
Chapter 1: She Woke up        

Essex, Connecticut, City hospital

Ryn was sitting beside the bed hold in her hand he looked at her beautiful face, flawless and perfect pale complexion and her long thick eyelashes touching her the skin just below her eyes. Her full lips as red as rose and her slightly raised cheekbones. She looked like a princess. Her chest rose and fell slowly as she was breathing. She looked like a sleeping beauty.

Ryn closed his eyes and thought how happy he was just three months ago. His life was filled with joy but everything changed because of one incident, just that one incident...

He was yanked from his thoughts by some movement, by her movement he saw the little hand in his hand was moving its little fingers were wriggling, not understanding what to do he quickly pressed the button near her bed the, bell rang and then within a minute the Doctor came in with two nurse he quickly came and stood near Ryn and asked, "What happened here, is the patient okay?"

Ryn quickly blurted, "She moved doctor! She moved!"

"What! Are you sure? Or did you hallucinate things because from the last three months she has shown no movement or any sign of improvement."

"Of course doctor! I saw her hand moving with my own eyes!" Ryn exclaimed

Without any further argument the doctor quickly checked her pulse and started monitoring her heartbeat. And then he picked up an injection filled with some liquid and emptied it into her saline.

And then there was a beep sound coming from the machine that was monitoring her heartbeat. After hearing that sound Ryn panicked and shouted fiercely at the doctor "What did you do to her? If anything happens to her I will kill you. You~"

"Mr. Lakewood you are interfering with our treatment and it may risk our patient's life. So please go out." Interrupted the doctor and gave him a meaningful look and asked the nurse to remove him from the room.

Ryn was waiting outside her room; it had been a few minutes since he was removed out of the room. Then he quickly removed his phone from pocket and dialled a number. It was answered on the fourth ring and then before the person on line could speak Ryn quickly said, "Mom, she moved! She moved! The doctor is doing some treatment, she may wake up mom. She may wake up!"

There was a silence on the other side and after a few seconds, a soft voice filled with joy answered, "Son, are you sure? She may wake! Oh my god let not this be a dream…"

"No mom it's not a dream! Quickly come to hospital with dad, mom quickly…"

"Yes, yes son your dad and I are coming…, we are just coming"

Then Ryn ended the call. And just then the nurse came out and said, "Sir, please come in the patient may wake any time."

Ryn nodded his head and went in and their doctor was checking her pulse. He went and stood beside the doctor and then after the doctor was done he asked him, "Doctor how is her condition, when will she wake up, is there any complication?"

The doctor answered, "No there are no complications and there are chances that she may wake up in the next 15 hours, if not we cannot say anything."

"Doctor, I-I apologize for my behaviour, I-I was panicked and said those things in anger, I am really sorry and thank you."

"Not to mention but I have heard worse, I understand" the doctor said with a light smile.

Then in a shrill voice the nurse called out, "Doctor! Doctor! She's waking! She's waking!"

Both doctor and Ryn snapped heads in the patient's direction and saw her eyelids fluttering and then she slowly opened her eyes.

As soon as she opened her eyes she saw a blurred face hovering in front of her. She blinked a few times to focus her vision. She looked at them intently and saw joy and worry mixed displayed on their faces.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

my grammer is not so perfect, plz point out my mistakes, i will work hard to improve myself

kristi_bookbugcreators' thoughts