
I Can Hang Up And Upgrade In The Game

【Your game character has been hung up for 24 hours】 【A total of 500 battles! 】 [Get 10,000 battle experience points! 】 【Level up! 】 [Basic boxing proficiency increased by 10,000 points! Evolved into high-level boxing! 】 In this era of martial arts for all, Chen Yu, who is not low in qualifications, but not a top genius, was surprised to find that he could upgrade in an idle game. Not only can you upgrade, but you can also gain proficiency in martial arts, meditate on-hook, dig treasure on-hook, sweep dungeons, As long as you hang up, you can become stronger! Most importantly, there is no upper limit to the level and proficiency obtained by hanging up! As the level continued to rise, Chen Yu found that he could crush everything with just numerical values. When the gods entered the world and attempted to occupy the human world... Chen Yu: "Let me tell you, what is God!"

dreamMasterO · ファンタジー
44 Chs

Chapter 41, A Martial Artist Who Does Not Do Business Properly, You Can Also Chant Evil Spirits?

After more than ten hours of driving, the military vehicle entered Caspian City.

Chen Yu was able to see a large number of troops gathered at the pass of Caspian City.

After entering Caspian City.

Chen Yu got out of the car on the way.

Found the place agreed with the seller.


True food for warriors in a van.

Chen Yu couldn't guarantee that the secret realm would be used this time, but there would be no harm in preparing for it in advance.

This kind of food made of hydrangeas has a long shelf life, and it will not go bad after a few years.

Anyway, you don't need to carry it yourself.

Putting it in the sundries space is regarded as food storage.

Chen Yu was worried about the limited space for sundries, but fortunately, it is not a problem to put food in a van.

Then, Chen Yu went to Wushang in Caspian City.

There I bought a Tang knife, a dagger, and a crossbow.

They are all ordinary weapons.

But the materials of these weapons come from the void frontier.

It can barely be said to be related to the warrior.

Chen Yu got stuck in a bug, but anyone who has anything to do with warriors can be put into the debris space.

Therefore, when Chen Yu buys ropes and tents, he always buys those made of special materials.

Special materials, mostly from the frontier of nothingness.

Chen Yu even bought a huge kettle for a small 20,000 yuan.

This is a kettle made of some kind of exotic animal skin. It has the function of freezing and refrigerating to sterilize bacteria, and can store a large amount of drinking water.

When Chen Yu found out that this kind of kettle can also be put into the sundry space, he bought it without hesitation.

After everything is ready.

Chen Yu arrived at the designated meeting place belatedly.

Caspian Military Region.

When Chen Yu arrived, he found that many people had already gathered here.

The most striking thing was the red-haired boy.

There was a fire mark on his face.

Like a scar.

It's like a tattoo again.

No need to think about it, this is Yan Chi with five thousand blood.

Yan Chi's figure is not tall, but rather well-proportioned, and his body shape is about the same as Chen Yu's.

Because the cultivation method is the reason for the Yanshen Jue.

The temperature around him will be very high.

It can be seen from a distance that the air around him is distorted hotly.

"It's tricky."

Chen Yu sighed.

But from the perspective of momentum, this Yanchi is very unusual.

Chen Yu was thinking, if he faced Yanchi now, what would his winning rate be? What should I do to increase my chances of winning?

"Just don't provoke him."

Suddenly a voice appeared beside Chen Yu.

Chen Yu didn't panic, but just glanced at the person who suddenly appeared beside him.

A bookish-looking young man wearing glasses was looking at Chen Yu with a smile.

The young man said with a smile: "Sorry, I just found out that other people are afraid of Yanchi, only you have a strange fighting spirit towards him, so you are more curious."

"in addition..."

The young man's voice is very refined, the kind of voice that won't make people feel disgusted as long as he speaks.

"I'm just a kind reminder, if you really bump into him by accident, be careful, don't make him angry."

When he said this, there was a trace of fear on the young man's face.

"People from Yanshen's family, as long as they get angry, their strength will at least double."


After the young man finished speaking, he smiled kindly at Chen Yu.

Then turn around and leave.

Only then did Chen Yu realize that everyone around him was looking at him.

Liu Chengke.

Chen Yu immediately realized who this person was.

Apart from Yan Chi, the only warrior who could attract so many people's attention was Liu Chengke who was ranked second.

Can he perceive the warrior's fighting spirit?

Chen Yu looked at Liu Chengke's back with vacant eyes.

Chen Yu was very sure that just now he had just a little bit of fighting spirit, definitely not the kind that could be seen clearly.

But Liu Chengke noticed it.

Is it talent?

Or some kind of special martial skill?

Or some kind of weapon?

At this time, Chen Yu realized that there might be a problem with his previous judgment.

Yan Chi is not a warrior who can sit firmly in the first place.

He is just the most bloody.

This Liu Chengke is definitely not simple.


3:42 p.m.

Cangshan secret realm finally opened.

Military notification is not required.

It can be seen from the vision produced in the sky of Cangshan Mountain alone.

"The secret realm has been opened. All warriors whose identities have been entered can enter Cangshan Mountain and find the entrance to the secret realm by themselves."

With the notification of the military.

The young warriors gathered in the waiting hall rushed out in one go.

He ran towards Cangshan at high speed.

The one rushing to the front was not Yanchi, but a cyan shadow.

a woman.

The speed of this female warrior is surprisingly fast.

Chen Yu barely saw her appearance clearly before she disappeared into the forest.

"Let's go too. Although the entrance to Cangshan Secret Realm won't be closed so quickly after it is opened, first-come, first-served is very practical in the secret realm."

Zhao Muzhi picked up his huge backpack full of food, followed the large army, and rushed into Cangshan Mountain.

Cen Ran on the side was also ready.

But before she left, she turned her head and glanced at Chen Yu, and said, "If we meet in the secret realm, please be merciful."


Cen Ran shook his short hair, increased his speed and rushed out.

This was the first time Cen Ran spoke to Chen Yu.

Chen Yu didn't pay much attention to this slightly indifferent female warrior.

He waited a moment.

Mainly waiting for Chen Yuan.

Unfortunately, after almost everyone entered Cangshan Mountain, no one saw Chen Yuan.

Chen Yu sighed.

Turn around and enter Cangshan.

Cangshan Secret Realm is easy to find.

As long as you run to the vision in the sky, you can find it.

Chen Yu ran very fast.

His current speed attribute has reached 80 points, even if he runs without blood, he can still exceed the speed of some warriors.

"There is miasma!"

Suddenly, someone shouted in front of him.

Miasma is generally a poisonous gas caused by the decay of animals and plants in the virgin forest, and the damp and hot steam in the mountains and forests.

Generally speaking, this kind of miasma has little effect on warriors with strong physical fitness.

But if the front is the entrance to the secret realm...

This is the miasma that has been trapped for 12 years!


The miasma, which was so white that it was almost thick, rolled down from the top of the mountain.

The warriors who didn't protect themselves in time took a mouthful of miasma, and immediately coughed violently, and some warriors even started to vomit.

This miasma is very poisonous!

Although he does not know death, it is enough to weaken the warrior's strength.

"Chen Yu, cover your mouth and nose!"

Someone reminded Chen Yu.

Chen Yu turned his head and saw that it was Zhao Muzhi.

"Didn't you leave early?"

Chen Yu remembered that Zhao Muzhi was among the first batch of warriors to set off, how did he get here?

Zhao Muzhi blushed a little rarely.

"I'm a little slow."


Is that a bit slow?

You are too slow.

Zhao Muzhi's advantage is that he has strong defense and great power.

But the speed is really slow.

"Then I won't wait for you, let's go first."

Chen Yu finished speaking.

He reached out and made a gesture on his chest.


A layer of light visible to the naked eye flickered on Chen Yu's skin, and then disappeared immediately.

The miasma was actually blocked from Chen Yu's body.

"Do you still chant evil spirits?"

Zhao Muzhi covered his mouth and nose, and said in surprise.

But Chen Yu rushed into the miasma earlier and did not hear Zhao Muzhi's words.

Zhao Muzhi's face was full of envy.

He has exhausted all his energy just by cultivating the wrath pattern martial skill, so how could he still have time to learn the evil chant which is completely an auxiliary martial skill?

"Where did he get so much time?"


"Is it because the secret realm is in Cangshan this time that he specially learned the evil chant?"

"Isn't that too unprofessional?"

Although Zhao Muzhi was envious, he still felt that the energy of their young fighters should not be put on these "not very useful" martial arts.