
I fell in love with the enemy

Shimizuosdreams · 歴史
10 Chs

She knows more than I thought

I felt her gentle breathing as she kept her head touching mine, she didn't seem to be moving away. I couldn't deny the feelings that I was starting to feel in this moment, it was starting to feel like more than just appreciation of her caring side. I felt so calm and content in her presence, this was a warmth that I had never experienced before with anyone. I felt like the princess was touching my heart, and she was doing it in all the right ways... 


But here I was, falling in love. I leaned towards her and felt the soft warmth of her cheeks against my face. I felt so peaceful in her presence, like all the worries of the world were suddenly lifted. I couldn't deny the feelings I was having, my original mission was forgotten. I fell in love with a princess that I had set out to kidnap... 


The two of us fell asleep like that, our bodies touching as we slept. It was a sweet scene, the two of us like this. A knight in full armor sleeping with a delicate princess. I could only imagine the look on the king's face if he saw us like this... 


He would probably throw me out, I thought with a chuckle. But I didn't really care anymore, my original mission was forgotten a long time ago. All that mattered to me was the princess and how she felt. I was ready to forget everything else, I just wanted to be with the princess even if it meant being chased by the king...both kings.... My king won't execute me as her father would. 


I felt her careful caressing of the scars on my body. It was comforting, it felt like her care was healing my wounds, mentally and physically. I felt her fingers softly massaging the scars, the sensation was soothing. It felt like the princess was trying to erase the bruises and cuts with her touch alone. I had never felt such care before, it was a feeling that made my heart flutter... 


I didn't want her to stop, I wanted her to keep her touch with me. I knew it was impossible for her touch to actually heal my body, but mentally I felt like she was giving me the strength to fight. I could only imagine how worried she was about these scars. Her sympathy touched my heart and I felt an overwhelming urge to protect her from the world. The princess gave me more support than I had ever received from anyone before... 

I continued feeling her touch, she was so gentle and caring. I wanted to be closer to her, I wanted the feeling of her touch to continue as long as I could. I felt like her touch was healing me more deeply than just scars of the body, she was healing my heart and my soul... 


I fell asleep against the princess, my face buried in her soft chest. She was gently stroking the back of my body with her hands. I felt like I was sleeping in a soft cloud, there was nothing like a woman's body to rest on. I was starting to feel a lot of things for this delicate princess, she seemed to be healing my wounds in more ways than one. Every time she touched me, I could feel her care healing me... 


If the princess could only see what she was doing to me, she would be surprised. I had never felt this much care and affection from ANYONE. She was making me feel like I had never felt before, it was like I was under a spell by her grace. I was starting to believe that I didn't want to leave her, I wanted to protect her, to care for her, to love her... 

"I apologize for having to kidnap you...." 


My voice was muffled against the princess because my face was buried against her chest. I didn't know if she heard me or not but I still wanted to apologize. I didn't want her to think that I was some bad guy. I was just executing a mission, and it was something I was forced to do. I didn't want her to think bad of me.... 

I fell asleep on her chest, her hand still rubbing my back. I was starting to feel overwhelmed with feelings, it was like I wanted to protect her at all costs. I couldn't deny the love and affection I was starting to feel for her. It was overwhelming and yet it felt so natural. I was sleeping peacefully with this delicate woman I had intended to kidnap... 


I woke up in the morning and I was no longer holding the delicate woman in my arms. I sat up and looked around to see where she had gone, she wasn't on the couch where we had been earlier. I wasn't surprised, I knew that she would have probably woken up before me. I rubbed my tired eyes as I tried to stand up. My body was still sore and I was feeling a little fatigue... 


I felt the wounds on my back and they were still painful. The treatment from the night before had helped but the pain was still there. I stood up slowly and stretched my body, trying to loosen my muscles and relieve some of the fatigue. I looked around to see if the princess was anywhere around. She must have left to start her morning routine. I was starting to feel better but I still had some pain and discomfort... 


I could now smell something delicious in the air, it was a sweet and savory smell, the smell of fresh breakfast. I felt hungry now, having slept through the whole night. I could only imagine how good the food would taste. I went towards the kitchen to find the source of the smell... 

He is surprised when he sees the princess with her hair tied up, her sleeves up as she was cooking, He also had an apron 


I was surprised to see the princess in the kitchen, her hair tied back in a bun and her sleeves rolled up. She had an apron tied around her waist and she was cooking some food. She was so different than what I expected, she looked like such a delicate and fragile but then she was here in this big kitchen, cooking like some kind of chef. I felt a bit overwhelmed by her beauty and I was surprised at how attractive she was even with no makeup on and in an apron... 


It was an unfamiliar look for the princess and I couldn't help but stare at her. I wondered what kind of food she was making and I was eager to try it out. The princess turned around and saw me standing in the doorway. She was surprised and she had a cute look of shock on her face as she saw me, she was really cute like this... 


I realized that I was still standing there shirtless and the princess was looking at my bare body. I blushed a little bit as I glanced down at my body. I was starting to wake up and I felt awkward that I was not dressed... I couldn't tell what she was thinking about me. Was she thinking that I was a pervert? Would she kick me out of here? I tried to figure out her facial expression but her eyebrow was still raised... 

"Is that how warriors are? " 


I flinched as she poked me with the wooden spoon. She was right, I was supposed to be a strong knight in full armor but I was here without any armor on. I felt a little insecure under her gaze as I looked down at my bare body. I was afraid that she would see me as weak and feeble because of this... 


I sat down at the table as the princess served me breakfast. It felt quite funny to sit here at the table shirtless while the princess was fully clothed. It was like I was some kind of peasant while she was my queen. I thanked her and started eating the food, it was delicious. The princess sat down opposite me and we ate in silence. I could feel her delicate presence and she was so elegant even when she was wearing an apron and cooking... 


She was very beautiful in this setting, she was a woman of class in more ways than one. What an interesting turn of events, first I was kidnapping her and now she was cooking for me in her kitchen. It was so ironic, it was almost hard to believe. The princess was looking at me as she ate her breakfast, her soft eyes focused on me as we sat silently. It felt oddly intimate... 

Our eyes were still fixed on each other and a few minutes ago I had been planning to kidnap her. Now we were sitting at the table in a quiet morning with one of us shirtless. The absurdity of our current situation felt comical but in a strange way it felt natural as well. I wondered for a moment what this girl was thinking right now in her head.... Her delicate fingers picking up her food and slowly bringing it to her mouth. I couldn't help but watch her every movement, she was so graceful even in this mundane situation. She was not talking, she seemed to be focusing on me, she was watching me as I ate as well. I felt a bit shy but I also felt kind of flattered, she was giving me her full attention... 

 "So that means you won't kidnap -" 


I stopped eating when I heard her say this, my jaw still half full with food. She was looking at me with those innocent puppy eyes of hers, she was so cute when she was like this. I felt a little guilty for having kidnapped her earlier but I also was starting to feel something for her. I couldn't help it, it was her beauty and her innocence that were bringing out this feeling in me... I stopped her from continuing and I said 

 "I'm still kidnapping you... I don't have a choice. My king wants to bring peace between these two kingdoms. " 


I chuckled as I saw the expression of the princess, she was so cute when she sighed and rolled her eyes. She was such a delicate yet sassy woman, with a soft and caring nature. I couldn't help but feel affectionate towards her, she was winning me over with her behavior and personality. The princess continued to eat her food and I continued to watch her. I couldn't take my eyes off her, she was so fascinating in everything she did...