

I been betray by my one fiance and this how I get revenge

Kazuki_Masaki · アクション
6 Chs


Master it time! %¢÷¥!" yawning blade to Da_Ryū

BLADE"I be wake up 5 minutes more okay"

Da_Ryū look at blade he take the meat and baked some potatoes at same time Arisa buy some bread.Blade"it time to wake up" ,(?)"Theft he stole my wallet!!",Blade command Da_Ryū to read the situation mean while Arisa chase the thief.

Blade take same things from Da_Ryū pocket it was crystal to find the theft and arisa,Blade"Da_Ryū I take around 3 minutes to find them please change form to bird and find them

Da_Ryū"Yes master".

Arisa hold the old man and lock and beat him an old man say(?)"you wrong it misunderstood miss the theft is the little boy", Arisa look the suspicious old man.Da_Ryū saw Arisa and fly to her arm,Arisa hear something she look around and saw the bird she take sight of breath,

haaaa... Though it was Blade and Da_Ryū that bird scares me hahahaa".

Da_Ryū following her for something happen at same time Blade sigh at Arisa cause destroy the the street market and them look at he the one who did it.Blade"went she come back I will punish her"

Arisa sneezy"did someone talk about me".

Blade took the woods to rebuild the shop and make money he sell honey and bread.Arisa"why the theft enter to underground it that the base there hiding".she took chance to enter and Da_Ryū report to blade with his magic blade find are kid the one arisa try to catch it blade took are knive and throw to that kid and shocked that kid move and run blade chase him to find answer.

Arisa been hit it head she passed out are minutes.

Arisa"#*-_+£# arghh... where am I right now"

(?)"did you awake well beauty your arrogant lot like it time for you to sacrifice your life and I can obtain great power on univers.Arisa"sacrifice?power?"

(?)"huh you don't know that who have the blood of Arthur have great power and sacrifice you can obtain power".

Arisa"look angry and try to get up but her hand been tied on chair and the some big sound from behind and the yellow eyes come close and arisa saw blade kill every one of the theft with the kid. that arisa try to catch.

before 10 minutes after blade catch the kid with angry face ask,Blade"boy where the girl that try to catch you".Boy silent and he remember that she stop at middle with old man blade saw it his mind and bring the boy and say Blade"boy before you follow me get ready to fight.Da_Ryū sent the crystal to help blade for find arisa mana,Blade"what your name boy",(boy)"it val", them follow the mana flow and meet unknown man with suit amor and fight.

Arisa see bird watching her and (da_ryū)ryū,give signal to wait,arisa look at the guy ryū take form mouse to untied arisa and go to blade, after fight blade and val find the mana flow blade speedup to enter arisa shouted to blade arisa"watch out"blade took out the ryū bag take sword and kill it with one slash the guy dead and them found the treasure to rebuild empire but arisa take it to find the first Knight to help us for fight and val been take as leader.

we try to find other to scout and we make are deal with a nobles and ex knight that arisa know him he are true nobles on war that we call him Gabriel de kaleid and his partner ex knight is xin le farol.

Blade"may be my day well become more busy than before hahaha".

Arisa"maybe yes cause we about to marriage now"

Blade"ouh marriage wait, whatt..."

to becontinue