
I DARE YOU TO LOVE ME (by gabryyyte)

A girl meets an awfully rude man which devilish looks. In an attempt to make her ex jealous she gives the man her first kiss, grabbing his attention.

Gabryyyte · 若者
14 Chs


The car ride was dreadful. None of us spoke a word. I couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal of my parents. They just sold me to some older guy that I didn't know of.

"What about all of my stuff? Am I supposed to be able to live with the same clothes for six months?"

He looked annoyed.

"Can't we even drive in peace; your mother is going to bring you all of your necessary things for you tomorrow morning, now quiet."

He was getting on my nerves, trying to command me like some dog.

We've been driving for over two hours now and I was starting to grow inpatient.

"When are we going to arrive?"

Rhett was just looking at his phone ignoring me.

I thought I'd rather just keep quiet and look out the window.

The view was really nice; I've noticed that we left the city already and have been driving in the suburbs for a while now. Then it dawned on me.

"Can my mother bring my cat?"

Without even looking at me nor hearing the question he replied:


An hour passed. I haven't even noticed how it flew by. When we arrived Rhett didn't look at me nor waited for me to go after him. He just rushed into the house. An older lady came to give me a tour of the place. It was huge, at least three stories high; I wondered how do people not get lost here. The lady assured me that it is hard to navigate at first but I will surely get used to it in no time. It was already getting dark out so I asked to see my room. We walked really slowly the whole time I had my fingers crossed that they won't make me sleep in the same room with the man.

Thankfully, the room was empty. The lady wished me a good night's sleep and left some pajamas. I changed into them and looked around. The room was very well decorated with a queen sized bed in the middle. There was also a walk-in closet and a bathroom connected to my room. I was pleasantly surprised how comfortable everything was.

I laid down and thought about today.

How could my parents do that to me? Why does Rhett want me to stay with him? We clearly despise each other so I see no point in this. Why aren't I disputing with them more about this? I'll have to talk to my mother tomorrow when she gets here maybe she can help me either answer some questions or get me out of here.

I woke up to sun shining through the window. I got dressed and headed to find the kitchen. Even though the lady gave me a tour of this place I couldn't navigate it well. I walked through the corridors peeping through the doors trying to find someone to help me. Finding the stairs I decided to go to the lower floor. I was dragging my feet until I hear a weird noise, I jolted and rushed to see who it was and if I had found the kitchen myself. Sadly it wasn't the kitchen but I found someone. The door of the room someone was in was slightly ajar. I knocked. Suddenly the noise stopped.

"Come in."

I opened the door to find the man who drove me and Rhett here yesterday.

"Good morning!" I said, sighing. "I apologize for disturbing you but could you show me where the kitchen is? I am slightly lost." I gave them a faint smile.

The guy nodded and finished folding his clothes.

"Don't worry soon you will have no trouble finding things in the mansion."

"The lady yesterday told me the same thing." I giggled. "I really do hope this won't be happening for long."

"The lady's name is Margaret and my name is Peur I am Rhett's designated driver."

"Pleasant meeting you, Peur. I'll keep that in mind."

To my disappointment we headed in a completely different direction to the kitchen. I tried to remember my surroundings to try to remember the way.

Gladly we reached the dining room in no time.

"Agh thanks you saved me." I laughed. "I am starving."

I sat down at the table where Rhett had already started eating. I noticed Peur turned around to leave.

"Peur aren't you hungry? Come and eat!"

He turned around and smiled nervously.

"Thanks, I already ate."

Waved to me one last time and disappeared into the house.

The table was stacked with loads of delicious looking food. There was omelets, rice, some sweets, some things to make sandwiches and coffee that was still hot.

I looked over at the man sitting in front of me. He was looking at his phone drinking the cup of coffee. I looked around. The table was huge and we were the only ones sitting here.

Why do I have to be here? It felt weird sitting at the breakfast table and being silent, not even a "good morning" or at least a "Hi". At my house the breakfast lunch and dinner were loud, everyone was telling about their days or about the plans for the day. I wasn't used to it but I certainly didn't want to speak to the man, I found no interest in him. Just one question, I'd like one normal answer from him.

As he was standing up to leave I asked it.

"Look, none of us want me living here so why did you insist in making me?"

He didn't glance at me, just turned around and left.

I had to find a way to make him notice me, or at least get pissed at me so much he'd kick me out and let me be.

While I was eating Margaret came in to find me. I asked her to lead me back to my room. She insisted on me finishing the food beforehand and after I did she showed me the way to my room. I'm pretty sure she saw me and Rhett interacting in the dining room because she tried to assure me:

"Rhett is a great guy, he just has to warm up to you, and he's like that to anyone new that joins his family. You should have seen how long it took him to get used to the driver we have now. He wouldn't even look at him for months but now they talk as if they had known each other for their entire lifetime."

"But how am I supposed to do anything if he won't answer any of my questions? I don't understand why I am here and why is he so cold. He must think just because he's mediocre-looking he can get away with anything or that I give a shit about him." I was starting to get annoyed again.

Margaret just gave me a side hug and shook her head.

"Give it time sweetie."