
I Do Daily Quests In Wizard World

This is a vast and powerful wizarding world community. Powerful wizards willfully capture gods, conquer planes, and transform civilizations. Lin En came to this world and after being exposed to the power of wizards, he gradually realized that knowledge is power and power is truth. On the road of pursuing the truth, I will always be a humble apprentice.

potz4ever · ファンタジー
70 Chs


There are people in the room." Said the knight in iron armor at the front.

  In this remote and desolate dilapidated wooden house, it is suspicious that someone lives there,

   After all, compared to the safe environment in the town, living on the mountain is prone to accidents, normal people.

  Hearing Lord Knight speak, the sheriff immediately shut up.

  At the same time, he secretly glanced at the knight's back in awe, and he was relieved after making sure that he didn't care about what he said just now.

This town's Sir Matthew Knight is not a local, and their town can't raise such a noble knight. It is said that Matthew comes from the fief of a certain nobleman, and he is a noble existence who has passed the knight's test. Their attitude towards him is also cautious.

   "I just saw a faint light behind one of the windows from a long distance, but the light went out after we approached," Matthew said lightly.

  In the silent night, Matthew's voice could be heard far away in this empty forest.

   was also clearly heard by Lynn who was hiding behind the window.

  He was careful enough. There were no curtains in this room. He dimmed the light in the oil lamp to the darkest. He didn't even put it on the table near the window, but let it fall on the ground.

  If there is no light on this dark night, the words on the books cannot be seen at all.

   As soon as he heard the movement outside, Lynn turned off the oil lamp, then changed the room and hid behind the window to observe secretly.


   These guys

   Lynn frowned.

   No, I must inform the teacher immediately. Only the teacher can deal with these people. With my current three-legged kung fu, I haven't even mastered a single spell. If I face these people

  Ling En's eyes fell on the things like fire sticks held in the hands of those people.

  Although it was just a musket, he had no doubt that the musket could smash him into a sieve with one shot. As for whether Angelet could block the musket, it was still unknown.

  After all, the truth comes out of practice. Without practice, he doesn't know whether the teacher can take a shot.

  I have now become a student of Angelet. According to what Angelet committed, if I am caught, I will be tied to the gallows, or burned alive. It is no longer a fantasy.

   Lynn turns away from the window and runs up the stairs.

  The teacher lives in the master bedroom at the end of the second floor.

  Standing outside the door, adjusting his breathing, Lynn knocked lightly on the door.

   "Teacher," Lynn called.

   There was a dead silence in the room.

   "Teacher." Lin En called again from outside the door.


  The wooden door quietly opened a crack.

   Angelet stood behind the door with a gloomy face, his eyes stared at Lynn like a poisonous snake, his eyes were cold and without any emotion.

   Lynn suddenly felt his scalp go numb.

"Lyn, I hope I can get a suitable reason, and then tell me why you bothered me at night." Angelet's thin cheeks were almost skinny, and his eye sockets were deeply sunken. He opened his mouth and said The speed was very slow, and he spoke slowly.

   "Teacher, there are people coming outside, and many of them are still carrying muskets," Lynn said quickly.

  Those people might be almost in the yard, and they can go upstairs immediately. He didn't want to waste time with the teacher talking nonsense after killing all those people in the face.

"Don't bother me with this kind of thing in the future, and I'll leave it to you to deal with these disturbers. There are two zero-ring spells recorded on this wand: Acid Missile and Mental Shock." The ruby ​​ring on Angelet's finger flashed. Obscuring silver light, the next moment there was a short oak staff in the palm.

   Lynn took the scepter and looked at the closed door.

   That group of people taught me to deal with it. Lynn was a little dazed.

  But although I have seen how to use the staff in the notes, it is the first time to actually operate this thing.

   Lynn was in a serious mood.

  Looking at the short oak staff in his hand.

  Lynn's brain was running fast, recalling the details in the book.

  Although the first notebook that the teacher gave him recorded some content about the use of spells and magic utensils.

   But he has no actual operation and no experience.

   But it's too late, those people will come up soon.

  Based on what he knew about Angelet, if he really didn't do this well, given his moody personality, the consequences might really be serious.

  Thinking of this, Lynn's mood is extremely solemn.

  He is not sure that the content of that notebook is correct.

  But there is no other way now, but a dead horse can only be treated as a living horse doctor.

  With this in mind, Lin En had to concentrate his mental power and try to communicate with the oak staff in his hand.

   Fortunately, it went well, and the mental power was easily poured into the oak staff, and the oak staff was successfully communicated.

  Information about the staff came to mind.

   There are also two modules at the same time.

  It's a wonderful feeling like there are two buttons on the oak staff in the hand, but the buttons do not exist in reality. Only by communicating with the oak staff with spiritual power can you feel the existence of the buttons.

   This should be the spell module mentioned in the notebook.

  Build a spelling module in the staff, and only need to consume mental power to activate the spell module to use the spell inside.


  Suddenly, strong elemental fluctuations came from the outside yard, and then, a cold current came from the yard, hitting the window glass on the corridor at the end of the second floor.

   Accompanied by a lot of wailing.

  Lin En looked dignified, turned around, and went downstairs quickly, but the footsteps were as slow as possible, and he stood on tiptoe to lower his voice.

  Heartbeat is accelerating unconsciously.

  He was a little nervous, just like the days when he and his father took turns keeping vigil at night when fleeing. Every refugee around him might turn into a thug at any time. During the journey of fleeing, he had seen too many cruel and ugly sides of human nature.

   "Damn, there are magic traps here."

   "You, you go ahead to find the way!" An angry voice came from outside the yard.

   Lynn came to the first floor, entered one of the rooms, and hid behind the broken window glass to observe the scene in the yard secretly.

  The glass of the window is full of impurities, although it is transparent, it is very cloudy.

  Lin En squatted on the ground, poking his head out cautiously with only one eye exposed.

  At this moment, the wooden arch at the entrance of the yard has been shattered by the explosion.

  The ground was covered with frost. There were seven or eight people lying scattered on the ground. People standing around were also injured. Some squatted on the ground, and some hugged their faces.

  He knew that Angelet had set up magic traps in the yard and at every entrance and exit of the house.

   Not only prevent the people inside from going out but also trigger the magic trap when people outside come in.

  After being hit by a magic trap, the leading knight became more vigilant.

   At the front of the team, a hunter wearing animal skin clothes, carrying a bow and arrow, and holding a short knife cautiously approached the house. He was very slow and looked behind him from time to time.

  In the courtyard outside, the knight holding a big sword leaned on the big sword with one hand, the tip of the sword sank into the ground, and he patrolled around with a gloomy face.

  Suddenly, the knight suddenly raised his head and looked towards one of the windows.

  Lin En squatted down and leaned his back against the wall. He didn't know if he had been noticed by the knight, because he just looked up and looked behind the window where he was hiding.

  Hiding very carefully, not even showing much of his head.

   And it was still at night, he wasn't sure if the other party had noticed him.

  The person who was ordered to scout the way ahead walked forward cautiously, and Lynn's eyes flickered slightly.

  He knew that there was a trap right at the gate.

  He wasn't sure if there were traps behind, but he walked around the house every day, and there was a high probability that there would be no more traps in this house.

  So. If the trap at the gate is destroyed.

  These people can drive straight into the house.

  Although there are two skills in the staff.

  But Lynn reckoned that he is not even a third-class wizard apprentice now.

   At best, he can only be regarded as an apprentice wizard who has just stepped into the threshold. He estimated that his current mental strength is the best and can support him to release the spells in the staff 3-4 times.

   I think it should not be enough.

  Although seven of the people on the opposite side were killed by the first magic trap, there were still eleven people left, including a knight with extraordinary power.

  Lin En's brain quickly calculated that mental impact is a single-target damage spell, and the acid missile is theoretically a single-target damage spell, but in fact, this spell has a splash effect and a small range of attack.

   Then acid missiles.

  Lin En poured spiritual power into the staff and activated the spell attached to it.

  The spiritual power in his mind was drained as quickly as if the gate had been opened.

  The weight has dropped by more than one-fifth, and the staff in his hand has been fully activated.

   A feeling of being ready to go, ready to launch at any time.