
I Can't Love You, Talik

#EnemiesToLovers Years ago, Therman Blake and Daliana were in a relationship that produced a daughter. However, it was a toxic relationship that had a drastic end. Daliana was left devastated when Therman left her to the ill fate that he'd put her in. Then, Deveron came to her rescue and healed the gaping wound that his best friend had left in the heart and soul of Daliana Mills. A generation later, Therman had adopted a son with the trophy wife that he'd married -- his second marriage -- Talik Blake. Now, Talik met a stunningly gorgeous lady, Hanita, who he couldn't get off his mind even though she was a thorn in his flesh at their workplace. Soon, he found himself taking home thoughts about Hanita -- imagining fantasies about her. Hanita, on the other hand, hated Talik's guts. He was a good-looking man and was fully aware of that fact -- it irked her. Women in the office threw themselves at him and she wondered why. 'He wasn't all that,' she would often think to herself. However, after they'd been assigned to do a job together, Hanita noticed that she'd been too hasty to conclude about Talik. She told her mother and half-sister about her 'co-worker' and it simply went downhill from there. * * * Join me on this turbulent journey :)

FantasyL · 都市
34 Chs

Daliana's Diagnosis

The meeting during the lunch break went well and Hanita could feel Talik's gaze on her most of the time. There was a certain time that she'd locked eyes with Brenda and met a wink from her. Hanita rolled her eyes at Brenda and continued with the presentation she was delivering. She couldn't understand what the big fuss was about and didn't even want to delve into the issue. But Hanita knew that she'd be hearing from Brenda soon enough -- and that was something that she didn't look forward to. It was bad enough that Brenda was on the team that was traveling to North Carolina.

"We are set then," Talik stated after the meeting. "This task would be fun..."

"And hard..." Hanita added. "Definitely not going to be a walk in the park."

"Sure..." responded Talik. "But having you there would make it easier..."

"Don't patronize me, young man, " Hanita joked.

"Oh?" Talik said, a little taken aback by her jab. Still, it gave him a sense of comfort that she had joked with him. Talik couldn't understand what was wrong with him. All he knew and was sure about was that he wanted to be friends -- good friends with Hanita.

That afternoon, they had lunch together, sitting at the same table in the cafeteria. To say that they were being watched by people would have been an understatement and Hanita was somewhat uncomfortable. There were whispers around them and the atmosphere in the place was heavy. Hanita was lucky that she had not choked on her food because of all the stares that they -- she was getting. She felt exasperated.

And it didn't go unnoticed by Talik. "People are staring..." he stated.

"And I wonder why..." Hanita replied sarcastically with a roll of her eyes.

Talik's brows furrowed. He was confused as to why Hanita sounded the way she did. "Do you think it's my fault then?" he asked with a small smile on his face after he'd eased a little bit.

"Of course it is..." Hanita replied. "I wonder how many of these ladies you'd carried on that private jet of yours..." she said. Immediately. she regretted making that statement as she felt that she'd sounded a tad bit jealous.

Talik's brow went up as he considered what Hanita had just said. He bit into his sandwich while he tried to stifle a smile.

Hanita noticed that and quickly said; "Don't mind what I just said. It's just that-"

"Oh... there's nothing wrong with what you said but I'd like to correct that thought," Talik replied, cutting her off. "I haven't carried anyone in the jet before and I haven't invited anyone to fly with me either..."

"Not like I care, Talik," Hanita said. "Honestly."

"Fair enough..."

After that, they finished their meals in silence and Talik walked Hanita to her office.

"We've got tomorrow off to prepare for the trip, " Talik said.


"Can I call you then?"

"If I say no, would you listen?" Hanita asked.



Talik smiled. "Alright. Talk to you later, Hanita." He had the urge to take her hand and place a kiss on the back of her palm. But on second thought, Talik thought against it. He wanted Hanita to ease into him first before he started any contact. he didn't want -- and dreaded the thought of her staying away from him because of whatever reason. Talik winked at her and turned away.

She watched the tall man walking away from her and Hanita had to admit that he was some fine specimen.

'No wonder people drooled over him,' she thought. Catching herself, she blinked severally and opened the door to her office.

Hanita was glad that she'd get to rest a little the next day before their journey. However, her mind drifted to her mother and she wondered what the result from the hospital might be. Her heart skipped a beat as she thought bout it and somewhere within her, Hanita was anxious to return home. It was as if she wanted to work more and delay the time she'd have to return home. She feared bad news and thought that stalling would change something -- perhaps the outcome of her mother's tests.

Hanita sighed. There was not much work to do in the office. She had to go home.

A few hours later, Hanita was home and feeling tired. She felt weighed down by her worries and even the train ride back home didn't help matters. The whole place had been jampacked and she'd had to stand during the whole tip. It had been exhausting and she felt like soaking in a hot bath right now.

Fixing her key into the keyhole of the door, she turned and pushed the doorknob, opening the door. Usually, Daliana would be busy in the kitchen and one could tell from the aroma that they'd meet upon entering the house. But today was different. The house was quiet and smelled normal -- there was no food cooking or baking in the oven.

"Mum?!" Hanita called.

There was no response.

She dropped her laptop back on the couch and went up the stairs after grabbing a string to pack up her full hair. Hanita placed her ear on the door of her parent's room and picked up some mumbling sounds.

'They were inside,' she thought with as some relief washed over her. Still, she was scared to open the door and to hear what report Deveron and Daliana had.

Hanita knocked gently on the white door.

"Yes?" Deveron said from inside the room.

The door opened and Hanita greeted her father.

"When did you come in, darling?" Deveron asked with a smile.

However, Hanita could tell that was a forced smile as his eyes hadn't smiled with his lips. She could tell that something was wrong -- really wrong. Her heart began to slam against her chest. Hanita bent to the side and peeped into their large room.

"How's mum?" she asked in a low and shaky voice.