
I Don't Have the Leveling System Like Others, But I Have Cultivation

Leveling System is a gift that some people get. Having it meant being able to have the power that was the result of hunting monsters in the Dungeon, becoming a Hunter. Oliver didn't have the System, making him just live as a human. This wasn't a problem for most people, but when a human had problems with the Hunters, life would become difficult. However, when he despaired of the Leveling System that he couldn't get, he obtained a ring with a space inside, containing ancient books that turned out to be cultivation methods and skills. He couldn't hunt monsters to level up, but he could increase his strength by meditating. The Hunters, they were no match for him.

Dark_Crow1111 · ファンタジー
45 Chs


"What did Alice say?" asked Oliver to Hanna not long after the latter sent the message.

He asked because he heard the sound of an incoming message on the woman's cell phone.

It was supposed to be a reply from Alice.

"She said she'll be here soon," Hanna replied.

When talking about that, she looked tense.

She was probably panicking. What she was worried about was that Alice was really part of a scheme to play her.

"I hope Alice really doesn't know anything," she said in a low voice.

"Oliver, what exactly is the effect of this contract?" She then asked Oliver since the question had not been answered when she asked Rey.

In response, Oliver signaled for her to ask Rey again.

Hanna finally looked at Rey.

"Uhmmm..." The man cleared his throat softly. "Miss, that woman, Angela, has a skill that allows her to integrate her System with that of others."