
I Found Myself Buried In The Darkness

Evan was an ordinary man who's given up on life, however, he finds himself in another world as a 5 year old kid whose name is "Damien Maxwell". Follow him as he travel the world and witness the scary yet oh so beautiful world. Witness how his kindness crumble as the past that he wished to forget haunts him once more. Cover isn't mine, please inform me if it's yours and want to take it down.

DaoOfMadness · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Teacher, Magic, and Training

(Damien's POV)

It's been a few weeks since I've been in this world, and most of this body's memories has returned. Although it took some time, I can now more accurately call my affection for my family and this household 'real' and not fake.

As I was lost in my thoughts, Melissa spoke and pop my bubble.

"Young master, the Lord is calling you for an important discussion."

"Mm... Wait a sec, I'll be right there"

I bugged my father a few days ago that I want to learn the sword and magic, he agreed quite fast, but it seems the reason he agreed was because it was required for the heir of the house to at least learn either at a young age. The only reason he hasn't brought out the topic was because he was worried of me.

I'm anxious and excited, after all, today is the date where my 'master' will arrive. I heard from my father that he's some kind of big shot, specifically, a knight commander, not just any knight commander, a magic knight commander.

As I finished grooming myself and putting clothes on, I hurriedly step out of my room with Melissa.

After a short while, we reached the guest room, and there I saw a golden haired middle aged man talking with my father. He doesn't lose out to my father at all in terms of stature nor looks at all. In fact, isn't this guy much better looking? His eyes matches his hair, it was golden. The impression that I could by the way he talked and posture himself, he was a kind yet strict man.

It seems my 'master' and father has noticed my presence. My father waved at me and signalled me to sit down while the man only looked at my silently.

"Son, this is Geovanis, the famous magic knight commander."

"Erm... Hello, My name is Damien Maxwell, the oldest son of Destesius Maxwell, it is a pleasure to meet you."

"Hoh? The names Geovanis, from today onwards, I'll be your teacher. You can call me teacher or master, it doesn't matter. What matters is, can you take it? My training, I mean?"

"Erm... I don't know how I'll do, but you can rest assured that even if I fail, I'll rose up from the ground to continue what I'm doing"

"Heh, fine, I like your answer kid, Des, you won't mind if I train this twerp of yours today, right?"

"Yeah, go on and do as you like, however, there is a line, and you know it, correct?"

"Whew, how scary, follow me to the training grounds kid"

We walked quite far, and at least, I saw a huge dome where I saw some soldiers who's interacting and laughing together. After they saw us, they immediately straightened their posture and greeted us. My teacher only raised his hand and proceeded to enter the dome as I followed him.

I could see some soldiers training and using some kind of forms that I wasn't able to understand, however, that was only because I'm new to swordsmanship.

After noticing our presence, the entire dome felt silent, and I can only hear the sounds of footsteps that are gradually getting closer together. The soldiers lined up to what seemed to be the perfect line and shouted.


"Quiet down, I'm here to teach this brat some skills, go back and do your own things"

"YES, SIR!!!"

"Hmph, quite a loud bunch, I wish my knights are as energetic as they are"

After commenting on our knight's attitude, he picked up a small wooden sword in which seemed to be a holder and toss it to me.

"Brat, do you know what mana is?"

"Uh... From what I recall, it is an energy that comes from the world. When people use mana, they use their mana that they've accumulated from the sorroundings and after the spell ended, the man that released from them will simply return from the world"

"Hoh? Correct, that's what mana is, however, that's only the surface, I can't tell you nor can I explain it to you so you can understand unless you experience it yourself. Give me your hand."

As I gave him my hand, he seemed to be focusing on something and after a while, I felt a sensation that I couldn't explain. It's as if my body is floating in the sky and is interacting with the world directly.

"Can you feel it, kid? This Is what people that knows how to use mana feel. It's not just accumulate, and releasing mana. You interact with the world itself. The more blessed someone is, the more mana they can gather. And do you know why that is?"

"Why is that?"

"It's because they can tap into the world's truth, or simply put, they're blessed to the point that the not only they interact with the world, the can understand it as well."

"That's what it means to be blessed in magic."

"Although I understand it as I felt what it's like, how does one even feel interacting with the world as if it's a living thing?"

"Who knows? One thing I can say though, If you met someone blessed by magic, they can probably explain it to you. After all, I'm not blessed, simply talented."

Is the world a living thing? After all, what I felt during that time was clear. I was able to traverse some kind of space and felt I was interacting with something.

"Now that you've felt what mana is, will you be able to go to that world without my help"

"I'll try"

I focused my attention on replicating that burning sensation I felt a while back. As I did, I felt it once more.

'A little more. A bit more.'

Almost as if my soul was being dragged towards that place, I traversed the mortal world and entered another place.

Once I opened my eyes, I can feel as though I can see everything. However, a small snicker was all it took to bring me back to the mortal world.

"Ku...kukukuku.... Kid, it seems you got talent. The fact that you pulled off a magic eye right off the bat, means mana is favouring you."

"What... Was that?"

"That was the "world" in it's full glory. People almost always see the world narrowly. To such people, the world is small, not knowing how big the world is. It's especially hard for nobles to see the world in clear eyes because they grew up in a place where everything bended in their will. Once someone is able to see the world what it truly is, only then they can confidently say that they're magicians. After all, what kind of magician are you if you don't even know how important research is or gauging a person's strength?"

Knowing how big the world is... Is it because I'm not someone from this world but someone who came from world where you can see how not everyone is the same?

After all, to live in such an unfair world, one can only realize how weak and insignificant they are in the face of money.

"Kid, I'll train you and polish you. But... Wether you emerge as a gemstone like your father or trash is definitely not my problem. You have the talent. Make use of it."

"Now then, let's make sure your body ready. Kid, although I'll teach you some things here and there, I can only teach you seriously until your body is good enough. Right now, your body is weak. Therefore... Train."

After that, I was forced to train for long periods of time. I was only allowed to rest when it's night. Day after day, I was experiencing the most torturous training I've ever felt in my life.

It's not like I didn't do any work out in my previous life. However, training to look good and training to fight monsters are completely different, it seems.

And just like that, two years have past. I'm now 7 years old. And today is when that old man will teach me seriously.

"Old man, I'm here, keep your promise."

"Hmmm... What an inpatient young man. Don't worry, I'm not the type to back down from a promise. Well, unless if you're an enemy of course."

"Be ready, brat. Today marks the day you'll be stronger than any kid your age. Just from teaching you here and there, you've already accomplished a lot and became a monster. Now, what'll happen if I teach you seriously? Kukukuku."