


Avery missed school today to help keep me company.

I couldn't go to school today since the news of Belleza and I's 'secret relationship' is still spreading.

I honestly thought that people would be over this by now.

I guess not.

/"Aspen, did you invite anyone over?/" Avery asks with a confused facial expression as she turns to face me

/"I invited Belleza but she's not coming until tonight/" I inform her

Her eyebrows scrunch together as we hear another knock at the front door.

Avery quickly gets up and unlocks the door before peeking out of it.

/"What are you doing here?/" Avery asks with a disgusted

I wonder who she's talking to?

/"I'm here to see my girlfriend/" Megan says with an annoyed tone


Is she serious right now?!

/"I'm not your girlfriend/" I say as I get up from my couch and walk over to the door

/"Babe/" She says excitedly as she meets my eyes