
I Dominate You

Adelia is a woman who has half-vampire blood but also has a werewolf friend named Farkas. Farkas is an elite group that slaughters vampires because they always drink human blood, but he has never thought of killing Adelia because he loves Adelia. But one day Cedric from the vampire race came to Adelia's life and found that the girl was his younger sister and intended to take Adelia from Farkas to protect the bloodline of the vampire population. Can Cedric appear Farkas when two unions want to dominate one woman to defend, while Farkas has known Adelia since childhood?

RayGenus · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Chapter 9 - Adelia's Friend

Chapter 9 - Adelia's Friend

For a few moments, Adelia studied all the systems for passed later, even the offenses she could not commit. The writing he was proffered looked normal, nothing out of the ordinary, except for certain things.

The drowsiness in her eyes could no longer be tolerated, and she had to sleep.

At 1 pm, Adelia had woken up with her work clothes still in use. She took off all her clothes, then took a shower. The hot steam refreshed her stiff body. She went back to sleep and didn't forget to turn on the alarm so she wouldn't wake up late.

Adelia packed all her belongings, even though she had not agreed to or signed the contract, but she just wanted to be prepared in case something untoward happened. She is getting used to her new job, but sometimes her eyes can't help but sleep at work.

Luckily Adelia is the type of girl who finishes everything nicely. Even before the timepiece leaves work, she can drink hot coffee.

[Knock..knock] the butler came into the room.

"How are you today, miss?" while serving other snacks across the table.

"Fine, and thank you."

Adelia felt uncomfortable calling someone if she didn't know her name. She also did not find the nameplates pinned to the maids' chests.

"My name is Bris, miss." As if he could read, her mind made Adelia shudder a little.

She tried to give a normal human response in general, but there seemed to be a barrier between them. A neat man who always wears a white uniform adds to the impression that he is a creature not from the earth.

Then Bris came out of his study after thanking him for serving him. Between urgency and admiration, she wanted to get acquainted with him further. Adelia smacked her in the face after realizing a pointless daydream and that she still had to finish all the little piles of paper left.

She intended to offer today, the last day before submitting the contract report. In the car, she was holding the file tightly in her lap, a slight feeling of doubt about whether to continue with the contract she had just received.

Adelia's confused face made her sleepy during the trip.

"Miss, we have arrived. Like an alarm, the sound always wakes her up."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Paul," Adelia said.

Her drowsiness was getting worse, and she couldn't help but feel comfortable.

'Since when am I like this? I think it's because of the change in my new work schedule.' He unlocked his room and threw himself on the bed.

Since waking up, she checks everything needed and finishes all messy documents. The assistant's previous report differed from the one she was working on.

If the previous employee put together the books and contracts in the same file, only a line is delimited at the end. But Adelia, who is not used to doing this, is a little confused.

Luckily neither Cedric's boss nor the butler had ever protested the significant difference in reports. Not fussy enough for a big company in the country. They employ many employees in their subsidiaries, allowing Adelia to handle 100 small branches.

One small branch is as broad as the white rose building to the presidency. Looking at the clock, it was already 7:49. Adelia rushed to leave with a large suitcase that would take her away for several days.

The vehicle that picked her up arrived on time. Paul served the girl and smiled as if understanding her decision to come with her master for a few days.

"Are these the only things you brought, miss?" asked Adelia to make sure.

"Yes." The answer is short.

Even though the whispering had decreased, the older people living near the apartment talked about it. Adelia saw Farkas from the other side, dumbfounded, looking at her.

He rushed across and stopped a speeding vehicle. His sleeve was torn when he raised his hand on the road, and luckily he didn't get hit. Adelia held her breath when she saw her best friend act like that.

"What are you doing?" Adelia asked, screaming.

"You want to die, huh!"

"Now, that's not what I'm thinking, but where are you going with that big suitcase?" replied Farkas pointing to Paul impolitely. Adelia hit her strength hard and apologized.

She narrated the contract agreement to Farkas, and the man standing before him was disappointed to hear the explanation of the woman he protected so much.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. You must be exhausted to arrive here."

"I don't want to burden you because you are my only friend. I will be back, and this was only a week-long trip. Let's say I'm on vacation with my hard work." Trying to comfort the man who looked like a child in front of him.

Farkas choked to hear the reason that sounded ordinary. Adelia got into the white car and waved her hand out the window.

"I'll bring you a present later."

She took a deep breath and persuaded him not to get carried away.

"Miss, is that man your best friend?" Paul asked curiously.

The sound that comes out of the speakers is a little different from usual. Not yet answered, Adelia was asleep in the car.

They planned a meeting at the International airport. Cedric and some of his bodyguards almost filled all the access and roads. More precisely, the crowd happened because many girls and women saw his existence.

The swarm of people was like a wolf about to pounce on its prey, waiting for someone. Cedric, who saw his white vehicle, arrived at the side of the road and couldn't get in because a crowd of people stood waving his hand.

Paul got out of his car and knocked loudly on the glass door. Adelia, who felt disturbed, finally came to her senses and rushed out.