
I Can Hang Up And Upgrade In The Game

【Your game character has been hung up for 24 hours】 【A total of 500 battles! 】 [Get 10,000 battle experience points! 】 【Level up! 】 [Basic boxing proficiency increased by 10,000 points! Evolved into high-level boxing! 】 In this era of martial arts for all, Chen Yu, who is not low in qualifications, but not a top genius, was surprised to find that he could upgrade in an idle game. Not only can you upgrade, but you can also gain proficiency in martial arts, meditate on-hook, dig treasure on-hook, sweep dungeons, As long as you hang up, you can become stronger! Most importantly, there is no upper limit to the level and proficiency obtained by hanging up! As the level continued to rise, Chen Yu found that he could crush everything with just numerical values. When the gods entered the world and attempted to occupy the human world... Chen Yu: "Let me tell you, what is God!"

dreamMasterO · ファンタジー
44 Chs

Chapter 7, Second Floor Martial Artist: Dragon Claw, Five-Shaped Dragon Fold!

While Ma Tao was eating, Chen Yu turned on the on-hook simulator again.

[Hint: The character {Chen Yu} has a combat power of 134, and if the combat power exceeds 100, unlock the second floor of the fighting arena. ]

[Second floor martial artist: Dragon Claw]

[Warrior Combat Strength: 380]

[Defeat Dragon Claw once, get 200 experience points. ]

[If you lose one battle, you will get 50 experience points. ]

[Special bonuses for the second-floor fighting arena:

1. The proficiency growth rate of Xingyiquan martial arts increased by 100%!

2. The proficiency growth rate of the specified martial skill {five-shaped dragon folded body} increased by 200%! ]

[The character's combat power exceeds 1000, and the third-tier martial artist can be unlocked. ]

"This dick!"

Chen Yu's eyes lit up.

After breaking through to 134 combat power, Chen Yu also took advantage of the opportunity to unlock the fighting arena on the second floor.

From the second floor, special bonuses appeared.

And the special bonus of this layer was exactly what Chen Yu needed.

The proficiency bonus of Xingyiquan!

The proficiency of Xingyiquan obtained in each round will be more.

The designated martial skill {five-shaped dragon folding body} is a form of martial skill in the shape of a dragon in Xingyiquan.

The dragon shape pays more attention to the use of footsteps.

Coupled with the support of blood, the dragon shape is more like a dragon!

The reason why high school martial artists are required to learn Xingyiquan is also because the twelve body shapes of Xingyiquan contain almost all the foundations of martial arts.

Even in the world of high martial arts.

Those unimaginable, powerful martial arts that split mountains and seas, and use blood as energy.

It also requires a solid foundation in martial arts as a foundation.

Blood energy only expands the strength of warriors to the best of imagination, and the foundation is still martial arts!

Chen Yu entered the second floor and started hanging up.

People live up to their name.

The hands of the martial artists on the second floor are shaped like dragon claws.

The Dragon Claw Gesture is that the index finger and middle finger are close together, the ring finger and little finger are close together, and the blood is concentrated on the thumb. As long as the thumb clasps the opponent's muscles, it can instantly clasp the opponent's muscles.

With the support of blood, the power of the dragon claw gesture is more terrifying than traditional martial arts.

The martial artist's dragon claws stride forward with his right foot and step back with his left foot.

This is the dragon step.

Rising like a dragon ascending to the nine heavens, crouching down like shrinking and sneaking into the ground.

Hug your head!

Dragon walks!

Turn around in the shape of a dragon, and pace in the shape of a chicken.

These are all the contents mentioned in the middle level of Xingyiquan martial arts.

But the content belongs to the content, and there are very few that really achieve the essence.

Obviously, this martial artist named Dragon Claw has a very high understanding of the dragon shape in Xingyiquan.

"It seems that the benefits of hanging up next time will not only get blood energy and attributes, but also steal a master's understanding of Xingyiquan."

"I need to get some advanced martial arts as soon as possible."

Chen Yu couldn't wait to fast-forward to six o'clock in the evening, to see how far the dragon folding body he understood was different from the dragon folding body understood by the martial artist in the on-hook simulator.

It's two thirty in the afternoon.

The buses from No. 2 Middle School, No. 3 Middle School and Experimental Middle School took their students one by one to Zhenjiang No. 1 Middle School where Chen Yu is located.

Because Zhenjiang No. 1 Middle School has the largest martial arts gym in Zhenjiang.

The school became lively in an instant.

However, the fun is theirs.

Chen Yu just lowered his head, playing with his phone seriously.

To be precise, it is not playing, but watching.

This second-tier martial artist really opened Chen Yu's eyes.

It turned out that after Long Zhe was so proficient at his level, he was so powerful. Every move and try of Long Claw benefited Chen Yu a lot.

And that's just to watch.

If you receive the benefits of hanging up, you will have a deeper understanding.

"Stop playing with your phone, people from Qingxuan High School are here."

Ma Tao touched Chen Yu, then pointed to a group of people entering the martial arts hall.

Chen Yu then hid the on-hook simulator in the background, turned off the phone, and looked in the direction Ma Tao pointed.

The person leading the team was Chen Yu's younger brother.

Chen Yuan.

A young man with a cropped head and a very indifferent expression.

"Hey, did you see, that attractive-looking person is the captain of Qingxuan High School this time, and his name seems to be Chen Yuan, who has the same surname as you."

Ma Tao has a lot of gossip, and he has inquired about the situation of Qingxuan High School a long time ago.

"I heard that Chen Yuan was ranked 6th in Qingxuan High School last time. Don't underestimate this 6th place. According to Qingxuan High School's grade, the top 30 is enough to crush Zhang Yuanyuan."

"And I heard that he hasn't made a move for two months. Two months ago, his vitality was already close to 300."

"Who knows how strong it is now."

Chen Yu turned to look at Ma Tao, and asked curiously, "Where did you know all this?"

Ma Tao knew his younger brother better than himself.

Chen Yu didn't even know what Chen Yuan's strength was.

However, with 300 HP two months ago, Chen Yu really felt the gap between ordinary people and geniuses.

Two months ago, he was still struggling between his eighties and nineties.

This younger brother of his has already crushed his blood energy value by three times.

"These news are spreading all over the school now. You can find out after a little inquiring. Who told you to keep playing with your mobile phone."

"However, this is not important. The important thing is that you must not meet Chen Yuan, otherwise it will be very miserable."

"Why?" Chen Yu didn't understand the meaning of Ma Tao's words.

Ma Tao said: "Because Chen Yuan will kill him."

"Any opponent who has fought with Chen Yuan has broken bones at least, or been hospitalized at worst. He even killed two warriors."

"So cruel?"

Chen Yu was also a little surprised.

Because the use of weapons is not allowed in the competition between high school warriors, weapons have no eyes, serious injuries or even killing each other by mistake are common things.

Fists and feet are safer.

Coupled with the fact that warriors already have blood to protect themselves, they will not be able to kill the opponent with a single punch.

This shows that his younger brother is not only highly talented, but also a ruthless character.

To be honest, Chen Yu actually didn't know his cheap brother.

The most impressions come from part of the memory of this body.

"In short, if you encounter a situation, you have to withdraw after two moves, or surrender directly. Once Chen Yuan is agitated, it will be too late to surrender."

"Anyway, it's not ashamed to lose to someone like Chen Yuan."

Ma Tao said this sentence to Chen Yu.

Ma Tao, who has fought Chen Yu nearly a hundred times, is very familiar with Chen Yu's fighting style.

Chen Yu is the kind of character who won't admit defeat as long as he can still fight.

This kind of personality is called Desperate Saburo if it sounds good, but it is called overreaching if it is not good.

In No. 1 Middle School, apart from Zhang Yuanyuan and him, no one was Chen Yu's opponent, so Chen Yu didn't suffer from this way of fighting.

But in the face of Qingchou high school.

Especially Chen Yuan, who was a little crazy during the battle.

Chen Yu will definitely suffer.

That's why Ma Tao mentioned this matter.

The purpose is to remind Chen Yu to do what he can.

This is not a battle between brothers, nor is it a battle between classmates. This is about the face of Qingxuan High School.

They won't hold back.

Chen Yu saw Ma Tao's worry and heard Ma Tao's voice-over.

This kind of words is actually not very pleasant, and only brothers who really care about you and understand your personality will directly persuade you like this.

After all, warriors have a good face.

Nobody likes being called weak.

Therefore, even if Ma Tao thought he was not Chen Yuan's opponent, Chen Yu didn't care at all.


Chen Yu did not refute, but seriously replied to Ma Tao's instructions.

Although Ma Tao was a little surprised, Chen Yu unexpectedly didn't argue with him today.

He thought that it might be that Chen Yuan's strength was really strong, and no matter how stubborn Chen Yu was, he wouldn't be able to make life difficult for him.