
Chapter 1

Darkness. A girl who looked like myself appeared in front of me, kneeling on the ground as she held her face. She was crying. There were giggles in my ears as tears flowed down her cheeks. She looked up and saw me, desperation showing in her eyes. She reached out her arm toward me. "Help!"

"Lily! Lily! Wake up, you idiot! We're going to be late for class!" A voice, far away, said to me. The girl kneeling was still there, slowly crawling towards me. I backed away. "I can't escape." Those last words rang in my ears as she faded away.

My roommate, Heather, was standing over me, shaking me. "What?" I demanded as I sat up, rubbing my eyes. I pushed the thoughts of my dream away. "We are going to be late for class!" Heather said in a panicked voice. When I heard those words, I sprang out of bed. I grabbed my clock. 6:45 a.m.. There was 15 minutes left, before class started. "Heather! Why didn't you tell me?" I dashed to-and-fro, getting ready for school. "I was trying to tell you that, but you were snoozing off like a hibernating bear." She sighed in mock frustration. Once I was ready, I rushed to our dorm room entrance. "Ready?" I asked. "Your hair is like a bird's nest! It's so messy!" She grabbed her comb and started combing my short hair, but I brushed her off. "Jeez, Heather. It's fine! We're going to be late!" It was 6:57 a.m., 3 minutes until Literature started. "Let's go!"

Fortunately, we arrived just before the professor, Professor Luna, arrived. "Alright, class! Let's start off this lesson on page 69 of your textbook!" After class ended, we had a 5 minute break, which we could spend freely. Heather and I, went back to our dorm room, to switch out our Biology textbooks with our Geography textbooks. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted 6/9 on my calendar, signifying the date, the 6th of September. Plus, if you removed the slash, it would become 69, the number Professor Lunar asked us to turn our Biology textbook pages to. How coincidental!