
I Dominate You

Adelia is a woman who has half-vampire blood but also has a werewolf friend named Farkas. Farkas is an elite group that slaughters vampires because they always drink human blood, but he has never thought of killing Adelia because he loves Adelia. But one day Cedric from the vampire race came to Adelia's life and found that the girl was his younger sister and intended to take Adelia from Farkas to protect the bloodline of the vampire population. Can Cedric appear Farkas when two unions want to dominate one woman to defend, while Farkas has known Adelia since childhood?

RayGenus · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Chapter 11 - What is this?

Chapter 11 - What is this?

"Where did the people go?"

"Isn't this one of the most famous hotels on the island?" Adelia stared at the place without stopping. Towering buildings and coconut trees that welcome people who will stay there are like an enthusiastic welcome but a little lonely.

Bris didn't answer Adelia's question and asked her to come in immediately. Adelia's room overlooks the expansive beachfront by offering spacious rooms and red carpets. From here, the deep blue sea was visible, and even she could see dolphins crossing the expanse.

"Crazy!" Adelia shouted after making sure Bris had left the room. She pranced with joy to find such a state. Her spirit was fiery and happy. Not wanting to disappoint the person who had brought her here, she unpacked all her belongings and finished the few left behind.

Adelia ensured the clock showed 11:45 that the meeting was about to start. Luckily she could finish it on time.

[Ting tong] Adelia peeked at the door and let her in.

Lunch from that place had arrived, and Adelia did not forget to give her tips, but she refused and then resigned. Strawberry sorbet, grilled tomahawk with truffles, and cocktails like the blue of the sea make for a soul-capturing dish.

Adelia enjoyed the food and prepared herself, leaving nothing on her plate.

She was waiting in front of the entrance of the building at the hotel, at first she wanted to go there, hoping that someone was ready to meet. But no one was sitting there.

Finally, she waited at the entrance, worried about going to the wrong place. She saw a group of people walking from the hallway, and they were wearing all black and only white shirts like crows during the day.

Adelia's most striking appearance is her pink and white skirt.

'Looks like I got the wrong costume today.'

With Cedric centered on leading the way, Adelia remembered the first time she had met him during the interview yesterday. Somehow the door to the room opened itself wide. Not wanting to miss a step, Adelia walked hand in hand with Cedric.

He started the meeting at noon without further ado, offering several projects.

"This time, we launched a sunscreen product for next month. Here are some products we will introduce."

A complete set in elegant colors, Adelia, who is to display slides on a projector screen, comes forward to provide samples to guests. Their gazes are pretty interested in seeing gold.

"How sure are you that this product will sell well in the market?"

"For that, we hold this meeting here, and our goal is to offer and open a franchise branch on the coast. Aside from being a sunscreen, this lotion can also help those who want to have exotic skin." Adelia helps explain.

She explained the backstage and pulpit pictures well. So agreed with no protest and rejection. They came out after the guests signed the significant stake.

Adelia sighed, satisfied with her first job.

"Today was exciting, and everything went smoothly."

Cedric was walking beside her and ignored her words.

"They almost rejected our offer because of your attitude, sir."

"We don't need them, and we can still look for other companies who want to work with us. Even if everyone refuses, we cook it ourselves and enjoy our wealth."

Adelia was surprised to hear the cold man's answer, and he differed significantly from last night on the plane. She let her mood unfold as she imagined the favors that awaited her in the hotel room. Bris smiled at their behavior.

Adelia parted with Cedric and Bris in a hallway, a maid standing at her door.

"Finally, room service has arrived." She told him to go inside. While Adelia was getting ready, the maid, who wore a flower around her neck, also prepared the room to feel comfortable, lighting aromatherapy candles and unique towels on the bed.

'It's good that before going, there was someone who offered a massage. My life seems to be meritorious, so that that luck will come to me from now on.' Adelia fell asleep with service, and her fingers were adept at massaging the stiff parts of her body.

The cold feeling that touched the skin felt, slowly opened his eyes. The dark, candle-lit room widened his vision. Tied hands and feet woke her up, but she didn't find who was there. Adelia fell above the operating table on her bed earlier.

She Wriggled towards the corner of the room that looked like an exit. Finding a grass clipper hanging on the wall, Adelia tried to stand up to catch it. Move the wrist that is tied behind and point forward.

Cutting off her shackled legs, Adelia heard footsteps on top of the building. It had an excellent iron wall. Then look for another way out. Through the air vent, she found. Adelia walked between the cupboard and the chair she was trying to arrange herself.

Just as someone arrived, Adelia crawled up to the top. She didn't dare to move before they left the area, worried she might be found.

One of them hit his partner hard, causing him to fall.

'Looks like he's angry that I wasn't there.'

They looked for Adelia's whereabouts and had time to look up at her hiding place, and she immediately pulled her head from there while holding her breath so as not to be heard.

"Search properly, idiot!" a deep, hoarse voice gave Adelia goosebumps.

She tried to read the situation that had just happened to her. Who knows what's on her mind right now? Is she being kidnapped or what? Is she doing the casting to make a film? Adelia tried to remember what she had done the last time.

Fall asleep at the hotel, get a relaxing massage server, and then fall asleep. The memory of the last time brought her to her senses. While waiting for them to leave a strange place, Adelia looked around, and everything seemed dark.