

very random unedited big hero 6 thing yay hiro hamada is the best-


"Just let me die then!"

The words escaped his mouth before he could hold them back. A gasp slipped out of Honey Lemons' mouth, and Gogo stepped back in shock. Pin drop silence echoed throughout the room. Hiro swiped at his eyes angrily and bit down on his lip.

"If I'm such a burden, then let me die."


He looked up to see that Fred was the one who spoke. Fun loving Fred, seeing his friend break down in front of him. Hiro simply looked down and sighed, feeling his eyes tear up again.

"Whatever." He pushed past them, and before they could react, he was out of the house.

Gogo was the first to have her sense knocked back into her, and she shook her head. "Guys, lets go! Cmon! Before he does something he'll regret..."

Minutes later, Hiro stopped himself. He stood at the edge of a cliff overlooking the sea. The light breeze provided a slight amount of chill, and he drew his jacket tighter around himself. The stars stood out against the night sky. It felt like something straight out of a storybook. He sat down and let his legs dangle across the edge, having no intention of jumping but curious to see what it would feel like. He let his thoughts roam and wished he could empty them out into the sea. The sound of the waves crashing against the rocks soothed him. He laid back, breathing deeply, willing his heart to calm down.

He looked directly up and whispered;

"I miss you, 'Dashi. It's... not easy, without you. And it's been more than a year! More than a year without you, and I've still not moved on." He instinctivly gripped onto his forearm, hissing as he rubbed against the fresh cuts. "I don't think I can do this. I don't think I can be here without you. Aunt Cass will be fine, and the gang? They just hang out with me because I'm your brother. Not 'Hiro Hamada', just 'Tadashi's brother'. Everyone misses you." Hiro let a tear slide down his cheek. "I miss you."

The wind picked up, and Hiro zipped up his jacket. As he looked over the edge of the cliff, he couldn't help but feel like maybe he should just jump. Freefall through the sky till he collided with the water, and let himself be pulled into its depths.

There were less painful ways to die, but not like he deserved anything short of agonizing.

He moved closer to the edge.

The team was searching everywhere for him, splitting up and each going in a different direction. They checked the botfighting arenas, the stores, SFIT, everywhere they thought he might be. They called him, yet no answer. Even Aunt Cass and Baymax were searching for him now. He knew they would, but he couldn't care less. They'd find him one way or another. Either here and now, or on the news.

As the waves kept coming in, so did his desire to jump. It was enveloping him, pushing him closer to the edge. He'd see Tadashi again, right? Wasn't that worth it? Hiro'd give the world, the universe, just to see his brother again.

He stood and looked down, barely making out the silhouette of the waves, but hearing it quite clearly. Pulling off his jacket, he shivered.

His arms.

The scars, the cuts, the marks, the burns, so many covered his arms. From his forearms to his shoulders. The ones on his forearms were more fresh. He never wanted to cut there, it was too risky. Anyone could easily see it. But he had ran out of options.

Hiro let the cool air brush against his arms and felt more free than he had in a long time.

When was the last time he hadn't worn long sleeves outside?

And, of course, that's exactly when someone found him.

As he looked at whoever had gasped, he regretted it immedietly.

Anyone but her.

"Aunt Cass..."

She had her hands over her mouth, staring at his arms in what could only be described as utmost shock.

"Hiro... why?"

He shook his head. "I had to. I'm sorry, I never wanted you find out, especially not like this."

Aunt Cass stepped forward. Hiro inched backwards. She held up her hands.

"Hiro, please, please don't do this. I can't lose you too." she begged.

"You got over Tadashi fast enough." he replied, his eyes downcast.

"I didn't!" she exclaimed, causing him to look up. Cass was shocked he thought that she was over Tadashi. "I doubt I'll ever be over him, Hiro. But we can help each other. Tadashi... Tadashi wouldn't have wanted this."

"You don't know that!" Hiro shouted. "You don't know that because he never got the chance to tell us, because he was taken from us too soon!"

"Would anyone want someone they love to kill themselves?" Cass countered.

"Let me be selfish for once then!"

Aunt Cass teared up, and let her desperation be evident in her voice. "Please Hiro, I can't lose you too."

Hiro gave her the most broken smile you'd ever see, making her cries worse.

"I miss him too much. I'm sorry, Aunt Cass. I'm ready to see him." he laid his jacket on the ground and stepped back. "I love you."

And he fell.


They had a ceremony for Hiro, just as big as Tadashi's. Cass couldn't bring herself to talk to anyone that day, or week, or even month. Baymax and the team took over the shop for a while, while Aunt Cass kept herself isolated.

Honey Lemon couldn't work. All the what ifs clouded her mind. The teachers understood that they were all grieving, and did as much as they could to keep her (and everyone elses') grades up. It was devastating to all the teachers too, honestly.

Gogo dived into her work, paying attention to nothing but it. She distanced herself from everyone. Sleep and her work were her best friends. She didn't dare think about Hiro, but the few times she did? Well, she broke down. Shattered.

Wasabi was angry. So, very angry. He blamed himself and everyone around him. The third week after his return to SFIT, he destroyed everything. Threw his table and tools across the room, punched the wall a couple of times, broke stuff. No one expected him, the cleanest, more orderly person ever, to destroy everything. But he did.

Fred took a break from being the mascot. He kept to himself, feeling his energy drain out. Locking himself in his room, coming out only to get food, and eat it in isolation. People noticed immedietly the change in Fred, and though they tried, nothing could bring the old Fred back. Nothing could bring Hiro back.

They missed him, they couldn't function without him. They needed him.

If only he had realized that before it was too late.

Come back.