
I Curse You

Known as a business powerhouse in the surface, a righteous person underground...and the "Good witch" in the underworld has been killed by none other than someone whom she treasured. Unbeknownst to all of them, she has reincarnated in an entirely new place similar to earth and has just begun her journey...now with a darker and cruel personality... "Perfectly sane, frighteningly normal, yet capable of extraordinary cruelty."

Lou_Eli · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Chapter 2 - I'm blind for your information

Grey, no they're more like silver, I don't have pupils, It's just plain shiny silver color, It looks like eyes of a blind person, but it doesn't look dull and dead. My lips were dry but not chapped, I look very white, not completely pale, but white with pink undertones. My hair was jet black and a little messy. This body was much more beautiful than me... Small tall nose and big eyes that doesn't have life which was paired with very long and thick eyelashes. My brows shaped my small face even more. I then remembered my old body. A face with despair and grievance flashed through my mind. One year of torture to my physical body killed me slowly. I snapped myself out of it and looked back at Alexei once more.

"Everything, tell me every information you have collected about this land." I started. And the whole night was spent by me through listening and learning various things about where I was. This continent is called the Yazhou continent which was divided into 4 regions. The Dong Region which is where I was currently residing at and is the main capital of the conitnent. The Xifang Region, Beifang, and Nanbu de region. This was basically all northeast Asian countries combined into one big continent. The Dong region is China from my observations, it's a big pile of random dynasties in one timeline. Aden's description of clothing outside was all from different dynasties. There was not really a set trend, the princesses of the kingdom had different conservative styles thus, some followed the other. The Yazhou is the east continent which was equivalent to Asia. This reality has things called magic and cultivation. The west was abundant in witches and wizards while the Eastern continent was adundant in Cultivators. The west seem to be a place right up my alley but I don't have the ability to go there right now. Every important part in this Wu Meigui's body is broken. Her spiritual roots, Dantian, and meridians are all broken.

I couldn't feel anything below my navel where the Dantian is, how the hell can I concentrate this so called Qi if there isn't anywhere to put it anyway?! This cripple's meridians are also blocked by poison which I plan on removing with a spell and cleansing it by using the mixture of oils and plants in my bath. The spiritual Roots are nowhere to be seen. They're too small to be felt, and I had to really concentrate to even notice it.

The first thing that I did in the morning was bathe, at Mao Shi(1), I was already wide awake. I told the maid which I came to now as Yao Bai to fetch lavender and milk for me as well as other oils. I asked if there were such things as Castor, almond, and olive oils as well as pomegranate and beetroot.

"Castor, almond? You mean almond nuts eldest miss?" She wore a puzzled expression.

"Ah yes, fetch me almond nuts as well. And just bring every type of oil that we have." I instructed. I made almond pulp from the almonds and mixed it with sweet almond oil and lavender essential oil. I had made an almond scrub for my body as well as castor oil for my lashes and milk for my bath. I applied the lip tint that I had made from the pomegranate and beetroot on my now smooth lips. I walked out of the bathroom smelling like a sweet flower. The clothes presented before me were as dull as the dead flowers outside the courtyard.

"Bring all the clothes that I have." I instructed the maid. And it looks like I only had 3 pairs, which all had holes and tears. I instructed her that Ill just dress myself and after a bit of argument she still followed my orders anyway.

"Aden, get me these...and these, with the red color as well as..." I told Alexei to fetch me different pieces of clothing with certain colors. I didn't give a cr*p anymore whether he stole it or bought it anymore. After a few minutes he gave me the materials, I'll just use an incantation to finish it already. I made a circle out of salt and laid the materials at the center. I then sliced my finger with the scissors and let the blood drip.

"By this blood I offer

Ye devils under

Shall follow my command.

Take a peak

Inside my heart

And make the dress I seek."

The usual cold breeze has passed me and the objects slowly moved as if they were being handled. After a few moments, the cheongsam-like dress I designed specifically for me was done. It was in the color of yellow, not extravagant but elegant and graceful. I designed it like the modern cheongsam in Earth but made a few changes. It wasn't hugging all my figure but was only tight in the bodice area, the tip part of the dress reached my neck and has little embroidery. It had long sleeves that were loose at the end and a flowy skirt. I wore it afterwards and went out.

"My lady, based on the information that I have gathered last night Wu Meigui was blinded, poisoned, and almost killed by concubine Ning to give all the praise to the second sister..." Alexai, now a small ant hiding in my hair had whispered to me. I had already known of that fact, how, why, and when.

"Wu Aiqing is in near the entrance of the dining hall also about to enter." Alexai said. Right after we turn around the corner I saw an extravagant dressed girl. She looked directly at me and I almost did the same, I almost forgot that I was supposed to be blind. She suddenly wore a twisted expression and put her feet forward to try and trip me.

"AAH!! You tramp!" I stepped on the b*tch of course. I turned around and entered the dining hall. Her scream attracted the people inside.

'This must be concubine Ning...?' I thought to myself. Who took care of the family matters then?

"The uncle currently in charge of the house, I forgot to tell you that." Aden whispered, many thanks to that. I sat on a nearby cushion and waited the breakfast to be served.

"Mother! That f*cking hag stepped on me purposely!" She shouted as the servants put the food in front of me.

"Such outrageous behavior Meigui! How dare you step on your precious younger sister?!"

"Seems like Aunt Ning also became dumb." I simply said and began to eat. I never ate with them since the father of the house went on a business trip. He hasn't returned for almost a year and everyone was sure he was dead.

"Young lady! I have never seen an elder miss bully and treat her mother like this! Apologize!" She was all red and angry while the younger sister was wearing a haughty expression.

"And I've never seen a woman as stupid as you, I'm blind for your information, how could I have seen her foot? " This shut her up and made her even redder.

"How f*cking dare you disrespect my mom b*tch?! You better kneel down, I've never seen such a disrespectful tramp like you!" It was irritating to the ears, now I know that they're both very vocal.

"And I've never seen a concubine's daughter shout at an elder miss. Remember your places because if you don't I'm going to make you." I said as I continued to eat.

"What can a blind tramp like you do huh? You'll be dead by the time you even *see* us." She went near me and and flipped the plate that I was eating at.


"AARGH!! My face my face!" I grabbed her head and slammed it on the table. The plate scratched her face and was filled with soy sauce and rice. After banging her head I stood up and pulled her by the hair outside the hall.

"What are you doing!" Before concubine Ning was able to even touch me I turn around and swung my right hand on full force.


She flew like a rag doll and slammed on the wall. Dang, The essential bath did help me gain a bit of strength. I continued to drag the brat outside, her being in the 5th stage, the True Foundation, which was considered a "genius" was being dragged out of the main hall. All the guards and servants were shocked at what was happening. All the servants knew how haughty and arrogant the second miss is, while they all knew how weak and sickly I was thus Meigui was disrespected because of concubine Ning's orders. I threw her on the brick ground and she rolled on the gound for a bit after wailing and screaming again.

"ARGH! Is no one seeing this?! You dumb*sses! She's disrespecting m-"


I slapped her again when she tried to stand up, this finally shut her up. It was really irritating and I never really planned on doing anything, but I ain't a saint and never will I be one, I got tired of trying.

"Who am I?" I grasped a large amount of her hair and pulled her face nearer to me making her gaze fall to my face.

"You're just nothing but a crip-"


"Who.am.I?" I repeated after slapping her face once more.

"You're nothing but a disgrace!"

"Says the one who got beaten by a cripple?" This finally shut her once again. I stared straight into her eyes, and when she realized it, her breathing began to tremble.

"H-how? You're bli-"


"WHO AM I!?" I slapped her once more and grabbed her face. I glared at her as she began to shake.

"E-E-Eldest s-sister." I tighten my grip on her hair.

"The r-r-respectable e-e-eldest m-miss of the W-w-wu Family." Tears started to form in her eyes.

"And?" I slowly spoke as I slightly tilt my head and raised an eyebrow.

"Th-th-this s-servant h-h-has been d-d-disrespectful."

"Don't forget your place next time okay? Because I wouldn't just leave you with a scratched face next time...I'll break your bones." I smiled in a twisted way and roughly let go of her face. Now that has been settled, I instructed someone to bring food in my chambers instead, they stared at me with shock first but followed anyways. I was planning on seeing the uncle who was doing nothing but spend the Wu's wealth for drinking, gambling, and spends his time in a brothel. I wanted to get rid of them as practice and after seeing the two crooked women, I was even more at ease.

'This will be easy as f*ck.'


1) 05:00~06:59