed at the spaceship.

"───[Death Comet]."

The technique handed down from the Bow Saint was unleashed with more power than when we fought before. The arrow that became a ray of light penetrated the spaceship and easily pierced the spaceship's armor.

The blow seemed to have hit the spaceship directly in the core, causing the huge ship to explode and crash.

"Yuti, that attack was…"

"Of course. I aimed for it."

"…As I thought."

Lately, Yuti and I have not been doing much training.

This is because, according to her, there is already a gap between us, but looking at the attack she just delivered, I don't think so. Perhaps she had been training in a place where I couldn't find her. I have to work harder too…

"Grrrr… gaaaaaaah!"

"Fugo! Buhi!"

Night unleashed the same kind of [Magic Armor] as I did, and in an instant, he was closing in on one of the spaceships. And when he swung his claws with magic power, the spaceship was easily torn apart!

…I was a bit skeptical, but then again, maybe Night does have the potential to be as good a fighter as Ouma-san.

Akatsuki turned into a giant and charged into the groups of spaceships, moving around violently and knocking them down.

"Pi. Piiiiiiii!"

Ciel was covered in blue flames, just as in the battle with Avis, and charged straight at the spaceships, destroying them one by one.

There are still many mysteries about Ciel, but it seems that there is nothing to worry about.

(What the hell is that creature? And what the hell is that energy…?)

Seeing Ciel like that, Drade shouted in surprise, but it seems that Ciel is a special existence even from the perspective of aliens.

(Kuh! What are you doing! Hurry up and aim at them!)

The sudden dropping of several spaceships may have triggered a sense of crisis, and Drade was sending out instructions.


(You're not going to hit anything.)

Merl-san, as a matter of course, floated up in the air and raised her left arm, which had been transformed into battle mode, and shot a beam at the enemy spaceship.

The attack was so powerful that several spaceships were caught up in it and exploded.

(Certainly, your attacks are more powerful than mine. But do you think you can aim at us with such a huge size?)

(Guh… Then all I have to do is hit you directly! My third unit! Show them what you're capable of!)

The next moment, just as they had done the other day, the Dragonia soldiers descended from the spaceship at once and attacked us directly. The number of soldiers was tremendous, easily over a thousand, and they began to swarm us.

"Wait… this number is, as expected…!"

(They are certainly many, but thanks to them, the enemy can't use their beam weapons.)

As Merl-san said, the attack from the spaceship stopped as soon as the Dragonia soldiers descended. I think the reason for this was to avoid involving their allies.

"If that's the case… [Thousand Spear Piercing]!"

In order to cope with the large number of opponents, I aggressively unleashed a large number of techniques. Fortunately, there are no soldiers that are that strong on an individual level, so I've been able to deal with them so far, but I don't feel like I've reduced their numbers at all.

As I was wondering why, Merl-san shouted as if she noticed something.

(This is… No way! Living weapons?"

"A living weapon? That's…"

(It's what is known as a cloning weapon! They're creating cloned soldiers in the spaceship and sending them at us!)

"Eeeh? H-how is that even possible?"

(Yes. Cloning technology is a specialty of the Dragonias. However, as for how this situation is going, they seem to be taking quantity over quality. In fact, each one of them is far from the level of the Dragonia elites. It takes a lot of energy to create a clone soldier, so I guess they don't have unlimited resources, but I don't know how much longer this situation will continue…)

"Is this a normal fighting style in space?"

(No, it's not normal! It's true that if you think of them as soldiers to be used and discarded here, it's very easy to get enough of them because you can just create them and order them to attack. However… their energy is finite, and considering that, why would they want to use such a strategy──?)

Merl-san was about to say something when she suddenly turned her attention to the enemy's flagship which Drade was onboard.

(Could it be…!? It's not good!)


(The reason they didn't fire isn't to keep their allies from getting involved, they did it to buy time!)

I also turned my attention to the flagship, where I saw a ship with a huge barrel that was gathering energy.

(That energy cannon is… not good. No matter how hard I try, the barrier I've deployed won't be able to stop it!)

That meant that an attack would be unleashed that would not leave Merl-san's spaceship or my house unscathed.

Then the hologram appeared again in the sky. There was Drade's figure with a triumphant expression.

(Hahahahaha! You fool! There's no way I'm going to do anything directly for you lowly creatures, is there? You can disappear into the dust right here.)

(A-are you sure? You wanted our blueprint, didn't you? If you unleash an attack like that here, the blueprint will disappear too!)

(──Do you think I don't know what protects that blueprint?)


As I recall, the blueprint that Merl-san and the others were looking for was inside a stone box made of something called [Cosmonium], which was said to be the hardest material in the universe. Looking at Drade and Merl-san, it must be so sturdy that it will not be destroyed by the attack that was about to be unleashed.

I wanted to do something to stop that flagship from attacking, but the living weapons swarming around us were getting in the way, and I couldn't push forward. This was what Drade was after.

(Hahahahaha! Now, let's all be obliterated by the roaring dragon cannon, the wisdom of our Dragonia!)

With a single word from the smiling Drade, the attack was finally unleashed! The compressed energy was so huge that it instantly swallowed up the nearby clone soldiers.

In the face of such an overwhelming attack, I desperately tried to think of a way to prevent it, but… nothing came to mind.

If I, Yuti, and the others can avoid it at all costs, we may be able to survive.

But my house, which was still here, was different. Even the barrier that Merl-san had deployed would not be able to prevent this attack.

Are we really going to be wiped out like this? Is there anything I can do?

As I desperately tried to think… I remembered the existence of a certain item.

Part 3

There was certainly a possibility that this attack could be prevented by using that item.

But it was an item that I couldn't comprehend. Still, I couldn't think of any other options.

I made up my mind and took out the item!

"Astonishment. Yuuya, that's──"





Everyone present was stunned when they saw the item I had taken out.

But there's no time to answer that now.

I used the item as if I were praying.

"Absorb it… [Violent Eating's Cleaner]…!"

When I took out the [Violent Eating's Cleaner] and activated it, it made a very quiet driving sound. However, the vacuum cleaner's suction power was incredible, and it collided head-on with the energy cannon that was roaring and approaching.

And then──

"Uoooohh… oooohhhh!"

The vacuum cleaner really did start to absorb the opponent's beam! It looked like a normal cordless cleaner, small in size in comparison to the beam.

However, the beam was no match for it and it was swallowed up very quickly.

T-this is… the only vacuum cleaner that has this suction power!

(W-whaaaaaatttt!? W-what is happening? How is it possible that the Dragonia cannon, which is the epitome of our technology, is being prevented…!)

Unable to believe the scene in front of his eyes, Drade was shouting distraughtly in the hologram, but the energy cannon continued to be absorbed into the vacuum cleaner and finally it finished absorbing the entirety of the beam that was released.

The situation was so incomprehensible that not only Drade but also Yuti and the others froze.

If anything, I'm also frozen.

I can't believe… that it can really absorb the energy…!

"W-what an amazing vacuum cleaner…"

(V-vacuum cleaner…? Did it lose to a vacuum cleaner? Our technological masterpiece has been defeated by a vacuum cleaner from a remote planet?)

"I-it seems so."

(──Don't be ridiculous!)

As Drade's roar rang out, a part of the flagship opened, and a figure emerged from it. It was the very same Drade himself who had been looking down on us using the hologram just a moment ago.

(──I've never been so humiliated in my life.)

As he approached us, Drade vigorously raised his right arm to the side. And then a beam-like spear was released from there.

I-it's not that I was trying to mock him at all; it's just that I was desperately trying to protect my house… I guess it didn't look that way to him.

As I broke out in a cold sweat, Drade thrust a spear at us that showed his skill at a glance .

(I thought my clone soldiers would be able to kill you, but you're much better than I expected. The roaring dragon cannon should have been able to wipe out a large spaceship… but that's okay. To make sure that you are killed, I'll kill you myself.)


The killing intent that was released from Drade was tremendous, and the power that was released was incomparable to the energy cannon that was shot earlier. His power took the form of a blue dragon, which enveloped him. Drade, clad in the aura of a blue dragon, finally came at us.

(Now ── Die!)

And then Drade unleashed a blow of divine speed.


While Yuuya and the others were fighting Drade, Ouma, who was sleeping at Yuuya's house, opened one eye.

"…Hmm? A visitor?"

The reason for this was because he sensed that someone had come to Sage's house on the other world side, but Yuuya and the others who should have been dealing with them were fighting the Dragonias.

"Geez… There are a lot of troublesome people in the universe."

Ouma sighed, stretched, and slithered to his feet.

At that moment, he noticed from inside the house that Yuuya had blocked a blow from the Dragonia's roaring cannon.

"…Hmph. I could prevent that blow, but if he could have dealt with it himself, it would have been better. More importantly… Isn't this going to be interesting?"

Ouma could tell from their presence who had arrived on the other world side, and he smirked.

"That's right… If I don't lend a hand once in a while, Yuuya might forget that I'm the Genesis Dragon again. He should be able to understand the value of my work here…"

After saying that, he headed to the storage room where the [Door to the Other World] was located.


"Yuuya-sama! We are coming!"

At the same time, on the other world side, Lexia and the others were visiting Yuuya's house.

Lexia and the others have visited Yuuya's house several times, so it should be a familiar sight, but Luna is appalled by the way in which Yuuya's house and the surrounding area of the Great Devil's Nest have been completely obliterated.

"D-did my eyes go crazy? The land shouldn't have been a clearing like this before…"

Iris gently tapped Luna on the shoulder.

"You are not crazy, Luna-chan. The ultimate perfection of the Evil that Luna-chan also knows… Avis's blow has cleared the land from this point onwards."

"With a blow? B-but, why is this house safe?"

"Who knows? I still don't understand it either…"

(Yeah. The only person I can think of that can prevent that blow is the Genesis Dragon. But that dragon should not have lent a hand to us. So, I can't think of any reason why this house is safe.)

Both Iris and Usagi didn't know that Yuuya's house belonged to a famous sage in the other world, so they still didn't know why it was able to prevent Avis's attack.

In the midst of all this, Mai, the only one among them who had never been to this place before, was looking around in a daze.

"Oh, he lives in such a dangerous place…? I mean, I was supposed to be fighting a guy who could clear a forest with a single blow…?"

Before they came here, they were attacked by a pack of monsters several times, but Iris and Usagi easily dealt with them.

In addition to that, the content of the conversation between Iris and the others suggests that the battle against the Evil that Mai was originally supposed to fight took place in this place, and she was appalled when she imagined the scale of the battle.

Mai, who had been fortunate enough to have never encountered Avis, realized for the first time how powerful the enemy was.

Then Lexia, who had run up to Yuuya's house first, tilted her head.

"It's strange… There's no response from Yuuya-sama."

"I think he's not home. We are actually forcing ourselves to come here without any kind of promise, after all."

"No way!"

Lexia was disappointed by Luna's words. But Luna had a point, and there was a good chance that he was not home.

But in this case, the absence depended on whether it was because he was present in the other world where Lexia and the others lived or because he was back to his original world… Earth.

They came all the way to his house, but there was nothing they could do if he weren't here, so they had no choice but to leave.

"──You've come to the right place, little girls."


When Lexia and the others turned around, there was Ouma smiling at them.

Part 4



I blocked Drade's blow with my [Absolute Spear]… b-but his attack was heavy!

As I was blown away, Drade yawned as if he was bored.

(Hmph. I was expecting a little bit more from you, but… I guess this is all you can do.)


And then, as if to say, "Where are you looking?" Ciel charged at Drade, but Drade just took one look at Ciel and waved his arm lightly.

At that moment, a mysterious cage appeared around Ciel, trapping him in place.


"Pi!? Pii!"

In an attempt to destroy the cage, Ciel immediately wrapped his body in blue flames and rushed at the cage, but──


Just as Ciel was about to charge, some force pulled him back to the center of the cage. After that, Ciel moved around several times trying to get out but couldn't reach the cage before he was pulled back to the center.

"Pii! Pii!"

(Useless. It is a cage that utilizes universal gravitation. Once inside, it can never be broken from the inside. I was watching the fight earlier… and I had never seen your power before. I'm going to take you home and study your abilities to the fullest.)

"Wha…? Ciel!"

In order to save Ciel, I ran towards the cage, but Drade came around before me.

(Don't even think about saving your friends with me in front of you, okay?)

"Get out of my waaaaay!"

I released all of my limiters and unleashed the power of the [Holy King's Authority], the power of Evil, and the [Magic Armor].

(Wha!? You've still been hiding your power…!)

In order to save Ciel as quickly as possible, I used a variety of Holy techniques to attack Drade. Drade managed to survive my attack, but his body had sustained several wounds.

(Kuh…! No way this is…!)

"Backup. Yuuya, I'm here to help!"

(I'm here too!)

"Grrrrrr… Guoooo!"

Furthermore, in coordination with me, Yuti and the others started attacking at once, but Drade shouted and released all his energy to prevent Yuti and the others from attacking.


Yuti and the others, who's attacks were negated, couldn't help but let out a word of surprise.

"Amazing… he prevented that?"

(This is the class of a Dragonia planet commander…!)

(This is not enough… to stop me!)

"Then how about this!"

In response to the rough breathing Drade, I switched the [Absolute Spear] to [Omni-Sword] and unleashed a technique handed down from Iris-san!

"[Heavenly Saint Slash]!"

The attack, which was a truly all-out effort, became a dazzling slash of light high in the sky and swung down on Drade.


(Guh… Don't underestimate the Dragonias!)

When Drade crossed his arms, a barrier of some sort appeared, blocking my attack head-on! And in the end, it prevented me from landing the blow which was made with all my might.

"No way… Kuh!"

(…Looks like that was the best you can do, huh?)

As a matter of fact, even Drade was not unscathed, and although he had wounds all over his body, he stood firm while I fell to my knees, feeling tremendously fatigued from the recoil of the [Holy King's Authority].

Moreover, there were still several spaceships floating in the sky, and many Dragonia aliens were still inside them.

(Come on, Dragonia elites! Start the invasion!)


Then, behind Drade, there was a legion of Dragonia aliens rushing towards me.

"Predicament. That number is indeed…"


I'm sure they are not the cloned soldiers we've been dealing with, but real, well-trained soldiers.

(The winner is decided. Then, I'll take that creature.)


"Pi! Pii!"

I desperately tried to move my body to save Ciel, but the recoil of the [Holy King's Authority] prevented me from moving my body as I wanted.

In fact, if this continues, instead of being killed by Drade, we will be killed by those soldiers.

There was no reinforcement for us, and it was at this moment that I thought it was going to end──.

Permission to pass through the door is requested. Do you wish to grant permission?

"Permission to pass… the door?"

I read the message that suddenly appeared in front of me in a daze.


I nodded in reflex, not entirely understanding what it meant.


"──[Heavenly Saint Slash]!"

(──[Violent Wind Legs]!)

(Hmm? ──Wha!?)

Suddenly, two attacks struck the soldiers of Dragonia aliens.

They were accompanied by voices I knew well. I turned my gaze toward the voice and was stunned.


"W-why… Why are the masters here?"

"──We're finally here!"

(──What's with that mess? Yuuya.)

To my surprise, Iris-san and Master Usagi appeared here!

No way, was the permission for that door… about Iris-san and the others? However, the door is in Sage-san's house. Normally, it should not even be possible to find…

"How did you get here?"

"My dear apprentice is in trouble. It's only natural to come to the rescue, isn't it?"

(Hah… Just ignore what she's saying. The only reason we're here is because the Genesis Dragon invited us in.)

"Eh, Ouma-san?"

I turned my gaze to the house and saw Ouma-san lying down as usual at the entrance. When he noticed my gaze, he opened one eye and grinned.



While I was moved by Ouma-san's help, I heard Drade's impatient voice, so I looked back again. Then, to my surprise, the cage that Ciel was trapped in came flying towards me, floating in midair!

I hurriedly caught it.

Then I noticed that there was a thin thread wrapped around the cage that I couldn't see unless I strained my eyes. This is…

"I'm not as dependable as the Sword Saint or the Kicking Saint, but I'm here too!"


"Yuuya-sama! Me! I'm here too!"

"Eeeh? Le-Lexia-san is here too!"

I can't hide my surprise at the members of the other world group that appear one after another.

And finally, Kagurazaka-san was looking around with an indescribable expression on her face.

"Hey… is this really Japan? It's not even Japan; it doesn't even look like Earth…"

"Err… well…"

As I wondered how I should respond to Kagurazaka-san's words, Master Usagi, who had moved to stand next to me, spoke up.

(We'll talk later. Are those people over there ── your enemies?)


When Master Usagi heard my answer, he smiled ferociously. U-um, Master? No matter how I look at it, it's the kind of smile that herbivores don't do…?

(Fuh… this is just right. Thanks to you, we, the Holy, didn't know what to do with our power. But if those are your enemies, then I'll repay my debt to you here. You can use me to your heart's content.)

"Yuuya-kun, it's the same for me. If they are your enemies, they are also my enemies as your master. Let's fight together."

"Master Usagi, Iris-san…"

When I had finally recovered enough to move, I stood up with all my strength and broke the cage that had trapped Ciel.

"Ciel, stay with Ouma-san and the others!"

"Pi! Pii!"

When I tried to lower Ciel to safety, Ciel fiercely opposed me, but now that I knew Ciel was being targeted, I couldn't let Ciel fight.

I picked up Ciel and went over to Lexia-san and the others and left Ciel with Lexia-san.

"Lexia-san, can you take care of Ciel for me?"

"Yes, of course. But… is Yuuya-sama going to be okay?"

Lexia-san's concern was understandable. I was so tired that I couldn't move a moment ago. But I'm fine now. After all, a reassuring ally has arrived.

After leaving Ciel in Lexia-san's care, I faced Drade and his men once again.

"Master Usagi, Iris-san! Please lend me your strength."



The two of them ran out as soon as they replied and jumped into the crowd of Dragonia soldiers at once!

(Kuh! What can they do with just a few more people! Kill them all!"


The enemy soldiers also shouted and rushed towards Master Usagi and the others, but there was no urgency in their expressions.

(I don't know what they are saying, but they are sure making light of us.)

"That's right. We can't afford to lose to people who aren't Evil."

Iris-san held her sword low and slashed it up with great force.

"──[Heavenly Rotation]!"

A tornado of slashes was generated, and it engulfed the soldiers of the Dragonia planet, cutting them up one after another.

([Breaking Kick Flash]!)

Master Usagi pulled his legs to the limit of his body and released them at once.

At that moment, a blow of extreme compression was released from Master Usagi's leg, piercing through the Dragonia aliens who were rushing towards him in an attempt to corner him.

In addition, the aftermath of this technique pierced not only the soldiers around him but also the spaceship that was floating in midair.

Seeing the actions of Master Usagi and the others, Merl-san, who had never seen the other world group before, was stunned and muttered.

(A-amazing… that they could so easily defeat those formidable Dragonia aliens…)

"W-well, those two are special, after all."

Then, like Merl-san, Drade, who had witnessed the strength of the other world group for the first time, opened his eyes.

(Ridiculous… nonsense…!? What the hell are these people?)

"──Your opponent is me…!"


I left the other Dragonia aliens to Master Usagi, Merl-san, and the others for the moment, and I attacked Drade.

Drade immediately crossed his arms, as he had done when he received my [Heavenly Saint Slash], and deployed what looked like a barrier to intercept my [Omni-Sword], but the barrier was easily cut through by the [Omni-Sword].


I see… When I think about it, Holy was originally a power to counter Evil, and this weapon has a non-standard power that I originally inherited from Sage-san…!

While [Heavenly Saint Slash] attacks the opponent with the blade of light created by the power of the Holy, now I'm using the original power of Sage-san's [Omni-Sword] that can cut anything.

So even if it were just a normal attack, Drade's barrier would have been sliced through.

However, Drade quickly distanced himself from it, just as his arm was about to be cut in half.

(What… What is that weapon? I'm pretty sure I blocked your attack with that weapon earlier! But why is it that when you're weakened, your attack…?)

It would be a confusing situation for Drade.

If looking at the power alone, it is obvious that I have weakened because I don't have the physical strengthening of the [Holy King's Authority]. I myself was exhausted and not as strong as I was before.

However, Sage-san's weapons have more power than that.

I thanked Sage-san once again for leaving these weapons to me and held up the [Omni-Sword].

"I'm going to beat you here."

(Stop being cocky, you lowlife creatures…! The Earth you live on, and the annihilation weapons of planet Amel! All of it! All of it will belong to us, the Dragonias!)

Drade charged, shouting and thrusting out the spear in his hand. However, the attack was not as refined as the first time.

"[Spiral Slash]! [Unparalleled War Dance]! [Twilight Slash]!"

In response to Drade, I unleashed all of the techniques of the Sword Saint that Iris-san had unleashed when she was cooking.

But even with that attack, Drade was able to handle it and counterattacked.

(I can't lose… I'm the commander of the Dragonia planet! I will not be defeated!)

"──I won't lose either!"


While I was attacking Drade, I instantly switched from the [Omni-Sword] to the [Absolute Spear].

Drade had been responding to my sword attacks up until now, so he couldn't immediately respond to the spear attack that I switched to in an instant.

I made sure not to let that gap slip away.


In the next moment, something strange happened to my body.

I had been fighting with only my energy and no longer had the strength to use the [Holy King's Authority], but suddenly a golden aura, the same as the [Holy King's Authority], overflowed from my body.

And that's not all.

Along with the.golden aura… I was also clad in a silver aura that I had never seen before.

I-I'm not sure what this power is… but I know that the golden aura is the Holy power. I felt the pure power of the Holy from this golden aura, even more so than when I activated the [Holy King's Authority]. And this silver power is similar to the… Evil…? It's essence was also more pure than that of Kuro and Avis… Well, this is not a superficial Evil power of only hatred, but a pure Evil that is necessary in the world…

I was confused by the suddenness of the situation, but then I thought of the [Holy and Evil Creation] that Argena-san had given me. Could it be… this is the true power of… [Holy and Evil Creation]──?

(What kind of power is that…? Where did you get that kind of power…?)

"! Uoooooohhh!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I unleashed my most powerful attack on Drade.

Drade tried to block the attack somehow, but Sage-san's weapon, the [Absolute Spear], had pierced everything, including Drade as well.


Drade spat out what appeared to be blue blood, different from that of humans.

(No, way… this me, is losing──)

He fell down, and for a moment, the surroundings went silent.

And then──.

(Co-commander has been defeated…!)


(R-retreat! Report to the main ship immediately…!)

(Recover the commander! We need to deactivate the subspace and retreat immediately!)

The Dragonia aliens hurriedly fled disorderly into their spaceships and flew away. As all the spaceships disappeared from this mysterious space, the space itself which was distorted at the same time returned to the original Earth.


We defeated the Dragonia aliens. Immediately after that mysterious space was dispersed, the streets immediately returned to the familiar streets as usual, and we hurried back into the house.

Fortunately, there weren't that many people near my house, so it didn't cause any commotion, but it would have been a surprise just to see someone suddenly appear, and anyone would have been surprised to see a person with a sword and another clearly dressed like a princess.

That's why we went back to my house before we created a ruckus… Everyone was looking around my house with curiosity.

So I decided to ask them questions one by one.

"U-um… why did you come to my house?"

"…Sorry, it was my fault."

"Eh? Kagurazaka-san's fault?"

Then, an unexpected person answered, and as my eyes widened, Kagurazaka-san told me somewhat awkwardly.

"Um… I told Lexia-san and the others that you live in the same world as me. So in the adventurer's guild, we heard about a love potion. So, when we went to the forest to look for the ingredients for the love potion, we happened to meet Iris-san and the others, who I also told that you were from the same world as mine. And then we all decided to go talk to you…"

"I-I see…"

It was true that if someone had asked Kagurazaka-san about me, they would have known at once that I was from a different world. It's not like I asked Kagurazaka-san to keep quiet about it, so it was probably just a matter of time before someone found out.

After I understood the reason why everyone was here, I touched on something in Kagurazaka-san's words that bothered me.

"Even so… Is there such a thing as a love potion…?"

"I was surprised, too. And it's for you──."



As soon as Kagurazaka-san was about to say something, Lexia-san and Iris-san covered Kagurazaka-san's mouth with unbelievable speed. W-what is it?

"Ma-Ma?! You can't say that!"

"T-that's right! As the Sword Saint… No, it will affect my reputation as the master!"


"But there's nothing to say! It's not a problem. This is an order from a princess, okay?"

"I can't do that here! O-okay…"

The conversation seemed to be over, with Kagurazaka-san somewhat limp and Lexia-san smiling dryly.

"Um… What was that all about?"

"I-it's nothing! It has nothing to do with you, Yuuya-sama!"


Is it really nothing to do with me? Kagurazaka-san, I thought she was about to say "You" for a moment…

However, looking at the two of them, they didn't seem to be able to answer, so I decided not to pursue the matter any further.

Then Iris-san changed the subject.

"…..Yuuya, you really are from this other world?"

"Eh? Ah, yes. That's right. I mean, I'm sorry for not telling you…"

"It doesn't matter! Until we heard about the saint and hero summoning in the country of Regal, we too thought that other worlds were something from fairy tales!"

(It's true. In fact, I was able to see the other world for a moment just now, but it was different from the world we know. It's just that, Yuuya. It seems to me that the fact that you are special is no different in this world…)

"I-is that so?"

"Yes. I've been looking around for signs of life, but none of them are as strong as yours."

Apparently, they were able to find out that much in just a few moments before entering the house. These two people are amazing…

Master Usagi had been looking around the house for a while when he suddenly stood up.

(Well… there are many questions I want to ask you, but for now, let's go back for today.)


"Ara? You're leaving already?"

Iris-san was also looking at Master Usagi curiously, but Master Usagi frowned.

(What do you mean, you have nothing to do with it? You guys are going back too.)

""Eeh? W-why?""

At Master Usagi's words, Iris-san and Lexia-san raised their voices.

But Master Usagi's stance did not change.

(Is there anything else you can do about it? Looking at Yuuya's condition, at least he needs some rest. Can't you even understand that?)

"…Indeed, when we arrived, Yuuya was completely wounded…"

Luna also nodded to Master Usagi's words, and both Lexia-san and Iris-san were at a loss for words.

Master Usagi let out a sigh to the two, who were still somewhat dissatisfied.

(Hah… It's not like it's a goodbye. In any case, you're going to explain this, including what happened this time. Do you mind, Yuuya?)

"Y-yes. I'm fine with it."

(Right, that's it. Let's get back home.)

""Ugh… yes.""

Both Lexia-san and Iris-san reacted in the same way and went straight to the storage room where the door was.

As soon as I was about to follow them and see them off, Merl-san, who had been silently listening to the conversation, raised her voice.



Unfortunately, Merl-san's words were only understood by me, but Master Usagi and the others all stopped as one of the people they were interested in spoke up.

Then Merl-san told us in a language that was not very clear to everyone.

(Our… our planet, please save us…!)

These words were not only for me but for everyone present.