
I Found Myself Buried In The Darkness

Evan was an ordinary man who's given up on life, however, he finds himself in another world as a 5 year old kid whose name is "Damien Maxwell". Follow him as he travel the world and witness the scary yet oh so beautiful world. Witness how his kindness crumble as the past that he wished to forget haunts him once more. Cover isn't mine, please inform me if it's yours and want to take it down.

DaoOfMadness · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Going Home

(Damien's POV)

Where I stand, Is a battlefield field with corpses and the thick scent of blood, however, unlike last time where I threw up, I looked at this scene calmly.

It seems I was now used to this sight after being here for a few days. As of now, we are engaged in a battle against wolf-like monsters which people call "Wolverines".

A Wolverine is normally a D rated monster, however, their rank increases when they are in packs. Like wolves, their coordination is impeccable. One will taunt, one will juke, and one will attack, while the others attack the back while their opponent is distracted by the one who first attacked.

With this simple, yet effective strategy, it is extremely hard to deal with them unless you're in a group, or you're unreasonably strong. When in packs, the Wolverines are said to be C+ in rank, however, lots of B class adventurers have fallen prey to their hands, so there was a bit of a controversy about how they should change it due to overconfident people trying to attack them alone.

However, the guild refused, saying that this rank is appropriate. The only reason why lots have died is because they have been too overconfident and underestimated them, which was hard to retort since most have indeed tried to solo a pack of wolverines.

"Kuh!" I groaned a bit due to the pressure I received when I blocked its paws.

It was not as if they were stronger than the orcs, however, their speed added weight to their attacks, making it harder to block. Wolverines are ranked high in speed even among other monsters. It was stated that their speed was on B.

Seriously, the God who made these monsters sure has a knack of giving monsters advantages and disadvantages making them quite balanced, however, aren't monsters having a whole rank higher in their specialty too much?

I dodged the attack of the wolf and tried to counterattack only to strike the wind. The fact that it moved a few meters away in a few seconds was proof enough how fast it was.

'Tsk, you and your annoying speed.' I frowned and made a displeased look.

I tried to close the distance but to no avail, his speed was faster than me. My speed was in between C- and C, so I can't catch up no matter how much I try.

'Tsk, let's see you run fast when the ground you're standing on disappears.'

I held my sword high and tensed my muscles to the brim. In this split second, I slashed the ground without hesitation and tore the ground apart.

The wolverine was quite surprised by this action, however, it quickly got into its senses fast because it saw my sword. It tried to run however, the moment it was surprised, I already had one. After all, I already threw my sword at it.

It cannot simply go away because I threw it with everything I got. It can either dodge it and get a wound and survive a little longer and gets killed due to blood loss, or gets killed instantly without suffering. Perhaps knowing this, the monster didn't try to dodge like when it first saw my sword approaching it.

The sword pierced its skull, revealing a gory sight of splattered blood and pieces of its brain.

'Tsk, no matter how much I try to get used to this, it still feels icky seeing that shit.' I walked towards it and picked up my sword.

Despite my disgusted expression, I still moved towards that gruesome sight without throwing up.

After this heated battle, i regrouped towards my knights, and I found the pack where the wolverine i fought earlier belongs to is now dead, pierced by the knight's weapons.

It seems they were looking at me fighting the wolverine alone and was singing praises here and there about how their young master has "grown up", which I find rather embarrassing.

'As I said, if you guys are going to praise me, don't do it excessively!!!' I shouted in my head, embarrassed. Sighing, I went back to my tent, and slept.

When I woke up, I was informed by one of the knights guarding my tent after I walked out of it that I was going to go home.

'Finally! I can go away from this accursed cursed place' My mind jumped in joy at the info.

Pretty much the entire morning, my mood was at its peak. After lunch, except for a few who are going to stay, the rest were now preparing to leave, naturally, I was the fastest among them.

After everyone finished packing up, we were now going to go back home. However, things didn't go my way like always.

'Damn it, when we crossed the border, there were no problems, and now that we're going to go home and relax, there is now a problem? Is God messing with me?'

We met a bandit group, that's right, the cliché bandit group that attacks the MC, or the heroine.

"Bastards, surrender now!"

A lone bandit which seems to be the most annoying type ticked me off more than it can already have. At this point, my extremely happy mood became extremely bad.

'Bastards, I'll show you that you don't mess with a man on his vacation.'

I got out of the carriage where the knights tried to stop me only to meet my eyes which seems to be enough sign that they shouldn't stop me no matter what.

"Are there any wooden sticks with you guys?" I asked the knight closest to me.

"Yes, there is."

The knight hurriedly got into his carriage and tried to find the wooden sword he mentioned. The bandits were too stunned to speak at this situation.

"Here you go, young master." I took it and gave my sword to him and said to hold it for me while I play with them.

Just as I said, I played with their bodies and tore them apart, after beating them black and blue with a few broken bones, I sent them to the jail cell when we got into our territory tied up.

After getting out of the carriage and looking at the big house in front of me, I can only think of one thing.

'Ahhh~ It's nice to be home.'