
I Fuck, Lick & Cuck Everyone With My Reality Manipulation Powers

What does Alex do, when one day, all of a sudden, he receives the power to manipulate reality and bend it to his every desire? He does exactly as the novel title's suggests. _________________________________ This is a project that I'll be writing since everyone is horny, and you all need a good actual #fucktheplot porn novel to wank ur stuff to. Or, schlick ur shiz. Support this shiz and get it to the top of webnovel's rankings guys. Also, make sure to comment down y'all's fantasies and kinks down in the comments too cuz who knows? I might add that shit to the book.

Zeus_Machina · ファンタジー
23 Chs

I Made A Black Hole Pussy (2)

With a snap of his fingers, a black hole appeared in the center of the field, its massive gravitational pull threatening to suck everything in its path. But Alex was not afraid. He was in control. With a flick of his wrist, he contained the black hole within a fourth dimensional cube, stabilizing it and preventing it from devouring everything around it.

As he approached the cube, Alex ran his hands over its smooth surface, feeling the pulsating energy and darkness radiating from it. With a grin, he stretched out his hand and began shaping the black hole into a sword, crafting its hilt and blade with finesse and precision.

Finally, the black hole sword was complete and Alex held it triumphantly in his hands. The blade was a deep, endless void, pulsing with power and potential. Alex could feel the raw energy coursing through it, and his heart raced with anticipation. This was the ultimate weapon.

He swung it around, testing its weight and feeling its power coursing through him. With a gleeful laugh, he declared himself the master of all reality.

Just for the sake of experimentation, he decided to send the black hole sword out into the world, telling it to go to whoever it desired. With a boom, the sword launched off into the distance, disappearing into the horizon.

But his fun was just beginning.

Alex stood there for a moment, contemplating his next move. And then he got an idea. 

He wanted to create something that would make even the most daring and depraved individuals tremble in fear. And so, he set to work, using his powers to shape a massive black hole. But this time, he added a little extra detail - a pussy made out of the same material as the black hole.

"A Black Hole Pussy!"

A wicked grin spread across his face as he summoned the black hole once again, this time shaping it into a pussy. He laughed at his own absurdity, but the idea excited him.

Using his powers, he molded the black hole pussy into his desired shape, a perfect blend of pleasure and danger. He couldn't help but get aroused at the thought of his creation.

As he crafted the black hole pussy, Alex couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement coursing through him. He already had a god complex, but this only fueled his ego further. When the black hole pussy was finalized, he couldn't resist the urge to take off his pants and admire his creation.

With a sly smile, he cast a protection spell on himself, ensuring that his dick wouldn't get ripped off from the gravitational pull of the black hole. 

As he positioned himself in front of it, his excitement building, he couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all.

"I am a god,"he thought to himself, his ego inflating with every passing second. "No one can even come close to what I am capable of."

And with that, he began to thrust himself into the black hole pussy, feeling a wave of pleasure sweep over him. It was like nothing he had ever experienced before. He could feel his climax building, his moans echoing in the empty space around him.

He had created the ultimate pussy, and he was the first one to experience it. He let out a satisfied sigh, basking in the afterglow of his own power.

"Fucking hell, this is amazing," Alex moaned as he fucked the black hole pussy with his small, white cock. "I'm a fucking genius for creating this!"

With each thrust, he felt a surge of power and dominance. He truly felt like a god, using his own creation for his own pleasure. But he wasn't satisfied just yet.

But either way, Alex couldn't resist the urge to talk some shit as he fucked the black hole pussy again and again.

"Fucking pussy feels so good," he grunted, his small white cock pounding into the abyss. "No one else has ever experienced this kind of pleasure."

With a wicked grin, he continued to thrust into the black hole pussy, feeling his power and dominance grow with each passing second.

'Shit, I should pimp this pussy out,' he mused, the thought of others using and pleasuring themselves with his creation only adding to his excitement. 'Let them experience what it feels like to fuck a god.'

As the intensity of his orgasm grew, Alex couldn't help but shout out in ecstasy.




"Oh my fucking god!" he cried out, his small white cock pulsing as he came inside the black hole pussy.

With a satisfied sigh, he pulled himself out and watched as the black hole pussy disappeared into the sky. And as he looked up at the sun, admiring the splendid view, he couldn't help but revel in his own god-like status.

"I am a fucking god!" Alex said with a smug smirk. "And no one can stop me from doing whatever the fuck I want."

The tightness, the heat, the sensation of pure ecstasy coursing through every nerve in his body.

As he pumped in and out, the stars and planets seemed to align with his movements, creating a symphony of pleasure unlike anything he had ever experienced. He felt as if he was one with the universe, connected to everything and everyone.

The black hole pussy was unlike anything he had ever experienced. The pleasure was beyond his wildest dreams. He could feel the raw power of the black hole mixing with his own, intensifying the pleasure even more. It was addictive.


When he couldn't hold on any longer, he climaxed and released his seed into the black hole pussy. And just like that, he had created the most incredible sexual experience for himself. 


Alex collapsed to his knees, panting and sweating. He had never felt so completely satisfied, so fulfilled. And with a contented smile on his face, he knew that he truly was a god. Nothing could ever compare to the pleasure he had just experienced.

"Well then."

After he had his fun, Alex decided to send the black hole pussy out into the world to choose whoever it wanted. He made sure to cast a protection spell on it, not wanting anyone to suffer the same fate as his own dick - ripped off and sucked into the black hole.

As he watched the black hole pussy disappear into the distance, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. He wanted to be the only one to experience its pleasure. But then, his mind twisted the thought, and he couldn't help but feel excited about the idea of others enjoying the black hole pussy. He was, after all, its creator.

But that wasn't all - he also felt a strange sense of connection to the black hole pussy. Maybe it was because he had poured his own cum into it, or maybe it was because it was an extension of his own powers.

'Nuts inside, still got my cum in it. That's gotta be a turn on for whoever fucks it next!'

As the black hole pussy disappeared, Alex stood there, naked and proud, feeling like the god he believed himself to be. He gazed up at the sun, admiring its beauty. He didn't care that he was exposed to the world, for in that moment, he truly felt invincible.

He chuckled to himself, knowing that no one could ever match his powers. He was the master of reality, and he would do whatever he pleased, no matter how absurd or dangerous it may be. With that, he took flight, soaring towards the sun, with a newfound sense of freedom and power. He was unstoppable. He was a god.

Shit guys, someone really gotta stop me. My mind's fucked up writing all this for y'all.

Anyways, read more fucked up chapters like this on my patreon----->http://patreon.com/Sorobo

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