
I Can Copy Talents Unlimitedly

Jiang Lei, a young man from Earth, dies under mysterious circumstances and wakes up in a new world. A world where martial arts is the supreme path, cultivators defy the heavens and ancient secrets lurk in the shadows. He finds himself in the body of another Jiang Lei, an outer sect disciple of the Azure Sect who also died mysteriously. He finds that he has a system—the Supreme Copy System—that allows him to copy the abilities of anyone he touches. With this system, he hopes to become stronger and survive in this ruthless world. But he soon realizes that this is not as easy as he thought. A dark conspiracy is brewing behind the scenes, and he faces enemies from all the sides. Will he be able to overcome the challenges and reach the peak of cultivation? Or will he fall victim to the schemes of his enemies and lose his life? Follow Jiang Lei's journey as he copies various talents and skills from beasts, humans and even divine beings, and leads his way to the eternal invincibility. [Congratulations to the Host for successfully touching Li Xun and obtaining Intermediate Level- Fire Talent.] [Congratulations to the Host for successfully touching the Inferno Lion and obtaining High Level -Fire Talent.] [Congratulations to the Host for successfully touching Sword God and obtaining Ultimate Dao of Sword Talent.]

Supreme_V · 東方
158 Chs

Chapter 21: Infernal Showdown

Chapter 21: Infernal Showdown

Both crimson bolts locked onto Jiang Lei, their sheer presence overwhelming him to the point of breathlessness.

"Swoosh" "Swoosh"

In an instant, both bolts shot towards Jiang Lei at an incredible speed, causing his heart to race. Ignoring his injuries, he unleashed his Ember Steps and swiftly evaded.


The bolts collided where Jiang Lei had stood moments ago, creating a deafening noise that sent shockwaves rippling within a hundred-meter radius.


The shockwave struck Jiang Lei, nearly tearing his internal organs apart. His face contorted in agony as he murmured, "If this continues, I won't survive even a minute, let alone ten."

When he was thinking about the plan , three bolts materialized before him, each radiating even greater power than before.

Jiang lei's mind raced and quickly tried to think a way,but he couldn't think of one, in desperation, he didn't have any choice except asking system.

"System, do you have any way to get me out of this situation."

["System: Master, you should use system points to improve your skills.]

Jiang Lei got frustrated listening this, "I also know about this, but do you think, I have enough time to learn here, these bolts will kill me before that.

[System: Master if you will use high amount of system points to learn a low level skill, you can learn it without practicing it.]

"Is it so!" Jiang lei's eyes shined as he saw the hope, He quickly said "System, improve my mastery over Ember Steps quickly."

[System : Congratulations to the master for consuming Eight hundred system points and successfully learning 'Ember Steps' to the "Perfected Stage.]

Suddenly, a flood of information rushed into Jiang Lei's mind, and he comprehended complex aspects of the technique that had previously eluded him.

Unlike 'Insight Mode,' where he needed to painstakingly learn and understand each technique, this was different. He didn't need to learn; it was as if he had practiced these moves for years.

The difference is like a ten year old child learning Quantum Mechanics and the same ten year old child learning alphabets, the later is far more easier than the former one.

"Whoosh" "Whoosh" "Whoosh"

The Bolts had already attached on him , making tearing sounds on the way it went.

The conversation was happened in mind and the information was also passed directly to the brain, so even though it may seem like it all took a while, in reality not even a second has passed yet.

Jiang lei quickly reacted, his Ember Steps has reached to the Perfected Stage and it has increased his speed drastically.

Perfected Stage is not something anyone can reach just because they want , to reach this stage, either a cultivator should be the creator of the technique or his talent should be far better than the creator.

This is also the reason that why a talent like Li xun also couldn't reach this stage


Jiang lei leaved the place where he was before even the bolt couldn't come close to Jiang lei.


All three bolts crashed into each other, creating an even more potent shockwave. However, Jiang Lei, who had mastered the "Ember Steps," had already escaped the shockwave's reach.

Jiang Lei gazed upon the bolts colliding, his expression darkening. He silently swore to himself, "Don't let me discover who created all this, or I'll make them play their own game.

The intensity of shockwave was very strong, he was certain that even if he were at its edge, it would nearly kill him if not completely.

But Jiang lei didn't have the time to think about the games he will play with that person, he was attacked with the bolt again, this time it was four.

"It seems that each time I will dodge one bolt will increase". Jiang Lei pondered while dodging the attack.

As if it wanted to make fun of Jiang Lei, this time the bolt didn't increase one but two and even it's speed also increased greater.


Jiang lei again dodged the attack , although the speed of these bolts had increased, it was still far slower than his.


The bolts relentlessly pursued Jiang Lei, their numbers multiplying - ten, twenty, thirty, forty, eighty.

Jiang Lei had become numb to the dodging and counting, now he can't feel anything, he is Just rushing here and there in his own unfamiliar mind.

But this time, an eerie silence fell upon the dark realm. Jiang Lei's heart raced as he sensed that this silence was merely the calm before a devastating storm.

Suddenly, the dark surroundings were bathed in an intense, blinding light, as if a sun had emerged in the midst of a moonless night.

Jiang lei's eyes widened in horror as he saw the upcoming bolt, the previous bot were just around two to three meters long, but it was at least thirty meter long, its size can be compared to that monster .

"What in the world is this?" Jiang Lei's voice quivered with fear, barely audible even to himself.

The sharp pointed needle of the bolt locked at Jiang lei, Suddenly he felt that his surrounding space was sealed and he couldn't even move his fingers.

He felt like, he is caged and he has nowhere to go.

The bolt aimed at jiang lei and shot at him, it's speed was very very slow ,so slow that he could dodge this attack without even using his Ember Steps but now he can't even move his fingers in this situation, let alone save himself.

Desperation seeping into his voice, he shouted at the system, "System, quickly add all my remaining points to my cultivation!"

As he said, Jiang Lei felt a surge of power coursing through him, and the restraints that had bound him began to loosen.

Simultaneously, a pair of notifications rang in his ears:

"Congratulations to the master for consuming 100 system points and successfully ascending to the tenth level of the Mortal Realm."

"Congratulations to the master for consuming 100 system points and successfully ascending to the Eleventh level of the Mortal Realm."

The power surging through him made Jiang Lei feel invincible, ,he felt there is no limit to his strength, The once-unyielding restraints around him now felt as if they were loosening their grip.

He didn't dare to waste the time any longer so he quickly left the place as soon as possible.


The time he left the place ,a deafening sonic boom resonated, nearly deafening him.

But even as he caught his breath, the voice whispered in his ear, piercing through his relief, "Congratulations, Jiang Lei. You've exceeded my expectations. However, remember..." .

'Shut up'

"Huff," Exhausted and out of breath, Jiang Lei's voice trembled with frustration as he shouted towards the empty darkness, "What kind of twisted trial is this? You wanted me to die!"

"I refuse to participate any longer. I quit!"

The voice was quite silent for a moment before continuing

"Jiang Lei ,I had already told you about it, now you can't blame me for this , Remember, this is your choice and you have to face the consequences of your choice".

"You have already passed the first trial, faster than my expectations", and you really surprised me ".

"But Remember that your next trial will be just stronger than former".

"Your first trial was about your speed, and now your second trial is about your strength".

'Shuuut up'

""Can you not hear me? I won't participate in your sick games. Just let me leave!"

The intial emotionless voice suddenly became cold

"You don't have any choice , either proceed or perish , now I will give you an option, do you want to continue the trial or not.if you want to, then it's ok, but if you don't" the voice became even more colder than before "Then I am sorry to say , you already know about my existence, so I have no other option other than killing you"

Now choice is yours, do you want to continue the trial or die.

Jiang lei stared at the void, If his eyes could kill , the owner of the voice should have died countless times by now.

He took a deap breath and looked at the voice with cold eyes, . "I'll continue the trial, but remember this: if I manage to get out of here and find you, I'll make you pay a hundredfold for this."

The voice replied calmly, "You don't have that strength yet. Let's talk about it when you do. For now, prepare yourself for your next trial."

With those words, an ominous figure materialized before Jiang Lei's eyes.


"Your next trial, defeat this monster."

The scene around him changed and he found himself on something like a forest.

Before him stood a huge lion, majestic and powerful. Its fur had colors like deep red and gold, looking like flames. It can catch everyone's attention with its fiery appearance.

The lion's body looked strong and commanding. Its eyes shone brightly, showing its strong energy.

Under its fur, glowing patterns of light could be seen, showing it had control over nature's elements.

Its mane flowed like fire, representing its connection with fire. It seemed powerful and otherworldly.

The lion's body looked balanced and strong, its movements fluid yet solid. Its steps made the ground tremble slightly.

On its forehead, there was a glowing mark that showed its important lineage and powerful status.

When it roared, the sound echoed, and the air seemed to vibrate in response.

Jiang lei looked at the system panel of this monster.

Monster: Inferno Sovereign Lion

Cultivation: Eleventh Level of Mortal Realm

Current Combat Power: Sixth Level of Qi condensation

Skills: Inferno Roar, Blazestrike Slash

Talents: High-Level Fire Talent , High-Level Power Talent (Locked)

When he was wondering that how to defeat this monster, system's voice came to his ears.

["Congratulations to the master for successfuly activating the system task- Defeat this monster and reward 5000 system points".]

Jiang lei listens to the system's voice but he didn't show any exicetment, because this mission is almost like impossible but ....he still had a hope.

Jiang lei gripped his sword and attacked at the monster, the monster was stronger than him so it's better to not let it take initiative to attack him.


The lion responded with an angry roar. How dare this mere human challenge its authority? It considered Jiang Lei's actions a naked provocation.

Amidst the lion's roar, a surge of energy gathered within its mighty chest. Flames swirled and condensed, forming a colossal crimson fireball. It seemed to materialize from the very core of the lion's being, a manifestation of its incendiary power.

With an authoritative thrust of its head, the lion unleashed the fireball towards Jiang Lei. The air crackled as the fireball surged toward Jiang Lei, its radiant glow casting an eerie light across the battlefield.

Jiang Lei could feel the strong force coming through this fireball, so he immediately changed his attack in defence.

He focused and channeled his Fire Burst technique into a barrier of energy. The fireball collided with the barrier, a collision of titanic forces that sent shockwaves echoing through the surroundings.

Thump, thump, thump...

Jiang Lei was pushed back several steps by the sheer force of the collision. His hand trembled, the impact resonating through his entire body.


The monster roared again and he again launched two fireballs on Jiang Lei in succession, both fireballs were bigger and stronger than before.

"Fire Burst Technique"

Jiang lei immediately attacked with his sword on the fireball with all his might and made a barrier to stop the fireball.


The sword and the fireball collided and a strong sound resonated in the surrounding, the sword was immediately broken with the impact, but the fireball was still shooting towards Jiang lei.


Fireball collided with the barrier again and he was sent flying with the force ,and he spurted some mouthful of blood.


The lion, however, was far from satisfied. It roared once more, the Lion felt that he had lost all his face today, he can't even kill a human at Eleventh level of mortal realm even after he has attacked two times.

If his clan members knew about this, he will be so ashamed that he will die from shame.

Now, he can't let this human live any longer, he immediately used his strongest skill the Blazerstrike slash.

The space around Jiang lei trembled and he knew that he can't dodge this attack.

But Jiang Lei never wanted to dodge this attack, a smile appeared in Jiang Lei's mouth and he also shot himself at the monster striking with his fist to attack at the monster's claw.

If someone saw him doing like this, they will think that he is courting death but only jiang Lei knew that this is his last chance, Success meant survival; failure meant death.

Jiang lei attacked with his complete force, he didn't use slightest energy to protect himself, he used all his strength to make a strong attack.


The two brutal force collided with each other, Jiang Lei's attack had already reached to the third level of Qi condensation but it was still not enough to be a opponent of this collosal monster.


He was sent flying hundreds of meters, and landed heavily on the ground, blood gushing out of his body but still even after being in such a miserable situation, a smile appeared on his face.