
I Can Hang Up And Upgrade In The Game

【Your game character has been hung up for 24 hours】 【A total of 500 battles! 】 [Get 10,000 battle experience points! 】 【Level up! 】 [Basic boxing proficiency increased by 10,000 points! Evolved into high-level boxing! 】 In this era of martial arts for all, Chen Yu, who is not low in qualifications, but not a top genius, was surprised to find that he could upgrade in an idle game. Not only can you upgrade, but you can also gain proficiency in martial arts, meditate on-hook, dig treasure on-hook, sweep dungeons, As long as you hang up, you can become stronger! Most importantly, there is no upper limit to the level and proficiency obtained by hanging up! As the level continued to rise, Chen Yu found that he could crush everything with just numerical values. When the gods entered the world and attempted to occupy the human world... Chen Yu: "Let me tell you, what is God!"

dreamMasterO · ファンタジー
44 Chs

Chapter 24, The Second Hanging Scene - Meditation Room.

In addition, there are exercises.

Gongfa is the reason why this world is made into a high martial arts.

The Four Seas Breathing Method used by Chen Yu is a method that focuses on defense and regulating the mind.

It is a relatively low-level skill.

Some powerful exercises are similar to the Burning God Art, which is currently the number one master in Kyushu Kingdom, Flame God.

The Avalokitesvara Divine Art of the Living Buddha of Nanxia Kingdom.

The immortal god of the old immortal in the northern border country.

And the idea of ​​chaos of the enchanted warrior hidden in Tibet.

These four exercises are recognized as the strongest exercises in the world.

For a powerful warrior, martial skills, blood energy, skills, and weapons are all indispensable.

"Currently, the warrior on-hook simulator has solved my martial arts and blood problems, but the exercises..."

"Four Seas Breathing Method is still a bit out of date after all."

Chen Yu was meditating while thinking about his future plans.

The Four Seas Breathing Method will eventually need to be changed.

When the on-hook simulator is not activated, the Four Seas Breathing Method can be used for at least five years.

But now, with his improvement speed, within a few months, the Four Seas Breathing Method will gradually lose its effect.

Buying the Four Seas Breathing Method is not because his father Chen Jun is not willing to buy it for him.

But at that time, in his situation, the Four Seas Breathing Method was more suitable for him.

It's not that the more advanced the exercises, the better.

Novice fighters are often unable to master powerful exercises.

Even the warrior Shendu from northern Xinjiang was almost sucked dry by the immortality technique, let alone a young warrior.

"The matter of changing the exercises needs to be put on the agenda, but there is no need to be so anxious."

"The breathing method of the four seas should last about half a year."

"It depends on what kind of reward I can give me."

Advanced exercises are too expensive, and his father, Chen Jun, the leader of the martial arts detachment is not a lucrative position.

The more advanced the skill, the rarer it is, the more expensive it is.

Just because Zhao Huiying is not short of money does not mean he is not short of money.

At least it hasn't reached the level where he can choose advanced exercises at will.

"The most important thing now is to make money."

"Perhaps, my next focus should be to get some money?"

Now there is an on-hook simulator.

He didn't have to go to the martial arts hall to practice hard anymore.

In addition to the four hours of meditation every day, it can be said that he can become stronger while lying down.

And even faster than those geniuses progress.

With the time he saves, he can make money.

There are too many ways for warriors to make money.

Plus, he needs to fight.

Lots of fighting.

Even if the hang-up income can directly integrate hundreds of battle experience into his body, after the battle with Chen Yuan, he can completely master these abilities.

Originally, warriors need to grow in constant battles.

For Chen Yu, fighting is even more important.


Just when Chen Yu was thinking about how to get money, the phone rang.

Chen Yu opened his eyes instantly and ended his meditation state.

No one would call him in the middle of the night.

Then there is only one possibility... Another 6-hour harvest time has arrived.

[Your game character has been hung up for 6 hours]

[A total of 202 battles! ]

[Victory: 63 times]

[Failure: 139 times]

[Experience gained: 14685 experience points! ]

[Level up! lv.8→lv.9 (consumes 9000 experience points, remaining 11145 experience points)]

[Blood Qi +48, ​​Strength +9, Speed ​​+3, Resistance to Attack +11]

[Level up! lv.9→lv.10 (consumes 10000 experience points, remaining 1145 experience points)]

[Blood Qi +50, Strength +10, Speed ​​+3, Resistance to Attack +11]

[Elementary boxing proficiency +1711]

[Elementary legwork proficiency +2155]

[Xingyiquan second level proficiency +2991! ]

[Combat power: 188 → 249! ]

Vitality increased by another 98 points!

Now Chen Yu's blood gas has reached the level of 428.

"It's only 72 blood points before you can reach the level of a first-order warrior, and then you can go to the border of nothingness to pick up some simple tasks."

"Well, probably tomorrow we will be able to reach the first-order martial artist stage."

Entering the border of nothingness requires at least the first-order warrior stage.

Chen Yu was far from five hundred blood qi before.

Chen Yu did a simple calculation.

It has been 24 hours since the activation of the on-hook simulator at zero o'clock last night.

He harvested a total of more than 300 blood energy.

And 62 points of strength, 21 points of speed, and 52 points of resistance to blows.

The proficiency has increased by several thousand.

"If this hang-up income attribute has no upper limit, I will be a numerical monster in a few years."

Chen Yu was a little bit tongue-in-cheek about the hook he made.

He is not as fast as in martial arts novels, and he can directly make the protagonist defeat all the top masters in an instant.

This is more like a training simulator for warriors.

Not in one step.

But growing steadily.

Most importantly, there is no upper limit to the probability!

Just when Chen Yu was delighted, another prompt appeared on the phone screen.

[Congratulations! Your idle character has been upgraded to level 10, officially opening the second idle scene - the meditation room. ]

[Meditation Room: Meditation training is available. ]


Chen Yu was taken aback.

Then the expression instantly became more exciting.

"Meditation hang up?"

This is really drowsy, come to the pillow, and directly give a nest when you are about to lay eggs.

It turns out that in addition to fighting and hanging up, meditation can also hang up!