
Prologue: Through the eyes of a child.

Hi! I'm Terriana! I'm nine years old and I have a mommy, daddy, big brother and big sister! Me and my family are very close! But suddenly, one day, I woke up in a room that's all white! It had no color or whatsoever, there were also.. uhmm... what were they called again..? Oh, yea! Doctors!

I can't remember much, but I remember my older sister was crying, some people were also there, looking at me with pity and comforting my sister as much as they can. It was so sad to see.

I asked my sister where mommy, daddy, and big brother were, she said they were in a better place now, and we will see them after a long time. I didn't quite understand her, but I hope I will see them soon and we can all be together again.

I spent a long time in that all white room, I complained to my sister that the room is very dull. She then giggled and gave me some flowers, the room looked much better!

I was just lying on the bed all the time in that room that I became so bored and would ask my sister to read me a story.

My sister picked a random novel from the internet and read it to me, I didn't understand the novel, so I asked my sister to read it to me again and again until I could get it.

The novel was titled [The flag is red but I'm colorblind!], so basically the female lead chased the red flag male lead just cause he was hot, is how my older sister summarized it.

My older sister picked this novel to warn me to not be foolish like the female lead and choose someone kind and caring, also handsome, that would love me with all his heart, body and soul.

I listened to her earnestly and would ask her to read the novel to me again multiple times. She wondered why I liked the novel so much. It was because I had a crush on the second male lead, he was such a caring person, also handsome, and was loyal to the female lead until the end of the novel.

His ending was quite sad as he never moved on, I kinda wished he had found someone just as lovely as him and married them.

I hope maybe he did, it was just not written in the book.

I spent a long time in that room, maybe a few years, I grew tired as the days went by, so tired that I could barely keep my eyes open.

One night, I asked my sister if she could stay with me until I fall asleep, so she can be the last person I'll see before I close my eyes. I don't know why, but I felt like I would never be able to open them again.

"Terry, are you comfortable?"

I shifted in bed and nodded my head, "Mhm."

My sister softly caressed my head and smiled, "Good, shall I sing you a lullaby?"

"Yes, please!"

She chuckled and started humming a soft tune as I closed my eyes and drifted off.



".....I love you."

_End of Prologue

This is quite short.

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