
Happy anniversary

When my alarm rang, I reached out to it and pounded it until it stopped because it was a Saturday and I wasn't going to work. I wasn't in the mood to sleep anymore once the alarm went off, so I got out of bed and proceeded to the loo. After arriving, I stood in front of the mirror and examined my reflection for a short while before picking up my toothbrush, putting toothpaste on it, and brushing my teeth.

After finishing my teeth brushing, I went downstairs to grab myself some breakfast. As I was approaching the kitchen, the light in the living room suddenly came on and I heard loud voices yell, "SUPRISE," which startled me.

Panicked, I turned to face the living room and noticed that many people were there. Daniel was approaching me from the left with a gift box, saying, "Happy anniversary, baby," and planting a kiss on my lips.

"Oh my goodness, that's today? I swear I forgot," I said,

"Hey baby, it's okay, I understand you've been so busy with work lately, so I totally get it, okay?" Grinning broadly, he said,

"But I feel bad I didn't get you anything, you planned a surprise party for me and I - I didn't...," I stuttered.

He gently cut me off, "Hey, hey, hey it's okay," and kissed me once more. "You gave me a gift, and the gift you gave to me is way better than all these I planned,"

"What gift?" Curiously I asked,

"You. You are the best gift I ever received, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me," he whispered in my ear, as a broad smile spread across my face. "My life has altered because of you, darling," Looking into my eyes, he added, "I love you so much, Jasmine. Five months is the longest I've been in a relationship, but today makes it our third year. You have no idea what that means to me."

I gave Daniel a strong hug and murmured, "I love you too Daniel," as tears welled up in my eyes.

Following our hug, I followed him and went to meet the people he had invited to our anniversary celebration. It was shocking to see that my boss was among the individuals he had invited, along with several of our classmates and coworkers. Mr. Boniface who is my boss isn't just into things like this so I was quite happy he was here.

The anniversary party went well, but even if I had remembered, it wouldn't have changed the fact that I wouldn't know what to get Daniel because he is a complicated person and I haven't even figured out what he likes. We've been dating for three years, and while he is incredibly fun to be around, his lifestyle is kind of boring because he despises video games, movies, and a few other things that other guys like. Either way, Daniel is a great guy and I love him so much.

The next day when my alarm woke me, I hit it and sat on the bed feeling dizzy, I still wanted to sleep but I had to go to work. I looked at Daniel sleeping next to me then I smiled wishing I was like him so I wouldn't get to go to work, he trades forex and he's good at it, so he doesn't need to go out.

I stood up and stretched, then I walked into the bathroom. When I got there, I brushed my teeth and took a shower, then I got dressed. After I got dressed, I tried waking Danel but he was so exhausted he didn't want to get up. I kissed his forehead and whispered in his ear, "I'm going to work baby,".

I walked downstairs and headed out without breakfast, the hospital makes breakfast so most time I prefer to eat breakfast at the hospital instead.

I got into my car and drove off. After a 30-minute drive, I arrived at the hospital. I got my white coat and headed straight to my office, the hospital recognised me as a big doctor so they let me have my office. Before I got there I grabbed a cup of coffee from the cafeteria.

When I got into my office, I dropped the cup of coffee on my table and wore my coat. I sat down, and said a few words of prayer, while I was praying, Doctor Tess walked into my office. She saw me praying so she smiled and sat on the chair by the other side of the table. When I was done praying, she whispered, "Amen," which got me smiling.

"Hi Tess," I said,

"You know why this hospital recognizes you? Is because your prayers always work," she said then I chuckled,

"Yeah, my mom always asked me to pray before I do anything, I guess I'm already used to it,"

"And it works for you?"

"Hmm... I guess the trophies on my shelves would answer that," I said and we both laughed.

"Yeah that reminds me, I hear Danel threw you an anniversary party for you,"

"Yeah, and you didn't show up,"

"I know and am sorry, I had to go to work yesterday and I thought it won't be busy so I can sneak out to the party but then this man brought in his wife who was about to have a baby and damn... It wasn't an easy delivery,"

"Oh my God, is she okay?"

"Yeah she's fine, but she's so tired,"

"Alright, great news,"

"Yeah," Tess said and tapped her fingers on the table quietly, "Alright I have to go upstairs," she said and stood up,

"Alright, talk to you later,"

"Yeah, you too," Tess said and walked out, then shut the door.

Work was going fine, we didn't have plenty of patients so it wasn't that stressful for me, I sat in my office almost all day doing nothing and when my shift was over, I parked my things and headed out of the hospital.

On my way out, Doctor Boniface saw me and called my attention. I walked to him and he told me to follow him. I followed him and he led me to a room where I saw a patient who was looking disastrous, I'm not sure if it was an accident she had but she looked so bad.

"Oh my goodness," I whispered.

"Doctor Jasmine, this woman here is suffering from an unknown disease, she's been taken to different hospitals but in the end, they couldn't do anything about her. I want you to treat this woman,"

"But is that even possible? You said a lot of hospitals couldn't fix her, what makes you think I can?"

"Doctor Jasmine, just when we begin to think it's impossible, you make it possible, so I know you can do it," he said and headed out.

I stood there glancing at the patient, she looked so bad that I had to call for the doctor's attention,

"Wait Doctor Boniface, even if I was to work on this patient I need help, I can't do it alone,"

"Yeah that reminds me, tomorrow another doctor is coming to help you with the patient, so I suggest you go home, have some sleep and get ready for tomorrow," he said and headed out, leaving me glancing at the patient curiously.