


Charlotte's POV

My mom told me to come home this morning.

I don't have a problem with that.

I do however have a problem that she told me this at four in the morning when Aspen just fell asleep.

When she's asleep she unconsciously cuddles into me and it the cutest thing ever.

/"What happened now?/" I question calmly as I plop down on the couch beside Bella

Bella only comes over when we either have to discuss something about my career or when a rumor gets spread about me.

Like the last one with Aspen.

She issued a press release and said that the photo was photoshopped.

Sadly the girl who took the photo deemed it as real and proved it.

/"Nothing, the paparazzi are still trying to track you down though/" Bella says as she types on her iPad

I nod my head as a response to her statement.

I can't be mad.

It's my fault that this happened.