
I Can Hang Up And Upgrade In The Game

【Your game character has been hung up for 24 hours】 【A total of 500 battles! 】 [Get 10,000 battle experience points! 】 【Level up! 】 [Basic boxing proficiency increased by 10,000 points! Evolved into high-level boxing! 】 In this era of martial arts for all, Chen Yu, who is not low in qualifications, but not a top genius, was surprised to find that he could upgrade in an idle game. Not only can you upgrade, but you can also gain proficiency in martial arts, meditate on-hook, dig treasure on-hook, sweep dungeons, As long as you hang up, you can become stronger! Most importantly, there is no upper limit to the level and proficiency obtained by hanging up! As the level continued to rise, Chen Yu found that he could crush everything with just numerical values. When the gods entered the world and attempted to occupy the human world... Chen Yu: "Let me tell you, what is God!"

dreamMasterO · ファンタジー
44 Chs

Chapter 5, It's Time To Collect The Vegetables!


In Class One, Senior Three, the head teacher knocked on the blackboard to silence all the chattering students.

Chen Yu sat in the second row, a standard seat for a top student.

On the left is Zhang Yuanyuan staring at a baby face.

Behind him is Ma Tao with a dark face.

After the head teacher saw that the class was quiet, he said in a deep voice:

"The simulated combat competition will start soon. Each person will fight at least two times, and the opponents will be randomly matched."

"The purpose of the battle is to accept the effects of your recent training and meditation."

"No matter how hard you train and how seriously you meditate, in the end everything is still based on strength, which must be implemented in actual combat."

"The morning competition will be held in the school's martial arts hall."

"A total of seventy duel rooms are open at the same time, and there are teachers in each room to judge your battles."

"So don't complain about being matched with an opponent who is stronger than you. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, but you have to play your own things. Your score will be judged by the examiner."

"In addition, apart from No. 2 Middle School, No. 3 Middle School, and the Experimental Middle School participating in this simulation competition, Qingxuan High School will also participate."


The head teacher's words immediately made the quiet class become noisy again.

"Qingxuan High School? Is it that noble school that is full of geniuses and the worst students are better than me?"

"Shouldn't there be another school with this name?"

"They came to simulate the game with us? Then why play? We can't win."

"Let's not say that their talents are higher than ours, let's talk about their resources... I heard that the children of those senior executives in the martial arts association eat hundreds of thousands of blood energy pills as jelly beans. Look at us again?"

"It's simply a dimensionality reduction blow."

"Not necessarily, don't we also have Zhang Yuanyuan and Chen Yu?"

"Zhang Yuanyuan and Chen Yu are just better than us. They probably won't even rank in the middle class in Qingxuan High School."

bang bang bang!

The head teacher knocked on the desk a few times to stop the complaining students.

"Have you confessed to cowardice before you fight?"

"Is this what your martial arts instructor taught you?"

The head teacher stared at the students below with a straight face, and said word by word: "Warrior, you typed it step by step."

"No matter who the opponent is."

"No matter how difficult it is."

"You have to be clear, the competition is just a competition after all."

"When you actually go into battle, when you really start taking responsibility for protecting your country, that's when the real battle is going to be."

"The principal invited Qingxuan High School to let you learn to overcome difficulties."

"Because, when you take the college entrance examination, your matching opponents may not necessarily be who. Everyone is in the same examination room. It is possible for you to meet those real geniuses."

"What will you do then? Admit defeat? Or give up the game?"

"This is for you to get used to how to fight when you meet a strong person in advance."

"The second reason..."

"Give you strength."

The head teacher turned his gaze to Zhang Yuanyuan, Chen Yu and Ma Tao.

"Under heavy pressure, there is motivation."

"The students from Qingxuan High School this time are not all top-notch geniuses, but also junior warriors with around 150 HP."

"How much blood is Zhang Yuanyuan now?"

The head teacher asked Zhang Yuanyuan in a slightly softer tone.

Zhang Yuanyuan replied in a pretty voice: "More than one hundred and sixty, less than one hundred and seventeen."

"Well, progress is very fast."

The head teacher did not hesitate to speak in a tone of appreciation.

In the class, there is a genius with blood energy close to 170, which can be regarded as her achievement.

"You work hard and try to get a good result in the second round of the competition in the afternoon. As long as you beat an opponent who chooses high school, the school will prepare a reward for you."

"Don't worry, teacher, I will definitely try to defeat a few more noble children."

Zhang Yuanyuan's voice was a little excited.

This is a rare and good opportunity. The head teacher's words just now were obviously addressed to her alone.

This shows that the school has confidence in her and values ​​her very much.

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news."

"But you have to pay attention to safety, fight if you can, and it's not shameful if you can't. The school will try to stagger you to choose the top talents in high school."

"Okay, that's all I'll say. A classmate from the student union will come to tell you which room to compete in. Just wait."

After finishing speaking, the head teacher turned and left the class.

The homeroom teacher left, and the class immediately became noisy again.

Ma Tao reached out and stabbed Chen Yu behind Chen Yu, then said to Chen Yu in a low voice: "Oh, did you see that we have been ignored."

"Old Ban only said those things to Zhang Yuanyuan, obviously because he didn't think that the two of us had the strength to win against those people in Select High School."

Chen Yu smiled: "If you tell the homeroom teacher that you have also taken the Blood Qi Pill to improve your blood energy, you will probably tell me as well."

"This world is based on strength."

"You hide it and want to be respected, how is it possible?"

"Who is hiding it? Isn't there no chance to show it?"

Ma Tao said angrily.

Just when he was about to say something, the students from the student union had already entered the class to inform them to participate in the competition.

Chen Yu's name was among those who competed in the first wave.

The opponent was even a classmate in his own class. When that classmate heard that his opponent was Chen Yu, his expression turned bad instantly.

Bad luck, I met one of the big three in the first middle school, and basically lost this round.

Chen Yu stood up, patted Ma Tao on the shoulder and said, "I'll have dinner at the same place at noon, I'll wait for you."


The match in the morning was a preliminaries.

The battle within the school does not involve other schools, and the warriors from Qingxuan High School will come over in the afternoon.

Therefore, the two games were won easily.

Not even sweating.

With a blood energy of 180, bullying those students with only a few dozen blood energy is not difficult at all.

After Chen Yu won two games, he bought a boxed lunch in the cafeteria and went to the roof of the training hall.

Ma Tao's game was not over yet, Chen Yu started to eat on his own.


At this time, the phone rang.

It's the 12 o'clock reminder alarm that he set.

Chen Yu's expression brightened.

"It's time to collect the vegetables."