
I can upgrade using my Experience Points!

Chris Drake , a young orphan who was forced into hiding and left fending for himself at such a young age. One day , he found something that will change his life for the better and even the world itself. Join Chris on his great adventure and rise to the top! ******* ps: my first time writing so no bashing please. i'll try to improve my writing as i advance.

eLReQuiem · ゲーム
72 Chs

--- A happy morning

"Ohhhh... so delicious! Big Sister Shiela is really the best cook ever!" Darryl has his eyes closed while munching on some meat on a bone. He had the look of someone who had just climaxed. "Fuwah...!"

"Heh! Of course. Who do you think I am?" Shiela had a smug smile on her face while occasionally glancing at Chris, who was eating just beside her. She felt very content upon seeing him happily eating the food she prepared. "Here, Chris, you should eat more meat as well. That fatty might take it all..."

"Uh...um! T-thanks Bi- S-Shiela..."

Chris was still a bit awkward calling Shiela by her name alone. Last night, she didn't hold back anymore and finally "attacked" Chris in his bedroom. He was gobsmacked at first but accepted her "attacks" and "fought" back. He knew her growing feelings towards him after all, and he doesn't want to hurt her.

Their "battle" didn't go all the way and just settled with finger and mouth action. Shiela knows that a silver-haired girl should be the one to land first, so she endured for now. She was very satisfied that night anyway, as her man was really skilled at it. She wondered how he learned, but Chris himself didn't know, as it just came naturally.

"Heeheehee..." Shiela has a radiant aura around her that everyone has noticed and wondered what happened to her, but they just kept it to themselves. Only her little sister and the girls living in Chris' mansion know the reason why, and they blushed remembering it.

"Hey fatty! Me and Big Sister Becca helped out as well, you know~? Where's our praise...~?" Sherryl had a cute pout on her face, speaking as if someone had wronged her.

"This... y-yes, of course, Shiela and Big Sister Rebecca are the best cooks as well! Ehehehe!"

"Hmmm... that's right~! Of course, who do you think we are!?"

"""...""" Everyone who was listening had their mouth twitching nonstop.

The large table was filled with food, a mix of vegetables and meat, enough to feed up to a dozen families, and sitting around the table were Chris and his friends. Although the food was not meant for breakfast, these people are not ordinary, so they can eat heavy even for breakfast.

Including Chris and his brothers, who sit on the far end, there are the Grantz sisters sitting to his left and right. Facing him were the mayor, his aide, Orson, and the Alvarez siblings, Ella and Elmer.

His five new "maids," who just recently moved into his mansion, were sitting next to the Grantz sisters, Amanda and Akira, to the left of Shiela, and the Gomez triplets, Belle, Shane, and Aira, to the right of Sherryl. These girls clearly had different motives, but he was unaware of them.

There's also the cheerful middle-aged couple named Carl and Anna, who used to be the officers of Orson in their previous guild, as well as Darryl's girlfriend, Julia, who was feeding the fatty with enthusiasm, much to Peter's dismay, as he can only glance at Ella from time to time.

Another woman in her mid-thirties, wearing a maid's uniform, can be seen sitting to the very right side of the triplets and occasionally glancing at Chris almost every ten seconds with a blush on her face like a young teenage girl who just saw her crush.

Her name was Rebecca Rio. She was the only child of Orson, as well as the real maid in Chris's mansion. Chris didn't notice her glances though because he was distracted by Shiela. The only people who noticed her constant glancing at him were the people in front of her, like her father and the mayor.

She has long, wavy brown hair braided around her head, as well as a pair of seductive purple eyes that can entice anyone. A slim woman with a slim waist and a large bust that was accentuated by her outfit, she appears so young that you'd never guess she's in her mid-thirties.

The most surprising fact about her is that she is single. She didn't have time for romance as a maid in training. It seemed insignificant to her. That is, until she saw the young lord she would serve for the rest of her life. Her heart was racing so fast with just one glance. It was love at first sight.

She immediately proposed moving to his mansion to begin her work, which perplexed her father, but he agreed after seeing the look in his daughter's eyes. It was a girl who was smitten. Even he now believes that his young lord's life will be both chaotic and colorful. But he was disappointed that their servant's lineage might end with his daughter.

Despite the fact that her sinful body makes her eye candy, almost no man has ever stared at her for an extended period of time. They were well aware of her savage nature in battle, especially with her giant two-handed battle axe.

Her stunning smile made the men shiver in terror, especially when she swung that huge ass weapon at the enemies while bathing in their blood. Darryl, too, was terrified when he first saw that beautiful but gruesome scene. He knew the danger when he saw it.

Rebecca also used to be the vice leader of Orson's previous guild, which she managed on her own. Now she's one of the vice leaders of the Lazy Dragons, along with Peter and Orson. Yes, Lazy Dragons finally reached level 10 and can now have a maximum of three vice leaders.

Only a certain fatty was dismayed, but he understood as he really has no talent for management. Of course, it also took a few bonks from Julia to completely convince him.

These people who are currently sitting around the table, having their breakfast, excluding the mayor, are the higher-ups of Lazy Dragons.

"Oh! By the way, I heard that you guys are getting ambushed by some assassins lately?" Chris frowns upon asking.

"That's right, bro, those bastards just appear out of nowhere!" It was Darryl who spoke with an aggrieved tone. "Since they couldn't even harm me, they targeted my Jul many times!"

"Screw them!" Darryl's face has a look of rage. "I'll definitely torture those bartards to death the next time I see them!" But it looks comical because he was chewing on the meat while speaking.

"Hoh?" Chris' frown deepened after hearing Darryl's statement.

"Don't worry, bro, it is manageable since we always travel in groups." This time, it was Peter who spoke. "Even though we have a bit of casualty, we always manage to kill them all." His tone was filled with confidence. "So only some experience was lost from our fallen comrades."

"Casualty, huh?" This time, Chris now had a darkened face after hearing such a word. "What guild are those assassins from?"

"This..." Peter was somewhat hesitant but spoke anyway, knowing that Chris doesn't like that kind of loss anymore. "They are actually guildless high-level players, and they are also fully cloaked, so we couldn't see their faces."

"I see..." Chris contemplates a little bit, then says, "Later, try baiting and killing them all while I wait a few kilometers from the Moon Empire's graveyard."


"Don't worry, they can't escape my map even if they are invisible." Chris has confidence in his system's map.

"Hmph!" Chris had a sinister smirk and said, "Someone is trying their luck, huh? We'll see about that."

Everyone has gotten excited that their leader will make his move. Even though they can deal with their enemies on their own thanks to their superior equipment and skills, seeing the enemy lose everything at the hands of their leader is a much more exciting scene.

"Anyways, you guys should also prepare your luggage soon, as we'll start our travel to the Pegasus Empire in five days." Chris had excitement in his eyes while saying that.

The moment he said that, though, the girls who had romantic feelings for him had a look of jealousy in their eyes. But they still nodded. It will be a special day to him after all, so they had to attend.

"Is Grandmaster really coming with us?" He looked at the mayor with a worried expression. "It was a long trip and might be bad for your health." 

"Don't worry, your highness, I am still as strong as an ox." The mayor said it happily while stroking his beard. "That would be a very special day for his highness, so I should be there at least."

"Uh huh... If Grandmaster says so."

"Hohoho!" The mayor felt warmth in his heart, knowing that his lord cared a lot for him. It's as if he has a grandson of his own. He was even thinking twice about continuing to live.

"Hehehe... I can finally see my paradise in person." Darryl had a creepy smile on his face while laughing like a maniac. He was already imagining the sexy girls he'd meet a few days from now. "Ehehehe..." None of the girls was creeped out though, as they are used to his antics, but that doesn't mean that their urge to beat the fatty up was nonexistent.

"Your paradise...?" Julia had a frown and a darkened face while looking at Darryl. She then starts twisting his ears as if opening a bottle cap. "I wonder what that "Paradise" of yours is, huh?"

"Achachachacha! Babe, please stop already! What I meant was their capital city, as I heard it was a paradise! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" Darryl was obviously lying through his teeth, and no one was buying it, not even Julia.

"Hmph! If I see you trying to flirt out there, I'll definitely crack your balls!"


***Pffft!*** """Hahahahaha!"""


Their breakfast this morning was filled with laughs and giggles, as if they didn't have a care in the world. This was the first, but it will never be the last. The crowds that will gather around this table will only grow in the future.