
I Choose Your Heart

Chaae86 · 現実
1 Chs

K-Artamedia Studio's n'Art

• At K-Artamedia Studio's n' Art, London •

"What the heck!!!"

A thin young man with a soft face and pale skin was rummaging through a pile of report files regarding the last trimester's monthly expenses, before he wanted to recap towards the end of the year.

"Why doesn't the number of sales of our products match our monthly expenses? Why, there's something wrong with this..."

His free hand loosened his tie which made it even more difficult for him to breathe. Green lines were clearly visible along the back of his hand.

Someone seemed to have caught the black-haired young man's trembling back from a distance. He immediately approached even though he was a little afraid because his boss was a bit temperamental even though he was actually good.

"B, boss...? You seem upset, can I help you? Or have I made a mistake this time...?" he said carefully, even though the young man had completely memorized his boss's behavior, he still had to maintain his ethics when working.

Hearing the last greeting, the black - haired man turned his head with a cynical look.

"Shut up, don't make further ado...! I ask, why did you make this report wrong? Why is our monthly expenditure not commensurate with our profit amount huh?!"

Say it with emphasis, raising your voice at the end of the sentence. It was enough for Matthew to realize how annoyed Keenan was right now.

Matthew's throat rolled down, sucking his lips in when he heard a shout from Keenan. At that moment Matthew's memory flashed, several months ago the Mayor came with his daughter to the studio. Their initial intention was to buy, but when they found out that Keenan was meeting a female client from Paris, he immediately invited a negative reaction from Anna, the Mayor's daughter.

*Flashback on

"Damn it, why did you even let Keenan meet women hahh! Insolent, didn't I warn Keenan not to get close to any women other than me!" Anna hissed angrily with an annoyed face.

His long legs stepped over and grabbed several items nearby then threw them away carelessly.


Suddenly all the employees were shocked by Anna's crazy action. Without knowing what the problem actually happened. However, seeing Matthew's reaction when facing them, it was enough to make everyone concerned.

Angry Anna not only destroyed several items, but also damaged some of the expensive collections from their studio. Matthew slowly recovered from his shock, he hurriedly grabbed Anna's shoulder and pushed her far away.

Mr. Willy, the Mayor, was shocked to see his beloved daughter being treated harshly.

"Hey bastard, what are you doing huhh!" caught Anna's back with his left hand.

Matthew stared sharply at the two human piles in front of him, his right hand raised before his lips said, "Enough! What Miss Anna did was beyond the pale. And I, as a person who has been given Keenan's trust, will not hesitate to act firmly with anyone, no matter what. the background behind their names!"

"Oh? How dare you, look for trouble with me. I think you know enough, right, who am I to the City of London?! And how dare you threaten me like that?!" rhetoric came out of Mr. Willy's mouth with his face hardened with emotion.

"Daddy," Anna whined.

All the employees heard their commotion and rolled their eyes lazily, seeing Anna's spoiled attitude. To be honest, from the start they didn't really like the presence of this female human because of her arrogant attitude and her own free will. Often making a mess in the studio they work at.

"I don't want to know Daddy, basically Keenan has to be mine!" demanded spoiled Anna with a disappointed face.

Mr. Willy knit his eyebrows when he saw Anna's change in attitude when discussing the young man. At first Willy was also surprised, what good did Anna see in that thin man? Meanwhile, he could provide a better choice than Anna wanted.

Mr. Willy snorted in annoyance at Anna's stubborn character. He turned to stare fiercely at Matthew's face.

"Hmmph! Tell Keenan, I will do everything to ruin his business, if he doesn't want to listen to Purtiku's wishes... Tell him to come see me immediately, and solve this problem!"

Willy's hand grabbed Anna's arm and pulled it forcefully.

"But Daddy, what about Keenan?!" Anna protested.

"Okay, okay, let's just go home! Daddy thinks this is enough pressure on them, okay?" Even though she was disappointed, Anna could only obey her father's words.

Matthew was furious at the attitude of the two and shouted. "Hey, don't you think that having power can just oppress the small people! I'm not afraid of your threats, and yes... just take your big baby far away! Heuhh, no child or father is the same as a troublemaker!"

Anna turned around with a whitish green face, glaring fiercely at the latter, "You—! Just watch out, surely all of you will regret everything and beg at my feet!" Anna pointed with her fluttering middle finger.

"You're a slut!" Matthew cursed irritably, pointing at Miss Anna with his middle finger proudly.

*Flashback off

Matthew immediately shook his head after coming out of his imaginative realm. He looked up to see Keenan's annoyed face who was demanding an explanation. Matthew coughed dryly, trying to neutralize his feelings.

"Cough! Anu... about that—? We have carried out regular investigations, and it seems like the government has increased the rental price for land in block A. Not only are we feeling the consequences, but several of our neighboring shops are also complaining about this problem." Matthew explained at length.

"Huh, increase?! What percentage?" Keenan knit his eyebrows in surprise.

"Mmm, almost 45% of normal..."

"Wow, are they crazy—?! This is the same as strangling the necks of innocent citizens. Why did they suddenly do it without giving me any information! You loan sharks, office rats, government pests, I trampled their faces too!!" Keenan's anger, which had already erupted, could no longer hold back his anger at this time.

Without realizing it, Keenan's hand clenched into a fist, causing the paper in his hand to shake and break. "Fuck!" slamming those innocent papers on the floor.

All the employees' attention clearly heard Keenan's fiery outburst of emotion. Because they directly knew something that Keenan didn't know at that time.

Meanwhile a woman in a light purple blouse walked casually towards them.

"Boss, I can explain something you need to know." The soft sound waves made Keenan soften slightly. He turned to see the last one with a graceful face coming over.

A tall woman with a narrow waistline showing an attractive curve, a soft and graceful face, with her hair in a ponytail decorated with a silver ribbon, with purple hair, an appearance worthy of being called the goddess of beauty who represents the gentleness of all women on this earth.

Keenan's tense expression slowly relaxed, looking into Yuyun's hazel eyes.

"What do you mean Yun? What have you been hiding from me all this time?" stabilize his position keeping his arms behind his back. Get ready to hear the thorough explanation that comes out of Yuyun's tiny mouth.

Keenan grabbed a nearby chair and sat back, the fingers of his left hand gently tapping on the table.

Receiving intense attention from Keenan can certainly make any woman feel inferior and lucky.

Yuyun was no exception, he cleared his throat, "At that time Mr. Willy came with Miss Anna and caused a commotion here. In short, they were annoyed because you were meeting a female client from Paris, namely Mrs. Claire, outside, they threatened to do something that would ruin your business. And as you know, Miss Anna actually has a crush on you, and her impulsive attitude has blinded everything. They even dared to insult Mr. Matthew in front of all of us, sir..."

Keenan's activities stopped hearing the astonishing answer that came out of Yuyun's mouth.

"They are threatening, how dare they threaten?! Just because of a trivial matter, which clearly has nothing to do with them?!" raise the end of the sentence.


He took a deep breath, massaged his slightly sore forehead. "Matthew, you all know about this but why didn't you tell me?! Oh, I remember...! At that time you cut all the losses with your salary, tell me am I wrong? Why don't you tell me the real reason hmm?" Keenan sighed in frustration, looking alternately at the regretful faces of Matthew and Yuyun.

He couldn't understand the sacrifice of those who cleverly hid a problem of this magnitude from his knowledge.

Keenan coughed dryly, "Ekhem! Listen, give me details of the losses from your cut income. Next time, I will replace it with my personal money." Keenan said firmly seeing the change in reaction on their gloomy faces.

Both Matthew and Yuyun were shocked, "But Boss—! This is our problem together, we bear the losses together. Why do you want to compensate us for our losses?" interrupted a new employee who recently joined Keenan's studio.

A slight arc tugged at the corner of his mouth. Keenan looked at Anthony's face, a young man who had just graduated from university and instead immediately applied for a job at his place.

"It's like this... You are my people, my friends, my family, without your great contribution this studio would not have developed this far. So, please don't do that again, the decision you made actually made me hurt. Just think of it because of me really appreciate your dedication over the years. And please no objections!" said Keenan with a serious face.

Anthony was stunned out of words, speechless listening to Keenan's words. Instead, he laughed cheerfully with the other employees behind him.

"It's really unexpected, what people say is true. Boss Keenan used to be my senior when I was on campus. I don't know you that well but my friends say that he is a genius. He always has surprises that make people amazed... That's why..."I decided at that moment to secretly make him a role model for my life! Unexpectedly, I haven't been around you for long but I can already feel the positive impact," thought Anthony while laughing out loud with the other employees. For Anthony, the figure of Boss Keenan has a positive impression on his heart.

Matthew just shook his head helplessly, because he really understood the character of his boss. "Huh, you bastard..."

Meanwhile, Yuyun was stunned with a red face, smiling gently, as if admitting something that had always been in her perspective about Keenan. A thin man who is gentle, impulsive, warm, nurturing, brilliant, a little temperamental, and also firm.

"Wow, what a shame, it seems like my feelings have leveled up from 'admiration' to a more intimate level perhaps? No, no! This can't be allowed. I'm afraid this feeling will lead to affection or something like that!" he said briefly to himself with the skin on his face heating up.

Keenan laughed softly at their behavior. Before Matthew next to him spoke, "So what's the next plan? Are you going to just keep quiet and watch them act as they please."

"Of course not. That's my problem. Do they think I'll be weak with their intervention? Oh yes, one thing—!" Keenan's tweet attracted the attention of those around him again.

"I hope you take care of your health, because get ready we will have a business trip abroad. This time this exotic place is the choice of two of our big clients, can you guess where we are going tomorrow?"

"Mmm, Paris!" guessed Jordy who was next to Anthony.

Keenan shook his head, "LA!" Micah shouted.

"Not really," said Keenan.

"Is our destination this time the Asian Continent? Because we're guessing Europe or America, right?" This time it was Yuyun's turn to speak.

"Mhmm, guess where we are going?" Keenan challenged. Matthew didn't move because he didn't know, but because he was too lazy to play guessing games.

"Korea? Or Japan?" Anthony asked.

"Wrong, okay because no one knows... this time our vacation is Serangan Beach, Bali - Indonesia...!" shouted Keenan excitedly.

"Wow, Bali? That famous one, right?" Micah asked.

"Yupp," said Keenan.

"Wow, finally I had the chance to go there! I've been dreaming of going to Kuta Bali for a long time, but this time I was invited to Attack Beach, okay, okay, no problem..." said Anthony.

"Eh, don't be mistaken. Our destination is not far behind with dancing! That's because our clients live there, so for the sake of everything running smoothly they have even prepared a premium class villa for all of us." added Keenan.

"What—?!" they shouted together. Keenan nodded slightly.

"As far as I know, our trip will be approximately 14 days. So our studio will be closed during that time. Meanwhile, meeting with clients, it is estimated that it will take 4-5 days for our business to be completed... then we will be free to go on holiday hehe..." said Matthew, who had been silent until now.

"Boss, can we invite family, partners or friends?" Micah interrupted.

"A, a, a... Unfortunately we can't, because our main goal is work. Also the hotel costs are already borne by them, so why don't we make it even more troublesome for them. It's just that the travel tickets use office money, not personal money. So , prepare yourselves as best as possible. Don't forget to bring some change, sis, you want to shop there..." even though there was a slight disappointment on Micah's face, he still smiled.

"Okay, okay, I think this is all I need to say. Please continue with your activities." said Keenan, leading them one by one to distance themselves with his eyes.

Matthew was still standing in place, "Are you sure you don't need my help to solve the problem with Mr. Willy, Kee?" came a concerned tone from Matthew.

Keenan chuckled, walking over to Matthew and patting his left shoulder under Yuyun's gaze, who was apparently still there.

"Oh friend! I know you mean well. But, for now, honestly, I can't move much. I still need time to collect a lot of evidence, collect all their rot before I can give them a reply a hundred times the insult we received!" Matthew knit his brows and sighed.

"Okay, okay, I trust you completely. And I'm sure you won't do anything reckless without a plan. Isn't that right?" replied Matthew who sauntered back to his original chair.

Keenan saw Matthew leave, he turned to look at Yuyun who still hadn't moved from her place. Even though her beautiful face was clearly worried, Yuyun's eyebrows were knitted together.

Keenan approached Yuyun, patted her head gently. Although actually, Yuyun's age is 3 years older than him. But Keenan is still Keenan, he does his own thing to let people know what's in his head.

Keenan's actions made Yuyun feel embarrassed. Even though he could suppress the blush on his face, he failed to hide the worry he had.

"Okay, I know exactly your character, Kee? Please, don't push yourself too much, okay? Just tell me, I'll definitely help you." said Yuyun as she lowered Keenan's right hand from above his head and held it tightly.

"Thank you Sis Yuyun. You can trust me completely hehe..." Keenan joked, which actually made the latter's face turn hot and red with a hat full of anxiety.

sorry my English is bad~

Chaae86creators' thoughts