
I Can Practice With One Click

Unlock the One-Click Training System: [Unlimited times the training speed one realm per second!] Unlock the One-Click Skill System: [ The Skills are at Max level instantly and you can practice 10000 Skills at the same time! ] Unlock the One-Click Clone System: [100% of the strength of the deity self-destruct teleport and fit!]

FOUSH_A7med · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Chapter 6 One-Click Practice Space!

Sure enough, God still cares for yourself!

I thought he would have to eat frugally after the subsidy of 300 coins was spent. He never wanted to drop a star directly and brought him a full 1 million!

This time, not only unlocking is not a problem, even the upgrade is also solved!

His cultivation speed can be doubled!


Then the two signed a guest official contract.

Guest official and ordinary worms planted Huang Scandium plaque Nao Xin Jiang Paradox

1, guest official has absolute freedom and does not need to completely obey Zhang Family


2, Zhang Family can ask the guest official for help, but whether to take action depends on the wishes of the guest official.

These two points are completely sufficient for Su Xiaobai.

It can be seen that Zhang Hingxing is still very sincere.

If you change to a contract that you have to sell your life after taking the money, maybe Su Xiaobai is really a bit resistant… But after reading this guest official contract, Su Xiaobai without the slightest hesitation choose Signed!

Of course, there are also some requirements in the guest official contract.

For example, once a guest official joins one of the families, it cannot join the other family at the same time, otherwise it will be regarded as a breach of contract


Guest official helps the family at least one favor every month, no matter how big or small, it can be considered worthy of the reward.

"Zhang Hengxing, I have seen Su guest official!"

After signing the contract, Zhang Hengxing respectfully gave a salute to Su Xiaobai.

"Alright, all are classmates and same age. What is called Su guest official, just call me Xiaobai!"

Su Xiaobai is very happy now, naturally I dont mind These red tapes.

"This is not okay, you are now the guest official invited by my Zhang Family, this guest official should be the guest official!"

As a clansman, Zhang Hingxing Etiquette teaching

The support is very good.

"Well, then I won't argue with you anymore. If it's okay, I will go home first!"

"Su guest official, since you have become the guest official of my Zhang Family, I wonder if you can choose a date and visit my Zhang Family?"

Zhang Hingxing said quickly.

"This is no problem!"

Su Xiaobai agreed.

How can I say that the other party also gave me 1 million, and now I have become the guest official of other people's families, it is right to go to visit and visit!

"Okay, then I am waiting for Su guest official to drive!"

Zhang Hengxing watched Su Xiaobai leave.

"haha, lets do it now. I successfully invited someone with such a high cultivation aptitude to join, and I finally have a bright future for my Zhang Family!"

Zhang Hingxing is very determined.

Su Xiaobai, will be a huge trump card for their Zhang Family in the future!

I have to say that Zhang Hingxing is indeed right on this point.

Su Xiaobai in the future is more than a trump card?

Is it a nuclear bomb?


Quickly walking all the way and trotting

, Su Xiaobai quickly returned home without even having time to say hello to the neighbors in the neighborhood.

"Brother, you are back!"

"I'm cooking and I will be able to eat soon!"

Su Linger is in the kitchen, Seeing Su Xiaobai, she smiled.

"Okay, just call me later!"

Su Xiaobai complied, and immediately went into his room.

"Ding! system has detected that the host has money!"

"Dear host, do you consume 200,000 Lingcoins to activate new system functions?"

< The prompt tone of p>system keeps coming.

"Push reminder, you've been reminded hundreds of times along the way!"

Su Xiaobai said ill-humoredly.

This system is really open for money!

Nothing is said normally.

As soon as I see that I have money, I immediately popped out to remind me of various greetings.

"Dear host, do you consume 200,000 Lingcoins to activate the new system functions?"

System asked the trouble again.

"You really can't do anything, unlock it!"

Although Su Xiaobai's tone is reluctant, look at his hopeful expression

He has been betrayed.

"Ding! Activation successful!"

"Congratulations to the host, unlocking the'One-Click practice space'!"

As the voice of system came, Su Xiaobai's consciousness suddenly jumped out!

Next second.

Su Xiaobai appeared in an empty space.

Besides the original One-Click cultivation shadow, a new shadow appeared next to it.

The shadow stands straight, like a sharp sword… From the outside, it is still Su Xiaobai's outline.

"Ding! Host, the current One-Click exercise space

There is no exercise content, please put it!"

System prompts flood the entire empty space.

"Put the "Basic Body Tempering Method" on it!"

Su Xiaobai said.

"Basic Body Tempering Method" is the school's entry level cultivation technique, and it is also the most basic type of Body Tempering cultivation technique… It is used for physical fitness, and every student has it.

The reason why Su Xiaobais personal mastery of the cultivation technique does not include this one is purely because his perception is too bad, and he doesnt practice hard, so its even the elementary level of "Basic Body Tempering Method". Neither reached.

Su Xiaobai is not to blame.

Su Xiaobai knows that his cultivation aptitude is rubbish, no matter how much he practiced, its useless. Its better to choose the literary route. You can still find a job in society in the future, so he abandoned the martial artist early. .

"Scanning the host brain!"

"The "Basic Body Tempering Method" has been scanned!"

"The "Basic Body Tempering Method" was placed successfully! "

As soon as the system's voice fell, Su Xiaobai's shadow began to move in the practice space.

"Good standard action!"

Su Xiaobai just glanced at it and couldn't help his eyes shine.


The action of "Basic Body Tempering Method", let alone him, even the teacher who taught him is ashamed of being inferior!

In just five minutes, the shadow has completed the entire "Basic Body Tempering Method" completely and completely!

As soon as the shadow was done over there, Su Xiaobai clearly noticed a warm current flowing within the body, and the whole body produced some perceptible Variety!

"Ding! "Basic Body Tempering Method" has reached the elementary level!"

Suddenly, the system prompt sounded.

"I, Cao, so fast?!"

Su Xiaobai was surprised by himself


Know that the cultivation technique is different from the cultivation realm.

This thing is time-consuming and energy-consuming, and it is constantly practiced by perception!

Someone elses "Basic Body Tempering Method" wants to reach the elementary level. It will take months to say nothing. It will take a few months to exercise persistently every day… He was good, so he let the shadow practice it again, and it was upgraded!

"Now the automatic practice space is practiced every 5 minutes, 24 hours a day without interruption, and the posture is still such a standard… At this speed, I am afraid that in a few days, my "Basic Body Tempering Method" can You have reached the highest level!"

Su Xiaobai was excited.

The achievements of the cultivation technique are divided into [Beginner] [Intermediate] [Advanced] and [Superior]!

Dont look at the "Basic Body Tempering Method" but the lowest and most introductory Body Tempering cultivation technique.

But if it is cultivated to the highest level, it can also bring a lot of gains!

And the most important thing is…Others need to practice hard by themselves, he doesn't need it!