
I Fucking Hate NTR

Warning-The first chapter will have a little bit of NTR but I'm sure you will enjoy the revenge after. and there is also some gore.

Shonpufi · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

[4]The fuck!?, were going to Xyrus?

There he was, floating midair above the ruble.

He began slowly decend to the floor as he was still in a mediative position.

Arthur slowly opened his eyes "Ha, I finally made my core" he said with a happy smile

"...wait, we're is the house" his happiness was short lived as he noticed the destruction around him.

He soon realized that he had...blown it up.

"Arthur there you are!" Spoke a voice behind him, it was his father with Estarossa in arms.

"My boy are you ok!?" Reynolds began running his hands around him to check if he has any Injuries.

Arthur who was getting smothered shock of his big hands of his face "yeah I'm fine I-"

"I know you made a core, your brother told me that was the reason the house exploded. Hehehe my son's a genius!" He said with a happy smile.

'really your saying that right now?' tought both Estarossa and Arthur at the same time.

"Hehe Estarossa your little brother is really talented right?.it's fine, you will probably awaken soon since your my son" he said smugly without an ounce of shame.

"Meh, I already made my core a while back" Estarossa replied nonchalantly.

Reynolds who was grining stoped immediately and looked at him in shock "what!, I don't sense your core at all!?"

"Oh it's because I concealed it" Estarossa removed the darkness around his core so that his father could sense.

"Heh, hahahahahaha!" Reynold went into a fit of mad laughter.

Arthur looked at Estarossa and signaled with his eyes 'You broke him"

'Don't worry he'll be fine'

'Are you sure?'

'...I don't know'


Three year's soon past by since that accident and my and Arthur turned 4 year's old.

A lot of things have happened since then. Besides the fact that Mom kicked dads ass for not keeping an eye on us, we rebuilded the house.

Mom taugh me and Arthur how to read and write, we have also been learning the basics of mana manipulation and augmentation from dad.

At first since our bodies were to small to be sparring so we did basic workouts. But it wasn't long before we dad decided that it was fine for us for us to practice.

As we stood in the grassy fields in the front of the house, me and Arthur held wooden small swords as we confronted our dad.

"Alright Arthur, you go first" Spoke dad.

Arthur nodded and got into his sword stance.

Dad has taught us the basics but never has he taught us sword style so it should have been what he knew from his last life.

I can already tell from Arthurs face that he wants to end this quickly so that he can shove in some studying before diner starts. What he needs right now was knowledge and a body capable of using his skills.



As I was having my little monologue Arthur cuted Dad's branch in half with his wooden sword, seems like he managed to find out how to augment his body with mana.

In his previous life it was ki that was used to fight but I'm sure that the power system was entirely different from this one, this he starts from scratch on how to do things with mana.

"Alright I'm going to go study" told Arthur to dad as he walked away.

"Y-yeah sure" said dad dejectedly as he got his ego damaged by his own four year old son

He threw away his Snaped twig and then grabbed a wooden sword, it seems like he learned not to get cocky from what happened with Arthur right now.

"Alright Estarossa my boy, give it your best shot" he said as he smugly gave me a smile.

Nevermind, he's fine.

Guess I'll have to hit his ego a second time.

"Yes dad!" I said with a sweet smile, him being totally unaware that...

I was gaining all of Estarossas and Maels battle experience.

That's right, each time I hold a sword I feel as if I've touched the same weapon a thousand times before.

It's just that I have to train all that muscle memory and refine it.

I found out a while back when I was trying my Rebellion skill.

I put my wooden sword in a reverse grip, making my dads eyes look at me weirdly.

I concentrated mana through every fiber of my legs muscles.

[Sonido] yes I'm pulling this on dad, usually thisove would shred all your muscles due to the strain that it puts on your body. But thanks to my demon regenerative powers I can use it and heal instantly.

I immediately moved to the very front of my dad, his eyes that were looking where I was before soon locked in where I was now.

Sadly he is a bit to late.

I quickly thrusted my blade but to my surprise dad managed to slap down the sword with the hilt of the wooden blade, knocking me down face flat.

"Son, were did you learn to do that?, you scared the living life out of me!" He exclamed as as he panted, he blocked my strike out of sheer luck and instinct.

Seems like my little surprise move scared the shit out of him.

"Hehe want to know" I said smugly.

His eyes seemed to notice my smug smile, not whanting to switch the roles of teacher And master he said "I'm fine son, I'm sure that I'll figure it out myself...somehow"

You don't sound so confident chief.

"Anyways let's continue dad" I told him as I lifted myself from the ground

We proceeded to spar for the rest of the day until it was dinner time. I could already feel my body getting used to Estarossa's and Maels battle experience.


Soon enough it it was dinner.

Mother always makes some good fucking food despite the lack of cooking techniques and spices. Maybe the quality of meat is better here thanks to mana nourishing the animals body.

Well who cares it's good as hell.





Me, mom, and dad quietly yet awkwardly ate our diner as Mr. King was having a tantrum.

He continued to eat his food roughly while muttering something around 'can't a person have some time to learn around here?'.

It was quite amusing honestly.

My dad suddenly spoke up "Honey, I think it's time we get the kids a proper mentor"

"What!?, he's only four years old Reynold!. Besides, you said you'd be able to teach him!" Countered my mom.

They both began to bicker as me and Arthur looked at them.

I looked at Arthur and used our twin bond to communicate 'Bro, do something'

'what do you want me to do?'

'I don't know, but they stated fighting because you were tantrum eating like a person with a brain tumor. You missed the food like seven times!'

Arthur didn't respond back, at least he's self aware that his annoyance for being called to diner while training caused dad and mom to this situation.

Suddenly both dad and mom slapped their hands on the table as they looked at the both of us.

"Arthur, Estarossa, you have a say in this as well. Do you want to go to a big city and get a real teacher?" Asked dad

Both me and Arthur looked at eachother with blank eyes. We were both thinking the same thing.

'Serously he's letting a four year old decide . Isn't he this asking to much of a four year old?'

Arthur opened his mouth "Can't mommy and Daddy come to and meet teacher togheter?"

Ooh nice one Arthur!.

"Yeah I wanna go with Mom and dad" I said as I backed up Arthur.

"..." (Mom and Dad)


The silence was soon broken by their laughter, they both realized that they could have come with us this entire time.

"Then it's settled, looks like we're all going to Cyrus City" exclaimed dad with his usual unnecessary high voice.

It also seems like it's almost time for Arthur to meet Sylvia. And for THAT even it to happen.

I should pre-write a letter for Mom and dad so the won't worry when we fall of the cliff. Mom became suicidal after Arthur was tought to be dead.

Yeah lets do that!