
I can summon anime characters!

Nouflex was once a promising football player with dreams of making it big in the sport. However, after a devastating injury shattered his hopes, he found himself spiraling into despair. To make matters worse, most of his friends abandoned him when he needed support the most. At his lowest point, when it seemed like there was no way out, Nouflex receives a mysterious proposal. He is offered the chance to be transported to a new world of magic and fantasy, where he would have the power to summon characters from anime, manga, and manhwa to serve him. With nothing left to lose and intrigued by the possibilities, Nouflex accepts the offer. In this new world, he discovers that he has the ability to summon powerful characters to aid him in various tasks and battles. However, he soon realizes that this new world is not without its dangers and challenges. As Nouflex navigates this magical realm, he must confront his inner demons and insecurities while facing formidable foes. Along the way, he forms unlikely alliances and discovers the true meaning of strength and friendship. Will Nouflex be able to rise above his past and forge a new destiny in this fantastical world? [DISCLAIMER]: This book will contain a lot of gore and sexual content, so please if you are under 18 do not read this book. [DISCLAIMER]: I do not own any of the characters in this book, the only thing I own is the world and OG characters.

Nouflex · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Chapter 10: Already?

The revelation hung in the air, heavy with implications. Nouflex's expression turned contemplative, while Ayanokoji's sharp eyes remained locked on Lara.

"Are we the only ones from our world?" Nouflex asked, his voice tinged with curiosity and caution.

Lara shook her head. "No, there are others, but they are very rare. Each has been drawn here in different methods, with different abilities and knowledge from our previous world."

She leaned back, her eyes flicking between the two young men. "The reason I wanted to recruit you, Nouflex, is because people like us, those with knowledge and abilities from another world are incredibly valuable. We can change the course of history here."

Nouflex remained silent for a moment, absorbing the information. "Even if that's true I have no interest in joining any organization, even if its leader shares my origins. I work alone. Besides I have no plans on changing the world." 'Cap' Nouflex thought after saying that.

Lara sighed, a hint of disappointment in her eyes. "I understand. Just know that my offer remains open. If you ever need support, the Adventurers Guild will be here for you."

She looked at Ayanokoji, a thoughtful expression on her face. "And you, Ayanokoji, if you ever wish to explore your abilities further, or learn more about this world, you're welcome as well." A smile couldnt help but be drawn on he face, meting an anime character in real life, right in front of her was something she never expected.

Ayanokoji gave a slight nod, his expression inscrutable. "I will keep that in mind."

As they stood to leave, Lara's voice followed them. "Remember, in this world, knowledge and power are everything. We, who carry knowledge from another world, have a unique advantage. Use it wisely."

Then she added. "Oh I almost forgot, I will tell the guild manager to promote you to A rank, I wouldnt want someone with your powers to rot in C rank. Also take this..." She extended her hand, handing something that shocked both Nouflex and Ayanokoji.

"I-is that a phone? How the hell did you manage to get that? Isn't this a technological primitive world compared to ours?" Nouflex asked.

"Well, did I not tell you that there are other people like us? One of them happens to be a friend and an ally. He has the ability to create technological advanced devices and invent things too. Of course he does not plan to make big changes in the world, only selected individuals have access to his creations." She took a pause to catch her breath then she continued.

"Consider this a gift from me. This way we can stay in contact." She smiled while saying that.

"I appreciate it. Well imma take my leave then." Nouflex accepted the smart phone.

With that, Ayanokoji and Nouflex exited the room, their minds heavy with the revelations of their encounter. As they stepped back into the sunlight, Nouflex glanced at Ayanokoji, a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"We need to be cautious." Nouflex said quietly. "There are more players in this game than we realized."

Ayanokoji nodded, his expression serious. "Agreed. But for now, we focus on our path and our goals. We'll deal with the others when the time comes."

Together, they walked towards the forest, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

After this long and stressful meeting, both Nouflex and Ayanokoji decided to go to the forest to train and test their powers and also vent their stress using their newfound abilities and enjoy their time too against slimes. Yes they are very weak creatures, but perfect training dummies, until they master their abilities they are satisfied with that.

Nouflex trained both his Shadow technique and dismantle in order to be able to freeze his opponent then slash them. He also learned to control his slashes and shape the however he likes. The only thing he needs yet to master is the World Slash, a technique capable of slashing space itself.

This is the technique Sukuna used to bypass Gojo's infinity, no matter if you have a barrier protecting you, it will ignore the barrier and slash you body. Also the potential this technique is very vast, for example you can attack the internal body of your opponent, cutting through his organs while his skin and external body is intact.

All in all this is a must, a technique Nouflex is eager to master.

On the other hand Ayanokoji was strengthening his Body with mana and augmenting his strength and speed. This was a very efficient way to enlarge one's mana pool as each moment he felt his mana reserves expand.

After a few hours of training, the duo had enough and were satisfied by their small progress,

the sun began to set and the moon started to grow, Ayanokoji and Nouflex finished their training session, dispatching the last of the slimes with practiced ease.

The once chaotic battlefield was now littered with the remains of their defeated foes, and the air was thick with the scent of earth and magic as Ayanokoji collected all the mana crystals fallen from the slimes, while Nouflex sat on the grass to catch a break and stretch his muscles.

Ayanokoji wiped the sweat from his brow, sheathing his sword. "It's getting dark. We should head back to the city."

Nouflex nodded, a thoughtful expression crossing his face." Yeah. But we don't need to walk tho."

Ayanokoji raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What do you mean?"

With a faint smile, Nouflex stepped closer. "I've recently acquired a teleportation technique from

the system. This is a good opportunity to test it."

Ayanokoji watched as Nouflex closed his eyes, concentrating. He placed his index and middle fingers on his forehead, a gesture that seemed both precise and deliberate.

"Koji, put your hand on my shoulder." Nouflex ordered, if he wants to teleport people or objects with him, they must be in physical contact with him.

"Hold still." Nouflex instructed, his voice calm and controlled.

Ayanokoji felt a strange sensation wash over him, a mix of anticipation and curiosity. Seconds later, a pulse of energy surged through them, and the world around them blurred. The forest faded from view, replaced by a swirl of light and color.

In the blink of an eye, they reappeared inside the city, standing in a quiet alleyway. The familiar sounds of the bustling marketplace and the chatter of townsfolk greeted them, a stark contrast to the serene silence of the forest.

Ayanokoji looked around, momentarily disoriented by the sudden shift. "Impressive." He remarked, his voice tone contracting his words as it seemed bored.

Nouflex simply nodded since he already know Ayanokoji's character by now, feeling Ayanokoji lowering his hand from his shoulder. "It worked better than I expected. We saved a considerable amount of time and I appeared exactly when I wanted."

As they stepped out of the alley and into the main street, Ayanokoji couldn't help but reflect on the day's events. The encounter with Lara, the intense training, and now this new teleportation technique, it all felt like pieces of a larger puzzle falling into place.

"Let's find a place to eat." Nouflex suggested, breaking the silence. "We have much to discuss."

Ayanokoji agreed, following Nouflex through the winding streets of the city.

They made their way to a cozy tavern, the warm glow of lanterns inviting them in. As they settled into a corner booth, the sounds of laughter and the clinking of mugs filled the air, providing a comforting backdrop to their conversation.

Nouflex ordered a hearty meal for both of them as well as beer for himself, and as they waited, he leaned in, his expression serious. "We need to be prepared for what's ahead. Lara's revelation about others like us is a reminder that we're not alone in this world."

Ayanokoji nodded, his eyes thoughtful. "We need to stay vigilant. Every advantage we can gain is crucial."

As their food was served, the two immediately digged in, proof of their energy lack and hunger. While drinking his beer to help food slide through his throat, Nouflex said. "After eating we will go immediately to sleep and recuperate."

Ayanokoji was expecting something else so he asked. "Hmm? Aren't we going to the adventurer guild to exchange the mana crystals?"

"No need to, we already have plenty of gold, the one you stole. Also im super tired I just want to lay on the bed and sleep." Nouflex explained.

"Alright then" He simply nodded.

After finishing their meal, Nouflex and Ayanokoji settled their bill and left the warm tavern behind. The night air was cool and crisp, a welcome contrast to the tavern's lively warmth.

They walked through the quiet streets of the city, heading towards the inn where they planned to spend the night.

The inn, a sturdy stone building with a welcoming facade, a place of comfort after their long day. They entered, and the innkeeper greeted them with a nod, recognizing them from previous stays.

"Good evening." the innkeeper said, his voice friendly. "Room for two?"

Nouflex nodded. "Yes, please. The same one."

The innkeeper handed them a key after collecting the 23 silver coins, same as last night. "Room 204, you already know the which floor."

With a nod, Nouflex and Ayanokoji made their way up the stairs and down the hallway to their room. Nouflex unlocked the door, and they entered a cozy space with two comfortable-looking beds, a small table, and a window overlooking the quiet street below.

Ayanokoji immediately began to remove his gear, placing it carefully beside his bed. Nouflex did the same..

Ayanokoji and Nouflex lay down, each one on his bed, staring at the ceiling.

The room fell into a comfortable silence as they both reflected on the day's events. The flickering light from the lantern cast gentle shadows on the walls, creating a peaceful ambiance.

After a few moments, Nouflex spoke, his voice softer. "Rest well, Ayanokoji. Tomorrow, we continue our journey."

Ayanokoji nodded, his eyes already closing. "Yeah, Goodnight."

With that, they both settled into their beds, the day's exhaustion finally catching up with them.



The next morning, after a restful night, Nouflex and Ayanokoji awoke to the soft light of dawn filtering through their window. They quickly dressed and headed downstairs to the inn's dining area for a hearty breakfast.

The meal was simple but filling, warm bread, eggs, and fresh apple, accompanied by strong tea.

Once they had eaten their fill, they made their way to the Adventurers Guild. The bustling city streets were already alive with activity even at this early hour, merchants setting up their stalls and townsfolk going about their daily routines.

The guild's imposing structure loomed ahead.

Entering the guild hall, they were greeted by the familiar sight of adventurers of all ranks and backgrounds, some huddled over maps, others engaged in animated conversation.

They approached the reception desk where Sandy, the receptionist, was busy organizing a stack of papers. As they neared, Sandy looked up and gave them a nod, her expression a mix of professionalism and mild exasperation.

"Good morning, Vivi." Nouflex greeted her, only to catch a brief flicker of annoyance in her eyes. He realized he'd forgotten her name once again.

Sandy sighed, but she quickly regained her composure. "Good morning, Nouflex. Ayanokoji. Nouflex your information has been updated, and I'm pleased to inform you that you've been promoted to A-rank adventurer."

The moment Sandy announced this information, three system notifications sounds were heard inside Nouflex's head, but he ignored them since he had things to ask. Also maybe, just maaaybe Sandy night said that out loud making some people over hear our convesation.

At that moment, the room fell silent for a moment, and then the whispers began. Adventurers turned to look at the pair, their eyes filled with a mixture of disbelief, curiosity, and suspicion.

Nouflex, a relative newcomer, had shattered all expectations by reaching A-rank in just two days. The murmurs quickly spread through the hall, each person speculating on how such a feat was possible.

"Did you hear that? A rank in two days of his arrival!" A burly man with a scar across his cheek exclaimed, his voice tinged with jealousy. "Must've bribed the guild. No way someone could rise that fast without some shady dealings."

"I heard he's the son of a rich noble family, I mean... Look at his clothes!" Another adventurer, a young woman with sharp eyes and a bow slung over her shoulder, chimed in. "Probably bought his way up the ranks. Typical noble behavior."

"Nah, it's gotta be connections." A grizzled veteran at the bar muttered, shaking his head. "You don't get that kind of promotion without knowing the right people. Someone's pulling strings for him, mark my words." At least this statement had some truth in it... No it actually was the truth...

The rumors and stories began to weave themselves into the fabric of the guild's gossip, each iteration more embellished than the last. What no one expected is that in the next few days the word of Nouflex's unprecedented rise spread beyond expectations as some stories (Which 90% of them are bullshit) were spread across countries through travelers and merchants, but this is not for now.

"Oups! My bad?" Sandy tried to look cute in order for me to forgive her for her mistake but she looked dumb instead.

Nouflex tried as much as he could to ignore the chaos Sandy just created as he raised an eyebrow, recalling Lara's promise to elevate his rank. 'Ah, yes. It's true that Lara mentioned she would handle that...' He thought to himself.

"Just forget about it already! Anyways, what does A-rank entail?" Nouflex asked.

Sandy nodded, her demeanor becoming more businesslike. "As an A-rank adventurer, you have access to several significant benefits and privileges." She began ticking off points on her fingers, her voice clear and precise.

"Firstly, you now have priority access to high-level quests and missions. These often come with greater rewards and more significant challenges, perfect for someone of your skills."

"Secondly, A-rank adventurers receive a monthly stipend from the guild. It's not much, but it helps cover basic expenses and ensures you're always ready for a mission. You can expect around 50 silver coins per month."

(Just for information, in this world:

 1 Bronze coin= 1 cent in USD approximatly

 1 Silver coin= 10 Dollars USD approximatly

 1 Gold coin= 1000 Dollars USD approximatly

 1 Royal gold coin= 10 000 Dollars USD approximatly)

"Thirdly, you gain access to the guild's exclusive A-rank lounge. It's a space reserved for high-ranking adventurers, offering amenities like comfortable seating, private meeting rooms, and a fully stocked bar. It's a great place to network with other elite adventurers."

Nouflex nodded appreciatively, taking in the information. "Sounds useful."

Sandy continued, "Fourth, you are now eligible to participate in joint operations with the kingdom's military. These missions are rare but highly lucrative and can significantly boost your reputation."

"Fifth, the guild will provide you with better equipment discounts. Many local blacksmiths and enchanters offer special rates to A-rank adventurers, so you can upgrade your gear more affordably."

"And finally..." Sandy concluded. "You now have a dedicated liaison within the guild. This person will assist you in navigating guild bureaucracy, obtaining permits for special missions, and resolving any issues that might arise."

After Sandy finished explaining the benefits of A rank, Ayanokoji handed her a small, worn bag filled with the mana crystals they had collected from the slimes. Sandy took the bag, her practiced hands weighing it with a quick assessment.

"These won't fetch much, but every bit helps." Ayanokoji said, gaining a nod of acknowledgment from Sandy.

She placed the bag on a scale behind the counter, noting the weight and quality of the crystals before jotting down some figures in a ledger. After a moment, she handed Ayanokoji a small pouch of coins. "That's 2 silver coins and 20 bronze coins for the lot."

Ayanokoji nodded, accepting the pouch. "Thank you."

As they turned to leave, Nouflex glanced at the mission board nearby. The large wooden board was covered with various parchments, each detailing missions and quests of different ranks.

His eyes were immediately drawn to a particularly ornate scroll pinned under the A-rank section.

He walked over, studying the mission details. The scroll described a threat that had emerged in the Whispering Woods, a dense forest notorious for its dangerous creatures and treacherous terrain.

This forest is even more dangerous than the Elemental forest, only high ranked adventurers and strong clans go to it. While the elemental forest in at the south of Daloria, the Whispering woods is at its north.

Recently, reports had come in of a powerful, rogue beast terrorizing the area, endangering travelers and disrupting trade routes between Daloria and Mayorca kingdoms. The guild was seeking skilled adventurers to eliminate this threat and restore safety to the region.

Mission: Eliminate the Rogue Beast in the Whispering Woods

Objective: Track and eliminate the rogue beast terrorizing the Whispering Woods.

Reward: 7 gold coins and a rare mana enchanted Katana.

Difficulty: Medium-High

Intrigued, Nouflex took the scroll and approached Sandy once more. "I'd like to take this mission." He stated, handing her the scroll.

Sandy looked at the mission, then back at Nouflex, a concerned expression crossing her face. "Are you sure about this, Nouflex? This is an A rank mission, and it's quite a jump from your previous assignments. You could still take on a B rank mission to ease into your new status."

Nouflex met her gaze confidently. "I'm sure, Sandy. Even though I recently became A Rank im stronger than I seem."

Sandy hesitated, then sighed. "Alright, if you're certain. Just remember, the Whispering Woods are extremely dangerous. Many experienced adventurers have met their end there."

Nouflex nodded. "I'm aware. But I'm ready for this. Ayanokoji and I can handle it."

Ayanokoji, who had been silently watching the exchange, added. "We'll take all necessary precautions. We're not underestimating the threat."

Sandy gave a resigned nod. "Very well. I'll register you for the mission. Be careful out there, both of you."

With the mission officially accepted, Nouflex and Ayanokoji left the guild, their minds already focused on the challenge ahead. As they walked through the city streets, Nouflex couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation.

Finally, he could unleash his full potential and prove his worth, as an A rank adventurer he was no longer forced to hide his powers. The Whispering Woods awaited, and with it, the promise of greater power and recognition.

'Also now since now im A rank there is no need to hold back and keep my powers secret. I can go all out.'