
I Can Hang Up And Upgrade In The Game

【Your game character has been hung up for 24 hours】 【A total of 500 battles! 】 [Get 10,000 battle experience points! 】 【Level up! 】 [Basic boxing proficiency increased by 10,000 points! Evolved into high-level boxing! 】 In this era of martial arts for all, Chen Yu, who is not low in qualifications, but not a top genius, was surprised to find that he could upgrade in an idle game. Not only can you upgrade, but you can also gain proficiency in martial arts, meditate on-hook, dig treasure on-hook, sweep dungeons, As long as you hang up, you can become stronger! Most importantly, there is no upper limit to the level and proficiency obtained by hanging up! As the level continued to rise, Chen Yu found that he could crush everything with just numerical values. When the gods entered the world and attempted to occupy the human world... Chen Yu: "Let me tell you, what is God!"

dreamMasterO · ファンタジー
44 Chs

Chapter 1, The Scene Where You Can Hang Up At Present: Fighting Arena!


Chen Yu let out a long breath, sat cross-legged until his tingling legs were loosened, and lay sprawled on the floor, relaxing his whole body and feeling the effect of meditation.

He is now using the breathing method of the Four Seas School.

It cost nearly 20,000 yuan to buy the exercises.

The three no-kung methods on the Internet.

No guarantee, no insurance, no certification.

But at least it is better than the basic breathing method taught by the school.

One cycle every three hours.

With Chen Yu's current strength, one cycle is the limit.

Therefore, he basically only needs to meditate for three hours a day.

The Four Seas school says that it can stabilize the mind, circulate the blood, increase the effect of a day's training, and increase the defense ability.

To be honest, the effect is average.

It can only be said that talking is better than nothing.

Chen Yu sighed.

Picking up the phone, he glanced at the app icon that was always gray.

This app is to travel to this world with him.

That's right.

Chen Yu does not belong to this world.

Three years ago, he traveled to this parallel world where all people practice martial arts, and entered this body with the same name and appearance as him.

The only difference is that in his previous life, he graduated from university for two years and was a social animal who had already entered the society.

In this world, he was 15 years old when he first traveled here.

He is just now an adult.

This world respects warriors.

Blood gas assesses the level of a warrior.

Strength determines social status.

Everyone is warlike.

The whole people practice martial arts.

A powerful warrior has everything, money, power, and status.

But at the same time, it also took on important responsibilities.

Because there is no peace here.

There are perennial civil wars in which countries compete for resources.

There is the threat of constant invasion by creatures from the void world.

It is precisely because of these wars and threats from outside creatures that the status of warriors has become higher, and the existence of warriors has become more important.

Warriors are the weapons of the country!

As a time traveler, Chen Yu's aptitude is not low, and he is not out of the ordinary. If he trains step by step, he is at least a third-tier warrior.

But not outstanding.

He has less than first-rate qualifications, barely second-rate qualifications.

Stronger than ordinary people.

Can't squeeze into the genius category.

According to his aptitude, if he doesn't encounter any adventures, at most he will be a Tier 5 warrior.

A fifth-order warrior is not even at the level of a high-level warrior.

So, Chen Yu put all his hopes on this special app.

This app appeared on his mobile phone after he crossed.

Chen Yu didn't pay attention to it at first.

Until he found that the app seemed to be stuck to him, unable to remove or open it, and it would somehow appear on the new phone even after changing the phone.

He just connected this app with the things he traveled through.

Travelers have systems by their side.

Chen Yu felt that he was no exception.

This is most likely a hack!


He didn't know how to use the plug-in.

In the past three years, he also gave up studying it, just trained hard and meditated uninterrupted every day, and his grades were considered excellent.

Not as good as those geniuses.

But it is also like a "other people's child".


Just as Chen Yu was lying on the bed, thinking wildly, there was a sound of opening the door, and a deep voice sounded.

Chen Yu stood up, threw the phone aside, looked at the middle-aged man who entered the room, and asked in surprise:

"Dad, didn't you say you were on a mission tonight? Why did you come back?"

"The task was cancelled. I don't know who leaked the news. We worked for a month, and it was all in vain."

"Forget it."

"My son's birthday, I have to come back no matter what."

Chen Jun took off his special black windbreaker and hung it on the hanger at the door.

On the chest of the windbreaker was written the words 'Captain of Zhenjiang Wuguan Detachment'.

Wuguan is the management of warriors.

Similar to the detective role of Chen Yu's previous life.

It's all about criminals.

It's just that the criminal police are responsible for managing criminals among ordinary people, and Chen Jun is responsible for managing criminals among warriors.

The level of danger is higher.

"I know you don't like sweets, so I didn't buy you a cake. You wait, I'll make some dishes for you, and we two can eat."

Chen Jun is tall, 185cm tall, and wearing an apron, it doesn't look out of place.

It's just that on the arm with the rolled up sleeves, a knife scar nearly 10 centimeters long was exposed, showing the meritorious service of his martial arts captain.

"Dad, let me help you."

"Okay, you wash and cut the peppers."


"By the way, did your mother call you?"


"...Don't you call on your son's birthday?"

"Maybe she is busy. After all, she has just been promoted to the position of vice president of the Warrior Association, and she is still at the provincial level."

"Oh, busy with her little power, and forgot about her son? Be busy!"

Chen Jun made no secret of his dissatisfaction with Chen Yu's mother.

Chen Yu's parents in this world, one is the captain of Wu Guan, and the other is the vice-chairman of Wu Guan at the provincial level.

The status is not low.

But the two had divorced long before he traveled to this world.

Therefore, Chen Yu basically never met her a few times.

For Chen Jun in this world, Chen Yu's calling father has no burden, because his father was also a criminal policeman in the original world.

However, he died in the line of duty when he was 13 years old.

Therefore, in Chen Yu's view, this happened to be a kind of compensation for himself.

As for the mother who divorced and took away one of her own younger brothers... just like the previous life, she has no emotion, no memory, just like a passerby.

The two also drank some for dinner.

18 years old is considered an adult, and it doesn't hurt to drink a little alcohol.

Drink a glass of white wine.

The two of them talked about the future and the past.

The time came to 12 o'clock at night in a blink of an eye.

Chen Jun drank a little too much.

He is very happy about the fact that his son is an adult.

According to Chen Jun's words, it is a blessing for him to be able to do this job until now, and to be able to see his son grow up, and it is God's blessing.

If he didn't have the experience of his previous life, Chen Yu probably wouldn't have had much emotion.

The profession of criminal police has really entrusted his life to Lord Yan.

Looking at the drunk lying on the sofa, the father who has begun to look a little old.

I thought to myself, if my father in the previous life hadn't died in the line of duty, it should be like this.

Feeling a little emotional for a while.


At this moment, the mobile phone on the coffee table suddenly turned on.

The app that could not be opened for three years, started by himself on the first day of his adulthood.

Chen Yu sobered up instantly.

Hastily picked up the phone.

I saw a few lines of black characters jump out of the phone screen.

[Warrior on-hook simulator is running...]

[The current scene where you can hang up: Fighting Arena! ]