
"Friend" turned "best friend".

After all this nonsense, i finally found someone who was talking me for real and was asking me if I'm okay. I found that really pleasing and i was so happy that somebody wants to know if I'm okay. That hatred towards people was slowly turning into a totally different feeling. I thought to myself that there still are people who want to talk to me and want to know about my likes and dislikes. I acted very cool and happy in front of him at first but how much can you lie to a person who is being so nice to you when nobody was even interested in talking to you or looking at you. I could control but i chose not to because it was high time at that age that i take out everything inside my mind and not carry that much baggage inside of me for such a long duration. I was just a teenager. I wanted to speak my heart out and i wanted to tell him everything and tell exactly how i felt. I decided i should not stop myself and go ahead and tell everything because why not. I told him everything word to word and did not hesitate even a little bit and kept on speaking for a really long time. He was calmly listening to me and i didn't feel anything else other than taking out my frustrated feelings and just speaking my heart out and nobody could stop me at that time. Finally there came a time when i stopped and he asked me if i felt better. I cannot tell you exactly what i was feeling then but i can simply say that i was shocked that this person did not mind anything i just said and on top of that he kept asking am i alright. I was in such a shock that i started laughing like crazy and said dude you don't need to be modest. If you want you can leave because i don't think anybody would like to stay with me after listening to all of this anger and especially after knowing that I'm fat and ugly. As teenagers, the only thought which came to our minds or at least came to my mind was that if someone's fat and not good looking like me, i am non-existent and i am just a laughing material for them and nothing else, my life was nothing but a joke and i had no interest living that kind of life because as a teenager, everybody else's approval was all that mattered. But nobody had ever asked me if i felt better. I was on top of the world, obviously. He was also happy that he is the reason for my happiness. It felt really special and it was almost an invisible hug to me. We were besties and inseparable from that day. And he was treating my negatives as my strength and saying that god created you like this for a reason and he asked me not to change myself and be like this forever and he liked me as it is. I thought friends should be like this and be together in bad times. I was very happy to have found my best friend in him.