
I Can Summon Golems

Kade gets teleported to an MMORPG like world with forty-three other beings not all from his world. They are given the task to beta test the world before it becomes accessible to their four worlds in a weeks time. Kade who has nothing to lose but himself decides to take this opportunity to make something of himself. Will he succeed or does fate have her webs too tightly spun around him? --------- This is my first time writing so I am learning as I go. Please keep your criticism constructive and if you have praise don't hold back. There is a saying that says, "Authors are fragile," and that holds true in this case.

VenomousSnake · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Scars (4)

Once they arrived, a teacher directed them to the principal's office. She had a desk near the white wall that she filled with pens, papers, tablets and other paraphernalia necessary for working.

There were chairs laid out already, and behind the desk, the redhead middle-aged principal stood standing in her blue pants suit and greeted her two largest donors to the school.

"Mr Bancroft, Mr and Mrs Fullbring... Young master. Good to see you all. I wish it were under better circumstances." She pointed to the seats already provided and sat down on her chair.

Today she was merely serving as a mediator between the two parties hoping they could come to some agreement. However, if she could successfully keep their children in the school, the school board would be delighted with her. She knew it was going to be tough, judging by the thick tension in the air. These two families had history.

Mr Bancroft opened up the conversation, "What are you going to do to make up for this? My son was beaten so badly he has to go for surgery. As a family man, do you know how bad this makes me look? If I file a report against your son. You know how it is, an athran boy with a criminal record... That's just the reality of the situation." He shrugged his shoulder.

Mr Fullbring brought out his digital chequebook.

Mr Bancroft sneered, "I don't want your money." He looked at Mrs Fullbring, "I have a solution where we can make this all go away. Lara, I want you to come and work for me like you should have back then."

"NO!" Mr Fullbrings firm voice echoed in the room.

Mr Bancroft's head jolted back, "Huh! Then I guess I'll blow this thing up worldwide. How does the headline "Savage beast attacks Mr Bancroft's son, sound? Mmm, it could use a bit of work, but you're a smart guy. You understand what this would mean."

Mr Fullbring sighed, "I came here today to show my son that there are better ways to resolve conflict than violence. But now I'm going to show him what you do when someone tries to hurt your family." His expression turned foul, "You put them down!"

Mr Fullbring touched his watch as a blue holographic screen appeared before him. He slid the screen across the room and landed right in front of Mr Bancroft.

Mr Bancroft looked at the words as a cold sweat came over him. He looked at Mr Fullbring with wide eyes.

Mr Fullbring folded his arms, "I take it we have come to an agreement?"


Mr Fullbring looked at the principal, "My son will continue to further his education here, thank you very much. Now I will take my leave.", 'I will not spend another waking moment in the presence of this' his nostrils flared, 'This man.'

He promptly stood up and grabbed Kade's hand as he walked out of the office with his head held high.

Kade looked up at his father's resolute expression and smiled, and then he tried to mirror the way he walked.

A brief smile appeared on Mr Fullbring face. He slowed down so that Kade could get the timing and posture correct. The two of them gallantly walked out of the school smiling from ear to ear while Mrs Fullbring kept the scene in her heart as they climbed in the car.

The drive home was long, but they made it. Needless to say, when they got home, Kade was in SO MUCH TROUBLE, but he didn't mind. He finally felt part of the family. He even considered calling them mom and dad.

Almost a year went by, and Kade's life took a turn for the better. He started putting effort into whatever he did, and before he knew it, he was at the top of his grade. He had friends at school who shared in his nerdiness, love for chess and anime.

He had finally settled in. The schism between his heart and mind-melded, and he began to feel like it was his home. Like he had the right to ask if friends could sleepover or eat as much without being seen as some impoverished child from the lower district.

He began to open up and show his true self. If people didn't like it, then that was on them. He didn't need to prove himself to anybody. He didn't need people to like him, to see him as something he was not. As long as those he held dear to him loved him, nothing else mattered.

Two years went by, and Kade was on his way home after spending the night at a friend playing games. He had discussed it with his party, and they agreed it was time. Tonight, he would stop calling her Mrs Fullbring and refer to her as mother.